匈牙利的另一道國菜是“漁夫湯”fisherman’s soup


Fisherman’s soup holds a similarly prominent place among the national dishes and, like goulash, it is cooked in a kettle over an open fire. The soup is prepared from mixed river fish (carp, catfish, perch or pike) and with a great amount of hot paprika, giving it the characteristic bright red color. It has numerous varieties, with a la Baja (made with thick pasta and mainly carp) or Szeged (made with four types of fish) being the most famous.
漁夫湯和菜燉牛肉一樣,在匈牙利國菜中占有同樣重要的地位,它是被放在水壺中,然后在明火上烹制而成。這道湯是用各種河魚(鯉魚、鯰魚、鱸魚或梭魚)和大量的紅辣椒粉做成的,辣椒粉使這道湯呈特有的鮮紅色。這道湯有多種類型,其中最著名的是la Baja(用粗面條和鯉魚制成,以鯉魚為主)或Szeged(用四種魚制成)。



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