At one time in China weddings were simple affairs, with small ceremonies and bunches of flowers thrown in for good measure.

But over the decades, as this photo gallery reveals, nuptials have become much more extravagant as they have in other parts of the world, due to the rise of credit cards, larger disposable incomes and unprecedented pressure from social media.

On the cost front, prices are said to have increased sixty-fold since the 1990s. Indeed, one affair last year in China was panned for costing an 'over-excessive' 2.8 million yuan (£290,000). In the 1970's people apparently splashed an average of 680 yuan (£80) on their big day.

Liu Tong, a director at a local TV channel in the northeast province of Liaoning, recalled that in his parent's generation, the bride would be picked up by bicycle instead of the swanky sportscars favoured by today's generation. Looking at how the concept of tying the knot has evolved, Liu wrote on the social media site Weibo: 'In the 1950s it was about having a bed, in the 1960s it was just about a bag of sweets, in the 1970s it was the Little Red Book, in the 1980s it was about having a radio, in the 1990s there was the extravagance of top-class hotels, and in the 2000s the wedding reception is a display of individuality.'

Dozens of Weibo users have shared imaged of changing wedding traditions, which they refer to as a 'mirror of their time'.

