七歲蘿莉熱舞碧昂斯《Single Ladies》引爭議
2010-05-18 18:09
在美國加州世界舞蹈大賽上,五個七歲的小女孩穿著短裙絲襪大跳碧昂斯的《Single Ladies》,引發(fā)了爭議。舞蹈現(xiàn)場火爆熱辣,老外們紛紛表示,蘿莉們的舞蹈才華不容小覷,但是這個舞蹈是不是有點過,會不會影響孩子們的身心發(fā)展。孩子的父母們也受到了指責。
I think this is terrible. As a society we wonder why young children are engaging in sexual activity and why our young girls are kidnapped and sexually abused. HELLO! When you exploit girls of that age what do you expect! I have a daughter and there is no way I would have let her participate in a dance like that. The outfits were completely inappropriate for their ages as were the dance moves. I think the people who put the routine together and the parents are wrong for allowing this.
YES, they’re good dancers.
BUT NO, they should not be doing those moves and wearing those outfits.
This is stupid, that was one of the best dance performances I have ever seen.
Maybe if you danced your whole life you would understand and see what talented dancers these girls are and what amazing atheletes they are as well…you are probably the most over-protected parent out there.
如果你為舞蹈奉獻了一生你就會明白這些孩子多有才華讓人多么驚嘆…… 你們就是一群對孩子過度保護的父母。