Trying anything new, food included, requires you to step outside of your comfort zone.
If you’re not very adventurous, you may have a tough time with this.
“有些人具有有一種尋求刺激的人格,” Pelchat說(shuō),“特別這些人嘗試辛辣食物的時(shí)候,這種人格尤為凸顯。嘗試新式食物和尋求刺激二者之間存在著某種關(guān)聯(lián)性?!?/div>
Most adult picky eaters start as child picky eaters.
“It’s normal for children to go through a picky stage when they’re
toddlers, maybe two or three years old, and that makes sense evolutionarily,” Pelchat says.
(When our primitive ancestors first tried new foods, they had to be cautious to avoid being poisoned.)
But as we get older, if we continue to avoid new foods, pickiness can persist.
For those who are simply picky, certain social situations can cause anxiety.
Like cocktail parties, with all those passed hors d’oeuvres full of mystery ingredients.
“Adult picky eaters have trouble going to business lunches or someone’s house for the weekend,” Pelchat adds.
“They’re often sort of embarrassed to admit that they eat like a child, so they will just say ‘I’m not very hungry, my stomach’s upset, I had a late lunch,’ ” she explains.
Your taste buds can change over time, but that requires taking a chance on new foods.
But to even have a shot at being less picky, you definitely have to be committed. “The most common reason for wanting to change is social,” Pelchat says.
Expanding your eating horizons can make everything from date night to a vacation easier and more enjoyable.