CRRC MA, the Massachusetts unit of Beijing-based China Railway Rolling Stock Corp., is busy hiring and training scores of US workers.?
總部位于北京的中國中車股份有限公司馬薩諸塞州子公司(CRRC MA)正忙著雇傭并培訓大批美國工人。

It is opening a large plant, bringing in foreign-savvy Chinese execs and pumping cash into local businesses and charities.?

The Boston project follows the parent company’s successful bids to win a brace of?lucrative?subway supply contracts from major American cities.

The CRRC subsidiary has won a total of US$843 million in contracts since 2014 to manufacture subway cars for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), Boston’s mass transit system.?A total of 404 cars will be built.?

It’s currently constructing a 204,000 square-foot rail car manufacturing center in East Springfield, Mass. to locally assemble the vehicles.?Production is slated to begin next year.

CRRC was also focused on recruiting the right locals for the project.

CRRC MA also dispatched 30 local workers, including union members, on April 7 to the company’s facility in Changchun, China, for training in assembling the railcars and technology transfer activities.

The team includes mechanical and electrical assembly workers, line supervisors, manufacturing engineers and test technicians.

Only subway car shells are being shipped in from China. The rest of the hardware and technology will be installed by US workers, who will be paid at least US$66,000 annually.

CRRC’s experiences reflect the realities of building mass transit in the US today.

Large US cities can’t afford the huge cost overruns often associated with building mass transit projects like subways. Most are keen on saving money and analysts say one of CRRC’s strengths is its ability to underbid competitors in supplying quality rolling stock.

This was the case when CRRC beat Bombardier, its nearest rival, in the subway-car bidding wars in Boston and Chicago.

