何為誠信? 從道德范疇來講,誠信即待人處事真誠、老實,講信譽、言必行、行必果,一言九鼎、一諾千金。在《說文解字》中的解釋是:“誠,信也”,“信,誠也”。
As is demonstrated in the picture, there is an old man using his magnifying glass and looking at the sign which reads “The sale of famous brand shoes ". The salesman is asking him what he is looking for, and the old man says that he is looking for honesty. The topic in the photo indicates that integrity is important in our life. Simple as the picture is, its far-reaching implications should be taken seriously.
From my point of view, the cartoonist intends to remind the readers that honesty is of great value. At the top of the list, integrity does matter to personal growth. Without sincerity, barely can any individual be really successful or cheerful. In addition to what has been argued above, a man can not only profit from honesty materially, but he can also benefit much from it spiritually. In effect, it is integrity that enables people to live a much richer mental and material life. What's more, honesty is like a lighthouse to a man in want of help, which can guide him to a bright and promising road. As a result, there is no exaggeration to say that integrity is an element critical to problem solving and life success.
In view of the above-mentioned analysis, we may safely draw a conclusion: It is golden time that we took initiatives. For one thing, we are supposed to make use of this picture to enlighten the young. For another, it is advisable for us to cultivate the awareness of being an honest man. Although, ahead is a long road, filled with hardship and uncertainty, I am firmly confident that our shared efforts will be paid off eventually.