3 Ellen Dean's story—Catherine and Heathcliff as children
3 艾倫·迪恩講述的故事——凱瑟琳和希斯克利夫的童年

1770 When I was a child,I was always at Wuthering? Heights,because my mother was a servant with the? Earnshaw family.They are a very old family who have lived in? that house for centuries,as you can see from their name on the? stone over the front door. I grew up with Catherine and? Hindley Earnshaw,and we three played together as children.
1770年 我小時候一直在呼嘯山莊,因為我母親在歐肖家做傭人。歐肖家是一個很古老的家族,在那幢宅子住了好幾百年,你能從門前石頭上刻著的名字看出來。我是同凱瑟琳和亨德雷·歐肖一起長大的,小時候我們仨都在一起玩兒。

One day,their father Mr Earnshaw came back from a long? journey. He had travelled sixty miles to Liverpool and back on? business,and was very tired.

Look what I've brought you!’he told us all,unwrapping? something he was holding carefully in his arms.Catherine and? Hindley were expecting presents,and they rushed eagerly to? see what it was. They were very disappointed to see only a? dirty,black-haired gipsy child.

解析:unwrap 的意思是打開、展開
eg:We unwraped the box carefully.

eagerly 急切地、渴望地、熱心地
eg:The children eagerly learn something new from the teacher every day.

‘I found him all alone in the busy streets of Liverpool,’Mr? Earnshaw explained to them,‘a(chǎn)nd I couldn't leave him to die. He can sleep in your room.’But Hindley and Catherine were? angry because they had not received any presents,and refused? to let the strange child share their room.However Mr Earn-shaw insisted,and little by little the boy became accepted by the family.He was called Heathcliff,as a first and last name.No one ever discovered who his parents had been.

解析:little by little 漸漸地、逐漸地
eg:We are?growing up little by little.

Catnerine and he became great friends,but Hindley hated? him,and was often cruel to him.Old Mr Earnshaw was strangely fond of this gipsy child,and frequently punished his son for behaving badly to Heathcliff.Hindley began to be jealous of his father's feelings for Heathcliff,and saw them both as enemies.

This situation could not last.As Mr Earnshaw grew old and ill,Heathcliff became even more his favourite,and Hindley often quarrelled with his father.When Hindley was sent away to study,I hoped that we would have peace in the house.But then it was that old servant Joseph who caused trouble.He tried to persuade his master to be stricter with the children,and was always complaining that Heathcliff and Catherine did not spend enough time studying the Bible or attending church services.

解析:cause 可以做名詞也可以做動詞,作名詞表示原因,事業(yè)的意思。作動詞表示引起、使……遭受,文章中詩作動詞。
eg:The resignation of the prime minister will cause much confusion.

Catherine was a wild,wicked girl in those days.We had to watch her every moment of the day,to stop her playing her tricks on us.She was proud,and liked giving orders.But she had the prettiest face and the sweetest smile you've ever seen.I could forgive her anything when she came to say she was sorry.