Beyoncé's former drummer has spoken out about the years of
torment she claims she has suffered at the hands of the superstar, alleging Beyoncé put a spell on her cat and ruined her love life, she revealed in an exclusive interview.
Kimberly Thompson filed for a restraining order against Beyoncé, claiming for the past six years the singer has led a campaign of harassment against her that included the practice of witchcraft and 'magic spells of sexual
molestation '.
The 37-year-old, who was in Beyoncé's all-girl band as a drummer for seven years, accuses her of being hell-bent on destroying every aspect of her life, including her career and relationships, all out of jealousy.
Thompson spoke to the media in a desperate attempt to have Beyoncé leave her alone, explaining: 'She's not been able to let me go, she's not been able to let me progress into a mature woman and work with other people.
'She's just been... basically doing anything and everything to damage any type of happiness that I could have.'
Thompson said she filed the restraining order not as a publicity stunt but 'to cut the cord' with someone she once loved and 'put on a pedestal'.
The drummer said she hopes others who have been in similar situations are inspired to do the same and stand up for themselves.
Thompson said: 'I've just been bullied this entire time.
'This has been going on for a very long time so it has taken god's strength to really make me get up and stand up for myself, starting with the restraining order.
'I don't want anything to do with this person at all.
'This has been a complete nightmare. I've been absolutely, brutally abused by her trying to control everything I'm doing,' she claims.
Despite Thompson's claims of harassment, a judge denied her request for a temporary restraining order.
Beyoncé, who is currently on tour with her husband Jay-Z, has not commented on the allegations.