

n recent years, to get a certificate Why doesthis craze appear?

To begin with, it is the employment pressurethat forces college students to get more certificatesWith the admission expansion of colleges, a lotmore graduates have to face the fierce competitionin the job market. How can one make himself morecompetitive? More certificates at hand, maybe.Furthermore, diploma and certificates are still vita

standards by which a good many employers

measure a person's ability.In order to increase thequalifications for a job, the students compel

themselves to run from one exam to another

From my point of view, we should be morerationalwhen it comes to certificates,sincecertificates do not necessarily prove one's ability.Being crazy in getting certificates blindly is nothingbut wasting time.To conclude, we should focus onimproving our ability but not getting a certificate ofno practicalvalye


Frustration is unavoidable in life. Faced withfrustration, some people are defeated while othersconquer it and succeed.In the long history ofhuman beings,many people have set a goodexample for us.

Strong-minded person cannot be defeated is frustration that will breed successZhang Haidi is a case in point. Disabled as she is,she obtained the master degree in Philosophy andacquired four foreign languages.As far as we knowEdison had made experiments for eight thousandtimes on more than seven thousand kinds of

materials before the electric light was invented.Asthe old saying goes, our greatest glory consists notin falling, but in rising every time we fall.

Allin all,when the unexpected frustrationcomes, we must set up the courage to conquer it.Furthermore,we shoula learn from our failures sothat we steer ourselves through failures next timeand embark on the road to success.

In recent years, there are people in expandingnumbers who have participated in the test for civilservants.Millions of students choose civil servant astheir most ideal occupation after graduation.Andamong them, the high-educated, like masters anodoctors, take quite a large percentage.The craze incivil servant test has attracted widespread attention

The following fundamental causes can accountfor this kind of craze. First and foremost,nowadavscollege students face great employment pressureCivil servant, as one of the most stable professionsin today's China, becomes their preferable choiceMoreover, recently, the welfare and salary of civilservants have been improved greatly, whichundoubtedly attracts many people.Last but noteast, the high social position of civil servants is acrucial factor drawing many people to take part inthe civil servant test.

In my opinion, this craze in civil servant test willcontinue in the following years.However, from theong run, it does not do good to the development ofour most high quality talents gather in thegovernment departments, it might lead to a wasteof resources.Accordingly, both the individuals and the government should have a more objectiverecognition of the civil servant test cr


Years of reform and opening up to the outsideworld have witnessed an increasing popularity oftelephones in China. Telephones have enteredordinary households as a daily necessity.In manypublic places telephone service is available.Morepeople are equipped with cellular phones andbeepers.

Telephones reach out to users for theiradvantages,Dial-and talk operation makes commonfolks have access to them. Compared with letterwriting, telegraphy and other means ofcommunications,making phone callis easy andinteractive(互動的)In case of emergency, urgentmessage can be sent out immediatelyTelephones are indispensable to communicationbetween people.As a clear path of communicationsmaking phone calls connects people when they areapart.Telephone lines not only convey informationbut also glue all relationships. With this convenienttool of modern communication, people may be outof sight, but never out of mindaze


A recent survey, carried out by a Beijing-basedinformation company, has shown that two thirds ofthe Chinese college students today favor the idea ofsaving money for later use, whereas quite manyothers deem it much better to use tomorrow'smoney today.

Personally, I side with the former. Firstly, savingmoney can relieve one's anxiety in case of accidentsdisease or other mishaps.As we al know. when onefaces such tragedies as fir damage or fatal would need alarge amount of money to survivesuch difficulties.Secondly, saving money can giveone a sense of fulfillment. Since most people workhard every day, they will be quiet happy and

satisfied with his“achievement”when they find theyhave accumulated alarge deposit in the bank. Thirdly, saving money allows one to give a helpinghand to others. With money available at the

moment, one can offer badly needed help to thosein temporary difficulty, say, those who are sufferingfrom flood, famine, a car accident,or things likethat.Yet taking a loan from a bank is often toocostly. Thus, the timely help will be rewarded with gratitude.

A dependable friendship will eventually befostered.To sum up, saving money does have manyadvantages.Indeed,it is an important aspect of theChinese conception of virtue. Therefore, let's startsaving money from today on.


Online Games!

As a product of modern computer and thenternet,online games have become very popularamong college students. Many students haveenjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from thesegames. But as we see, some students lacking self-discipline are too much indulged in these games sothat their health and academic performances areaffected.This phenomenon has caused much worryfrom the teachers and parents.

However, some others argue that online gamesare not always harmful. They can train the ability ofyoungsters to respond to things quickly. Moreoverthey can stimulate their imagination and theirinterest in computer science. More importantly, itdoes bring college students much pleasure andrelease their pressure greatly.

From my point of view, online games are awonderful entertainment if you play them in a cleverway.When they interfere too much with your studyit is better for you to give them up at once. But ifyou have enough self-control over them, you cancertainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot fromthem.


The Most Impressive Course in My College.

When it comes to a course that leaves thedeepest impression in university, different peoplestand on different grounds. As for me, the mostimpressive course in college is“Appreciation ofEnglish Movies”, which I like best.I prefer thiscurriculum to others owing to the following factors.On one hand,the professor in charge of thiscourse has impressed me most because she is notonly knowledgeable but also patient.Moreimportantly, it is this respectable teacher who spursmy interest to English harder and broadens myhorizon as well.Until now, what she said in the classoften occurs to my mind. On the other hand, thereare many discussions in the classroom when wehave lessons.We are allowed to talk freely about amovie, the topic ranging from the theme of a film toits casting. So, during the talk, we becomeincreasingly open-minded.And undoubtedly a brainopen to everything carries great importance to

study, work and life.

Generally speaking, the course on appreciatingEnglish films has impressed me most for it is notonly instructive but also entertaining.And therefore. I suggest that more similar courses should be

offered in the university.


China has the history of more than 5,000 yearsand we are so proud of the profound culture. Everyyear, we are so looking forward to spending theholiday during the traditional festivals. They are theimportant part of Chinese traditional culture. But foryoung people, the meaning of these festivalis

fading away

When young people are asked about themeaning of traditional festival, some of them haveno idea.For example, some young people believethat Mid-autumn Festivalis to in honor of theancestors,or it is a day to eat mooncake. Actuallymost festivals have been advocated by thecommercialads,and they show people to buy moreproducts to spend the festivals happily. Some adstry to implant people the wrong idea about themeaning of to attract more customers

The loss meaning of traditional festivals bringsthe negative side to the preserve of traditionalculture.The mass media should advocate theessence of the festivals, so as to let the younggenerationlearn more about our culture and beproud ofit.


Todav the crime rate in soe cities of our countryis rising.Many citizens often complain about thethefts and robberies that have taken palce in theareas they live in and appeal to the governments atalllevels to take effective measures to reduce thecrime rate.

Faced with criminals,some people are sofrightened that they shamelessly give up the fightand other people turn a blind eye tothem.Howeversome people are brave enough,to risktheir lives to fight the criminals.Their fearless actionsprevented the criminals from doing evils,saved thevictims,and protected the public propertiesTo reduce the crime rate,we all the peopleshould first receive a law education.Criminals mustoe severely punished.Meanwhile we should set up afoundation to reward those who fiaht isalso important to call on people to learn from thoseheroes and encourage more people to stand up tocrime.


The earth is the mother of mankind, the survivalof mankind cannot leave her. Earth has taken aknock. How can we stand? He said my house on thewest side of the river! Previously, the stream on thebottom, there are a lot of fish, shrimp swimmingfreely in it, all day live a carefree life, the river is fullof vitality. At that time I like to play there. Now,because of the big cities site random discharge ofsewage, and people are constantly littering.Disappeared,the vibrant river became a smellysewage river,I don't like it!

Nowadays, many wild animals become a plateof food. Without these lovely animals, our life willbecome special boring. Rose up in the morningcant hear the birds chirping and crisp sound, that isbad!

Patches of forest became less factories. Theawn into a wasteland, beautiful grassland intodesert.Why is this? This is because people causedby deforestation.

Human survival depends on the environment,the environment depends on human protection. Dohumans have that moment didn't wake up until theend of the earth? I call on: to protect the environment! We act together.

