M: Maggie, can I borrow your notes for history? I’ll return them tomorrow.
W: Sorry, but I usually go to the cafeteria and review them. Why not copy them in the library?
M: OK.
W: Here you are.
M: You are a great help, Maggie.
W: I don’t quite understand a why you need my notes, Mark? You haven’t missed any classes.
M: To be honest, I work in supermarket from 7 to 10 o’clock every evening.
W: I see. So you’re pretty tired when you come to class.
M: That’s exactly why I want to borrow your notes. My notes aren’t very good.
W: So what do you usually do in class?
M: I’m always awake at the beginning, but thirty minutes after class begins I feel sleepy and have trouble keeping my eyes open.
W: Well, I need someone to study with and you need someone to keep you awake. Can we be study partners?
M: Oh sure. That’s a good idea. So give me a push when you see me sleeping in class.
W: OK. Let’s start today in the library. We are going there anyway and I don’t have to go to the cafeteria.
M: Sounds good.
W: Hello, Robert. How was your job-hunting going?
M: Well, I have an important interview on Saturday. Maybe you could give me some tips on how to make a good impression.
W: Sure. First, write down something about your education and work experience. Take it to the interview.
M: All right.
W: Also, you need to find as much information as you can about the company. You can do this in the library. Have they sent you some brochures?
M: Yes, but I can do it better on the Internet.
W: That’s a good idea. And another thing, mmm, be prepared to say why you would be good for the job.
M: Oh, yes. They may want to know what contributions I can make to the company.
W: And then don’t forget to prepare some questions that you would like to ask them. There’s usually time for that at the end of the interview.
M: Why should I ask some questions?
W: It always makes a good impression if you ask some questions about the job. It shows you really care about what kind of company you will work for.
M: Thank you so much for all your advice.
W: Hi, Mike. Are you going to the barbecue tonight?
M: Maybe.
W: Why maybe? Are you sure?
M: I don’t know. All those people, I won’t know anyone.
W: But that’s the idea. You go to these things to meet new people.
M: But I don’t think barbecue is the best way.
W: Why not?
M: Because it’s just hard to meet friends.
W: Well, I love meeting people in a big group because there are more possibilities.
M: But don’t you think it’s hard to get to know people? Besides, it’s noisy. You can’t always have a great conversation.
W: Then how do you like to meet people?
M: I think small groups are the best way to meet people. I meet the most interesting people in class. I see how they think and talk every day. If I like someone, then we might get together later on.
W: You’re such a serious guy. I met my best friend in the sports club. We came to know we had a lot in common. If you ask me, big parties are the best way to meet people.
M: Well, maybe. Mmm, I should try my chances of the barbecue. I’ll see you tonight, Mary.
W: British families started going on holiday to the seaside around the middle of the 19th century. The invention of the railways made this possible. The first holidaymakers were quite rich and?????? went for their health and education. The seaside was a place to be cured of illness. And doctors recommended bathing in the sea and drinking sea water. At that time ordinary working people had very little time off work. However, in 1871 the government introduced four “Bank Holidays”, that is national holidays. This allowed people to have a day or two out now and then, which gave them a taste for leisure and seaside. At first, they went on day-trips, taking advantage of special trip tickets on the railways. By the 1880s, rising incomes meant that many ordinary workers and their families could have week’s holiday at the seaside. Welfare was reduced and cheap hotels were built for them. Holidaymakers enjoy sitting on the beach, bathing in the sea and eating ice-cream. Cheap entertainment was an offer and holidaymakers went to have fun. Today the English seaside remains popular with more than 18 million holidays taken there each year.
W: So, you’re going back to the United States tomorrow.
M: Yes, that’s correct. I’m flying home.
W: I’m afraid of flying, are you?
M: No, flying is fine with me.
W: That’s great. Er, back home, do you fly quite often for your job?
M: No, I go to the work by bus and drive to different business appointments, but sometimes I take the train to go to the business conferences in other cities or things like that.
W: I see. So tomorrow you will have a really long flight.
M: Yes, terribly long.
W: It’s probably 15 or 16 hours, I suppose.
M: Mmm, from Shanghai to Boston, mmm, let me see, it is about 18 hours in the air.
W: So how do you pass the time on the plane?
M: I like to sleep as much as possible.
W: OK, do you take medicine or just have a beer or...?
M: No, no, I don’t take any medicine. I tend to stay up late the day before, so that I’m tired and I want a sleep on the plane.
W: That’s a good idea. And I hope you have a good flight.
M: Thank you very much.
M: Today, I want to talk about the late US president Ronald Reagan. Reagan was born on Feb. 6th, 1911. After graduating from university in 1932, Reagan got a job as a radio sports announcer. In 1937, he moved to California and became a movie actor. During the next 27 years, he appeared in more than 50 films, generally playing supporting roles as the hero’s friend. From 1954 to 1965, he acted in some popular television shows. In 1966, he ran for governor of California. Although he had never helped public office before, he won by almost a million votes. California developed well in the following years and he was elected again in 1970. In 1980, he was elected as the 40th president of the United States. He was a popular president, easily wining two turns in office. He had a pleasant manner and was kept a public speaker. Reagan was the oldest person to serve as us president, reaching the age of 77 near the end of the second turn in 1988. After he left the White House, Reagan returned to his farm in California. He died in 2004.
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