2006 AUGUST 29,30
Disease Detectives
These scientists chase down some of the world’s most dangerous killers

In February 2003, a strange, new virus caused hundreds kof deaths in Guangdong, China. By the end of that month, SARS had traveled to Hong Kong, Toronto and Hanoi.
This frightening news got scientists around the world searching for answers. Scientists in Hong Kong worked 17 hours a day researching the cause of the SARS epidemic. Within a month, they found the cause-a virus that had jumped from animals to humans. Because of their discovery, doctors were eventually able to control the spread of SARS.
The hard-working scientists who discovered SARS are officially called epidemiologists. But “disease detectives” might be the better name Epidemiologists chase down diseases that endanger large groups of people. Like doctors, they protect people’s health. But unlike doctors, their patients may number in the millions.

Recent outbreaks of diseases like SARS and the bird flu show the necessity of such work.. With more people traveling abroad, diseases can spread rapidly around the globe. Epidemiologists try to stop a disease from spreading. They also inform people on how to stay safe and healthy.

When an outbreak occurs
Epidemiologists play many different roles during a disease outbreak. As scientists, they do research to learn more about the disease. They examine blood and other samples from patients infected by the disease.
Epidemiologists also record the disease as it spreads. They create maps showing where the disease infected people They analyze these maps to locate the origin of the disease. They also locate areas with high numbers of infected people. They then establish quarantines to control the movement of people in and out of those areas.
Epidemiologists also work as educators. During a disease outbreak, they report to the public and the government about the disease. With this information, people can adjust their lifestyles to avoid becoming infected. And the government can take measures to control the outbreak.
Epidemiologists’ work can be intense. Dr. Morse, an American epidemiologist, says, “Everything is intensely time-driven. You’re faced with high pressure and an accelerated need to respond quickly.”
Why do epidemiologists work so hard? Perhaps it’s because they know their work is knot just concerned with science, but with saving lives.

Word Bank
Detective (n)偵探
The detective searched for clues to solve the crime.
Virus (n)病毒
A virus infected several people in our school.
Outbreak (n)
A flu outbreak occurred in our town. Many people became sick.
Infect (v)感染;傳染
Tim infected other family members with his cold.
Analyze (v)分析
Professor Hall analyzed the math problem and taught us how to solve it。
Measures(n pl)措施
We need to take extra measures to solve this difficult problem.
Drive (v)逼迫
Tom works very hard. He is driven by a desire to succeed.

More Information
Epidemic (n)流行病;瘟疫
A serious flu epidemic killed millions of people all over the world in 1918
Epidemiologist (n)流行病學(xué)家
The epidemiologist told the students how to avoid diseases.
Bird flu (n)禽流感
Cooking chicken thoroughly is one way to avoid getting bird flu.
Quarantine (n)隔離區(qū)、檢疫所
When I moved to Britain, my dog spent six months in quarantine.


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