31. The majority of the current population in the UK are decedents of all the following tribes respectively EXCEPT
A. the Anglos
B. the Celts
C. the Jutes
D. the Saxons
32. The Head of State of Canada is represented by
A. the Monarch
B. the President
C. the Prime Minister
D. the Governor-general
33. The Declaration of Independence was written by
A. Thomas Jefferson
B. George Washington
C. Alexander Hamilton
D. James Madison
34. The original inhabitants of Australia were
A. the Red Indians
B. the Eskimos
C. the Aborigines
D. the Maoris
35. Which of the following novels was written by Emily Bronte?
A. Oliver Twist
B. Middlemarch
C. Jane Eyre
D. Wuthering Heights
36. William Butler Yeats was a(n) ______ poet and playwright.
A. American
B. Canadian
C. Irish
D. Australian
37. Death of a Salesman was written by
A. Arthur Miller
B. Ernest Hemingway
C. Ralph Ellison
D. James Baldwin
38. _______ refers to the study of the internal structure of words and the rules of word formation.
A. Phonology
B. Morphology?
C. Semantics
D. Sociolinguistics
39. The distinctive features of a speech variety may be all the following EXCEPT
A. lexical
B. syntactic
C. phonological
D. psycholinguistic
40. The word tail once referred to “the tail of a horse”, but now it is used to mean “the tail of any animal.” This is an example of
A. widening of meaning
B. narrowing of meaning
C. meaning shift
D. loss of meaning

Scientific and technological advances are enabling us to comprehend the furthest reaches of the cosmos, the most basic constituents of matter, and the miracle of life.
At the same time, today, the actions, and inaction, of human beings imperil not only life on the planet, but the very life of the planet.
Globalization is making the world smaller, faster and richer. Still, 9/11, avian flu, and Iran remind us that a smaller, faster world is not necessarily a safer world.
Our world is bursting with knowledge - but desperately in need of wisdom. Now, when sound bites are getting shorter, when instant messages crowd out essays, and when individual lives grow more frenzied, college graduates capable of deep reflection are what our world needs.
For all these reasons I believed - and I believe even more strongly today - in the unique and irreplaceable mission of universities.

From what has been said, it must be clear that no one can
make very positive statements about how language originated.
There is no material in any language today and in the earliest (1) and→or
records of ancient languages show us language in a new and (2) show→showing
emerging state. It is often said, of course, that the language (3) the
originated in cries of anger, fear, pain and pleasure, and the (4) and→but
necessary evidence is entirely lacking: there are no remote 
tribes, no ancient records, providing evidence of
a language with a large proportion of such cries (5) large→ larger?
than we find in English. it is true that the absence
of such evidence does not disprove the theory, but in (6) in→on
other grounds too the theory is not very attractive.
People of all races and languages make rather similar
noises in return to pain or pleasure. The fact that(7) return→response
such noises are similar on the lips of Frenchmen
and Malaysians whose languages are utterly different,
serves to emphasize on the fundamental difference(8)on
between these noises and language proper. We may
say that the cries of pain or chortles of amusement
are largely reflex actions, instinctive to∧large extent, (9) ∧a
whereas language proper does not consist of signs
but of these that have to be learnt and that are (10) these→those
Translate the underlined part of the following text into English. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE.