景泰藍是馳名中外的傳統(tǒng)工藝,其制作既運用了青銅和瓷器工藝,又融入了中國傳統(tǒng)繪畫和雕刻技藝,是一門地道的北京絕活。1 景泰藍這種工藝盛行于明代景泰年間(1450-1456),當時的顏色主要是藍色,故稱“景泰藍”。2 景泰藍到了清代有所發(fā)展,克服了明代制作時的某些缺點,但在樸實厚重上不及明代。3 景泰藍光彩奪目,精美華貴,堪稱國寶,具有鮮明的民族風格和深刻的文化內(nèi)涵。2006年,景泰藍入選首批國家級非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)名錄?,F(xiàn)在,景泰藍是收藏家收藏的佳品,也是人們居家使用的精美物品。
Cloisonné is a traditional craft widely known in and outside China. It is a kind of superb local expertise of Beijing, which combines the techniques of bronze and porcelain and the skills of traditional Chinese painting and carving. The making of cloisonné gained great popularity during the Jingtai reign (1450-1456) of the Ming Dynasty, with the main color used being blue, hence the name “Jingtai Blue”, or cloisonné as it became known later on. Cloisonné was further developed during the Qing Dynasty. Technically, it overcame some of the weaknesses of the Ming cloisonné, but it lacked the latter’s simplicity and dignified heaviness. Glittering and elegant, exquisite and extravagant, it is hailed as a national treasure with a distinctive national style and profound cultural connotations. In 2006, it was listed into the first batch of National Intangible Cultural Heritage List. Nowadays, cloisonné is deemed valuable in the eyes of collectors; it also provides refined ornaments for daily use.
1 本句較長,翻譯時拆分成兩句?!暗氐赖谋本┙^活”譯為superb local expertise of Beijing,“絕活”處理得很靈活。
2 譯文對“景泰藍”作了補充,or cloisonné as it became known later on,這樣意思更清楚,便于西方讀者理解。增譯不是隨意增加內(nèi)容,而是根據(jù)上下文,增添必要的信息。
3 本句采用了分譯法,便于突出清代發(fā)展的情況。