1. 書寫清楚又認真
如果考官無法看懂你寫了什么,他如何能給你評分呢?書寫聽上去或許沒有那么重要,但是要記?。篒f your writing is too difficult to read, it might just earn you a zero!
2. 不要寫太多,也不要寫太少
眾所周知,雅思寫作有字數(shù)的要求。以大作文為例,如果未寫滿規(guī)定的至少250詞,視情況成績會受到不同程度的影響。當然也并不是說字數(shù)越多越好,比如大作文寫了260詞后,如果還有時間可以仔細檢查自己的文章,而不一定要努力沖刺到300詞。Remember that you are penalized1 for mistakes- that’s why they give you an eraser!
3. 忠于題目
寫作評分標準中最為重要的一項就是task achievement/task response,也就是說你的文章一定要緊扣題目,圍繞主題寫。If you write a whole paragraph2 that is unrelated to the question, it will not be marked.
4. 避免背誦模版
避免使用類似“with the development of technology…”陳詞濫調吧。 機械的背誦模版句是很容易被發(fā)現(xiàn)并拉低你的分數(shù)的。Always use your own words and ideas.
5. 使用書面用語
不用俚語,不用縮寫(如I’m,it’s ,you’ll ,etc),盡量避免使用人稱代詞,除非為了在大作文中表達你的立場。Remember this is an academic essay ,and these should still be very formal.
a. Universities usually limit the quantity of new students as well as their genders to create more effective performances of their students with regard to this gender trait. (5分學生作品)句子乍一看沒有語法問題,但詞語之間的邏輯混亂,導致理解障礙;
b. Secondly, even though using distance-learning programmes could provide any person with opportunities to learning knowledge in anywhere. While the computer or the study material post only can offer a correct answer or explain to students, the comprehension capability of every student varies from student to student, make it impossible for the computer to offer and explain catered to a students’ particular level of understanding.(5分學生作品)復雜句和簡單句都存在許多問題,寫作評分在5分段。上面的句式絕對不簡單,但是不是有一種看起來很高級、卻完全讀不懂的感覺。我們可以發(fā)現(xiàn)5分考生們的句式不但不簡單,還非常復雜,問題更多的是出在了句子的邏輯通順和理解上。
c. First of all, studying in school allows students to arrange their time reasonably to ensure efficient learning. Teachers in school provide fixed time table for studying. By contrast, study time via Internet is rather flexible; students have the freedom to study by themselves, but for students who lack self-control, their learning task might stay unfinished when the deadline comes.
特別提醒:如果大家想要了解更多英語方面知識,或者想要深入學習英語的,可以了解一下滬江網(wǎng)校精品課程,量身定制高效實用的個性化學習方案,專屬督導全程伴學。感興趣的可以掃一掃領200暢學卡 。