When the COVID-19 pandemic began its spread earlier this year, some of the worst horror stories about the disease came from people trapped on cruise ships. Unsurprisingly then, cruise companies were also some of the worst-hit businesses when the economic fallout from the pandemic began to hit.

But apparently the prospect of being stuck on a boat full of infected people isn’t enough to deter some people from going back out to sea as soon as possible, reports TMZ. The publication says a representative from Cruise Planners, an American Express travel company, has revealed bookings for Carnival Cruises in August have surged.
但據(jù)TMZ(娛樂新聞網(wǎng)站)報道,顯然,可能被困在滿是感染人群的船上這件事并不足以阻止有些人盡快又往海上跑。文章中說來自美國運通公司的旅游公司Cruise Planners的一名代表透露,八月份嘉年華游輪的預定量激增。

Last week Carnival announced that some of its cruises could resume in August. Since that announcement, the Cruise Planners representative says, Carnival bookings shot up 600% compared to the previous three days before news of August Carnival trips were announced.
上周嘉年華游輪公司宣布郵輪會在八月份恢復。Cruise Planners的這名代表說自從宣布這一消息以后,嘉年華游輪的預定量與宣布要恢復的之前三天相比暴增了600%。

However, what’s really surprising is that Cruise Planners says that August 2020 bookings are up 200% over August 2019 bookings—back when no one had any worries about being stuck on “death ships.”
但真正令人震驚的是Cruise Planners公司說2020年8月份的預定量比2019年同期增加了200%,但當時人們并不需要擔心會被困在“死亡之船”上。

So why the surge in bookings? The Cruise Planners representative said those making bookings were generally younger and healthy and thus “not a bit concerned about traveling at this time.” The rep also said a pent-up desire for traveling after being cooped up in lockdown for so long has played a part in the surge of bookings. Of course, the fact that you can also book a Carnival Cruise for as low as $28 a night might have something to do with the high number of August bookings, too.
那為什么預定量會激增呢?Cruise Planners的代表說預定的人大都是年輕健康的人,因此“一點都不擔心在此時出行”。該代表也說被困在家這么久產(chǎn)生的被壓抑的出行愿望是預定量激增的部分原因。當然嘉年華游輪一晚低至28美元的票價也導致了8月份預定量增多。

