大家都知道雅思口語考試的四項評分標準之一就是lexical resource,即詞匯資源的使用。在高分標準中(7, 8, 9分)都要求produce less common expressions and use sofisticated vocabulary skilfully,也就是要求能夠熟練使用不高頻出現(xiàn)的復雜詞匯。雅思口語考試中詞匯使用得越難越好嗎?下面為大家分享相關內(nèi)容,希望對大家有幫助。


今天要分享的是另外一個超級喜歡的呆萌的老朋友Joey。Joey主動要為Monica和Chandler夫婦recommendation letter for adoption agency領養(yǎng)申請,看他鬧出來的笑話是不是很像我們雅思口語中嚼文嚼字的伙伴們呢?


Hey I finished my recommendation Here我的推薦函寫好了,拿去

And I think youll be very, very happy我想你們會非常滿意

Its the longest I ever spent on a computer without looking at porn這是我除了看色情照片外花在電腦上最久的時間了

I dont understand我看不懂

Some of the words a little too sophisticated for you?有些字對你來說太難了嗎?

It doesnt make any sense這封信根本說不通啊

Well, of course it does. Its smart. I used a thesaurus當然說的通,這封信很聰明的 我用了〝詞庫〞

On every word? 每個字都用嗎?Yep 對

All right, what was this sentence originally?這一句本來是什么意思?

They are warm, nice people with big hearts 〝他們是最溫暖 心胸最寬闊的好人〞

And that became, They are humid, prepossessing Homo sapiens變成〝他們是潮濕 又給人好成的人類

with full-sized aortic pumps 有著全尺寸的大動脈〞(醫(yī)學上的表達)

Yeah Yeah. And hey, I really mean it, dude對,而且我真的這樣覺得,老兄

All right, Joey, I dont think we can use this.喬伊,我想這封信不能用

Why not? Well, because you signed it:為什么不能?因為你的簽名是

Baby Kangaroo Tribbiani 寶貝袋鼠崔比亞尼〞(因為有一個卡通袋鼠形象也叫Joey,所以Joey用詞庫查到自己的名字的高級替代了)

Why dont you stop worrying about sounding smart and just be yourself?為什么你不能別在乎聰不聰明 當你自己就好?

You dont need a thesaurus Just write from here你不需要字庫 只要從這里寫出來就好

Your full-sized aortic pump你的全尺寸大動脈


Joey的長難詞讓人啼笑皆非,晦澀難懂,雖然比較夸張,但雅思口語中很多學生會被高級替代所迷惑,從而走上了無人能懂的不歸路, 回頭是岸吧小伙伴們!


That being said(雖然說了這么多, 但是。。。)替代是要有的!他是單詞評分標準中豐富度的體現(xiàn),所以那些替代是高頻使用并且能夠highlight(高亮)我們的表達呢?



I am tired.---I am beat.

I am busy.---I am tied up.

I am bored.---I am tired of

I am happy.----I am over the moon./ on cloud nine.

I dont feel good today.I am under the weather today./ I am not myself today.

I dont like him.---he gives me a headache.

I am angry.---I am really worked up now.

I cant remember it.It slipped my mind.

The movie is bad.---The movie is lousy.


