Section One: Listening Comprehension
1.(A) Review their notes from the class lectures.
? (B) Reread their textbook.
? (C) Review their homework assignments.
? (D) Talk with their professor.
2.(A) He wants to go home early today.
? (B) He wants the woman to repeat what she said.
? (C) He understands why the woman was late.
? (D) It often takes him two hours to get home.
3.(A) Try to borrow Professor Wilson’s camera.
? (B) Apologize for breaking Professor Wilson's camera.
? (C) Use the man's camera carefully.
? (D) Ask the man to take the photographs for her.
4.(A) She has plans to work in a supermarket this summer.
? (B) She wants to take a class in marketing.
? (C) She doesn't want to work this summer.
? (D) She hasn't finalized her plans for the summer.
5.(A) Calculate the number of calories in the cake.
? (B) Celebrate his birthday some other time.
? (C) Save a piece of cake for later.
? (D) Have some cake with the woman.
6.(A) Go to bed earlier.
? (B) Go to the gym less often.
? (C) Go to the gym later in the day.
? (D) Go to the gym with a friend.
7.(A) She has several pages more to copy.
? (B) She likes the way the copies look.
? (C) She doesn't know how to operate the machine.
? (D) She'll be finished soon.
8.(A) She took the wrong prescription for her condition.
? (B) She took the medication as directed.
? (C) She forgot to take her medication last night.
? (D) She didn't take the medication with food.
9.(A) She needed the notes last week.
? (B) She'll have enough time to prepare for the exam.
? (C) The man won't need to study the notes for the exam.
? (D) The man can return her notes after the exam
10.(A) Get a new suit.
?? (B) Worry less about his appearance.
?? (C) Look for a different job.
?? (D) Have his suit cleaned.
11.(A) She expects the weather to be nice next weekend.
?? (B) She forgot she had so much studying to do.
?? (C) She usually hands in her assignments early.
?? (D) She won't have much time to study later.
12.(A) She doesn't like science fiction.
?? (B) She plans to attend the fair.
?? (C) She can't meet the man on Saturday.
?? (D) She has already seen the movie.
13.(A) He can't afford to buy the ticket.
?? (B) He needs a break from the math problem.
?? (C) He doesn't want to go to the opera.
?? (D) He'll meet the woman when he has finished the math problem.
14.(A) She didn't notice Kevin's new haircut.
?? (B) Kevin often gets strange haircuts.
?? (C) The man should get a haircut like Kevin's.
?? (D) Kevin's haircut looks good on him.
15.(A) Leave the package for him to mail later.
?? (B) Find another person to send the package.
?? (C) Proofread the report for him.
?? (D) Finish the report before Wednesday's meeting.
16.(A) The woman's notes might have fallen off her desk.
?? (B) The woman can borrow his notes.
?? (C) He'll help the woman organize her desk.
?? (D) The woman probably won't find her notes.
17.(A) He thinks the professor speaks too quickly.
?? (B) He doesn't have trouble understanding the professor's lectures.
?? (C) He isn't taking Professor Butler's class.
?? (D) He thinks students shouldn't complain about the professor's lectures.
18.(A) Her hometown doctor works at the student health center.
?? (B) She cannot help the man choose a doctor.
?? (C) She didn't know she needed a physical exam to play basketball.
?? (D) The man should visit a doctor in his hometown.
19.(A) She wishes she could take a different class.
?? (B) She has already read most of the assigned books.
?? (C) The students don't have to read every book on the list.
?? (D) The reading list doesn't contain many interesting books.
20.(A) She lost Saily's new address.
?? (B) Sally had to move unexpectedly.
?? (C) She'll bring the mail to Saily's house.
?? (D) She's no longer in contact with Sally.
21.(A) She hasn't finished her paper.
?? (B) She has lost her parking sticker.
?? (C) She's parked illegally.
?? (D) She put too little money in the parking meter.
22.(A) They have to change their weekend plans.
?? (B) They recently visited Mount Henry Forest.
?? (C) They hope to join the Outdoor Club next year.
?? (D) They plan to go hiking this weekend.
23.(A) There aren't many jobs available.
?? (B) The woman needs to improve her skills.
?? (C) The woman can find a better job.
?? (D) There might be a way for the woman to keep the same job.
24.(A) Form a new committee,
?? (B) Join her committee.
?? (C) Find out when the conference will be held.
?? (D) Schedule a committee meeting.
25.(A) The man should have called her relatives.
?? (B) She has visited San Francisco before.
?? (C) She won't need a tour guide.
?? (D) She isn't looking forward to her trip.
26.(A) Try to buy Jane's tickets.
?? (B) Sell tickets to the boys' choir concert.
?? (C) Invite Jane to the boys' choir concert.
?? (D) Call the ticket office.
27.(A) Ask if he can drive the car.
?? (B) Repair the seats.
?? (C) Offer to buy the car.
?? (D) Look for a better deal.
28.(A) He doesn't know what tools to bring.
?? (B) The donkeys will carry the woman's personal items.
?? (C) He doesn't mind helping the woman.
?? (D) The woman won't have to carry tools.
29.(A) The next bus leaves at 9 o'clock
?? (B) The buses are running an hour late.
?? (C) The woman will have to wait an hour.
?? (D) He isn't sure when the next bus leaves.
30.(A) Refuse to lend Mary her jacket.
?? (B) Use the jacket less often.
?? (C) Buy Mary a jacket.
?? (D) Wear one of Mary's jackets.
31.(A) She's unable to attend the study session.
?? (B) She has seen a doctor recently.
?? (C) She's concerned about medical care.
?? (D) She mentions the need for some medical tests.
32.(A) To improve the study skills of university students.
?? (B) To suggest changes in the student government.
?? (C) To give people the opportunity to speak with a politician.
?? (D) To discuss graduation requirements for political science majors.
33.(A) Graduate school application procedures.
?? (B) Funding for university education.
?? (C) Winning the confidence of voters.
?? (D) Preparing for an important test.
34.(A) Tell her what to study for the history test.
?? (B) Write a favorable letter of recommendation.
?? (C) Advise her about how to run an election campaign.
?? (D) Suggest a topic for a research paper.
35.(A) A lecture in their American literature course.
?? (B) A film about the American frontier.
?? (C) A book they both read.
?? (D) The woman's recent trip to the American Midwest.
36.(A) Boston schools.
?? (B) Frontier life.
?? (C) Teaching requirements.?
?? (D) Immigration patterns.
37.(A) Boring
?? (B) Comfortable.
?? (C) Tragic.
?? (D) Difficult.
38.(A) She was a famous author.
?? (B) Her family later became famous landowners.
?? (C) She exemplifies the immigrant spirit.
?? (D) She invented some labor-saving farm equipment.
39.(A) To the library.
?? (B) To the movies.
?? (C) To a bookstore.
?? (D) To a travel bureau.
40.(A) The diagnosis of asthma.
?? (B) How to prevent an asthma attack.
?? (C) What asthma is and what happens during an asthma attack.
?? (D) The types of medicine available to an asthmatic.
41.(A) Inner ears.
?? (B) Bronchial tubes.
?? (C) Sinuses.
?? (D) Tonsils.
42.(A) They shouldn't come to the camp.
?? (B) They must limit their activities.
?? (C) They will be seen by a doctor every day.
?? (D) They bring their medicine to camp.
43.(A) It bothers people with asthma.
?? (B) Cigarettes aren't allowed at the camp.
?? (C) It pollutes the air in the tents.
?? (D) People who smoke don't come to the camp.
44.(A) The rate at which the universe is expanding.
?? (B) How gravity affects a planet's orbit.
?? (C) Newton's three laws of motion.
?? (D) Early models of the universe.
45.(A) That it can't be measured.
?? (B) That it doesn't change.
?? (C) That it's getting smaller.
?? (D) That it's rapidly increasing.
46.(A) Why stars move so quickly.
?? (B) Why few stars have planets.
?? (C) Why stars aren't moving toward one another.
?? (D) Why stars haven't moved farther apart.
47.(A) Newton's life and times.
?? (B) The influence of earlier scientists on Newton's ideas.
?? (C) How gravity repels objects very close to each other.
?? (D) How the current theory resolved contradictions in earlier ones.
48.(A) What spiders eat.
?? (B) Why spiderwebs are so strong.
?? (C) How computers can be useful to biologists.
?? (D) How new kinds of structures might be designed.
49.(A) They're much larger than spiders.
?? (B) They're quite delicate.
?? (C) They have unusual ways of gathering food.
?? (D) They developed a long time before spiders.
50.(A) Chemists.
?? (B) Architects.
?? (C) Airline pilots.
?? (D) Auto designers.?
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