【探索世界】恐龍是怎樣煉成的 25
So does this mean that we can use living birds to help us understand dinosaurs?
Absolutely. You know you have 10,000 living species of birds that are providing you an enormous amount of information that you can use to understand the biology of the ancient dinosaurs.
It's quite amazing. But it also makes a certain degree of sense when you really look at them.
If we want to learn about how the ancient dinosaurs moved and even how quickly they ran, few animals can tell us more than ostriches. They evolved on an early branch of the avian family tree. And like the dinosaurs they're related to, they are large, bipedal and flightless.
I have some living dinosaurs here to take a look at.
Hello, ladies.
They're all ladies, are they?
Yes. Yes. They're a bit more manageable when they're females.