
Italian city Verona is well-known as the location for Shakespeare's ‘Romeo and Juliet'. Nowadays, people from all over the world come to visit what's become known as Juliet's house and the famous courtyard wall which has love messages written by visitors from all over the world.

"They are all messages written by people who are looking for some help from Juliet and each person writes what they wish for."

Some of the messages ask for good luck in romance, while others hope the fictional character might help them find their Mr. or Miss Right.

"Well, I haven't found anyone in my life yet that I'm in a serious relationship with now, so maybe I'll ask for that, some good luck along the way."

"In the movie ‘Letters to Juliet', somebody came every night and took the letters down and wrote answers. And I don't know whether they do that. But the most important thing is to get it in writing."

There is an organised group of volunteers, called the Juliet Club, that reads and answers each one of these messages on Juliet's behalf.

Marinella Fedrigoli is one of them."The majority of the letters talk about loneliness, absence of love and relationships that are not working out. Happy letters are rare, very rare. Sometimes if someone is getting married, but generally women complain about the difficulty of having a relationship."

According to psychologist Maria Pichi, the reason people write to Juliet or someone they don't know is narcissistic. "Writing to a famous actor, and then you receiving the letter, possibly even from the other side of the world. This, somehow, leads to the gratification of this narcissism. Likewise, nassisism is gratified when one sees oneself representative of a magzine with a sound letter, sometimes with a nick name or sometioms with a real time."

In the ballet ‘Romeo and Juliet', Juliet takes her own life in front of her beloved Romeo.
