期待已久的Damien Rice新專輯《9》終于要于11月14日發(fā)行了,先來聽一下專輯中的幾首歌曲,久違的Damien Rice的真摯的聲音。專輯非常值得期待,里面的幾首泄露單曲也得到了廣大樂迷的喜愛。

“Damien Rice and Lisa Hannigan - 9 Crimes” Lyrics?

Leave me out with the waste
This is not what i do
It's the wrong kind of place
To be thinking of you
It's the wrong time
For somebody new
It's a small crime
And i've got no exuse

Is that alright?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright?
If u dont shoot it how am i supposed to hold it
Is that alright?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright
Is that alright with u?

Leave me out with the waste
This is not what i do
It's the wrong kind of place
To be cheating on you
It's the wrong time
but she's pulling me through
It's a small crime
And I've got no exuse

Is that alright?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright?
If u dont shoot it how am i supposed to hold it
Is that alright?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright
Is that alright with u?

Is that alright?
Is that alright?
Is that alright with u?
Is that alright?
Is that alright?
Is that alright with u?


一位游移在都市吟唱的詩人歌手,帶出最簡單自然的生命樂章,感動渲染清新脫俗且優(yōu)雅氣質(zhì)的魅力存在,他釋放出的單純音符,讓城市每個角落的寂寞靈魂,在Damien Rice歌曲中找到溫暖依歸。還記得藉由朱莉亞羅勃玆、裘德洛以及娜塔莉波曼等大明星包裝電影"偷情"主題音樂之襯托,勾引出那股心痛、難過、孤獨等情感,在Damien的聲音驅(qū)使下,配入一播弦、一彈琴的原音流露,為情愛世界的酸甜苦辣編織出一幅幅深刻圖像。

1994年,當(dāng)Damien Rice與Brian Crosby、Dominic Phillips、Paul Noonan四位來自愛爾蘭的年輕小伙子,於高中時期便一同組織搖滾樂團Juniper展開創(chuàng)作練習(xí),上了大學(xué)後僅能在一些婚禮、吵雜的Bar中演唱,不久認識了專門翻唱Neil Diamond和Roxette的<Dave Geraghty>,進而邀請他一同加入樂團。1997年Juniper跟Polygram簽下合約,發(fā)行多首引人注目的單曲及專輯,1999年正當(dāng)他們與Manic Street Preachers的名製作人合作新專輯之際,Damien在彼此音樂理念仍有差異下,選擇離團單飛。

並未汲汲籌備個人專輯的Damien,反而一個人流浪到歐洲,做起街頭賣唱藝人,利用賣唱賺來的錢與朋友資助些許\資金添購簡陋錄音器材,完全DIY錄製創(chuàng)作DEMO帶,輾轉(zhuǎn)獲得製作人兼電影配樂大師David Arnold喜愛與鼓勵。2002年發(fā)行個人專輯《O》,英國銷售突破三白金,全球破1千5百萬張,獲得洛杉磯時報讚譽『藝術(shù)性格風(fēng)采跟Jeff Buckley、Thom Yorke並駕齊驅(qū)』、AMG稱讚『近乎天才的作品』。

這位慢工出細活的才子,睽違長達四年終告出版第二張作品《9》,仍然一貫民謠式簡約風(fēng)格,由Damien一肩扛起填詞譜曲、製作、混音與多項樂器演奏之責(zé)。首支單曲<9 Crimes>,由Damien偕同美麗女聲Lisa Hannigan合作演唱,以鋼琴作基調(diào),舒緩但是帶著些許\悽涼味覺,一陣椎心刺痛感伴隨弦樂襯入而逐步顯現(xiàn);以空心吉他伴奏的<Elephant>,在Damien極具感染力的聲音帶領(lǐng)下,情緒漸漸攀升,到了後段轉(zhuǎn)入激昂節(jié)奏一湧而上,頓時沸騰至頂點的悸動已無法自拔的全然宣洩;雖然有著流暢動人音符包裹的<Rootless Tree>,卻潛藏著不安的焦躁情感;持續(xù)不斷打擊你聆聽神經(jīng)的<Me My Yoke And I>,跳著扭曲聲調(diào)與狂噪音頻,散射出瀕臨崩潰邊緣的強烈衝擊;末曲<Sleep Don’t Weep>,再次交由Damien和Lisa完美演出,呼應(yīng)首曲的迷濛淒美感,為此輯留下一猶未盡的驚嘆號,毫不矯情做作交出如此輕易打動人心的精緻小品。



1. 9 Crimes
2. The Animals Were Gone
3. Elephant
4. Rootless Tree
5. Dogs
6. Coconut Skins
7. Me, My Yoke And I
8. Grey Room
9. Accidental Babies
10. Sleep Don't Weep


The Rat Within The Grain





Damien Rice的電影原聲《偷心》The Blower's Daughter

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