
ev. 意味著,暗指

例如:The word “food” may connote “greed”.(“food”這個詞可以含有“貪婪”的意思。)

iptv. 征召服兵役 n. 應(yīng)征入伍者

例如:He was conscripted into the army in 1939.(他是1939年應(yīng)征入伍的。)

ratev. 1. 使圣化 2. 奉獻

例如:Heconsecrated his life to helping the poor.(他獻身于幫助窮人。)

susn. (意見等的)一致,共識

nv. 1.寄售(貨品),托運2.委托,托付

例如:The captured rebels were consigned to the dungeons.(抓到的叛亂分子被送進了地牢。)

tiumn. 聯(lián)合,合伙,國際財團

ainv. 強迫,強制

例如:He was constraining his mind not to wander from the task.(他在克制著不讓自己在工作時分心。)

aintn. 約束力,束縛,限制

matea. 完美的

例如:We consummated an agreement after a year of negotiation.(經(jīng)過一年的談判, 我們達成了協(xié)議。)

gencyn. 偶發(fā)事件

例如:A fire in our warehouse was a contingency that we had not expected. (庫房的一場大火是我們始料未及的。)


n. pl)自傳,回憶錄

ndumn. 備忘錄,便函

n. 1. 威脅,危險2.討厭的人(或物)v. 威脅

例如:Two strangersmenaced him with pistols and forced him to give up his money.(兩個陌生人用手槍威脅他并強迫他拿出所有的錢。)

a. (工作)低賤的,枯燥的n. 做粗重工作的人

例如:He was forced to take a series of menial jobs.(他被迫做一連串瑣碎的雜活。)

itisn. 腦膜炎

uala. 月經(jīng)的

ula. 仁慈的,寬大的

例如:The merciful king saved him from death.(寬大的國王免他一死。)

yn. 1. 水銀(柱)2.水星

n. 有點,長處,功勞v. 應(yīng)得到,值得

例如:I think the suggestion merits consideration.(我認(rèn)為這個建議值得考慮。)

-go-roundn. (兒童玩的)旋轉(zhuǎn)木馬
