
開頭為As you



As you come in to the other gallery, there's gonna be a platform with a very large dinosaur, a long neck called Mamenchisaurus and a tiny little one, the tiny Fruitadens, the smallest dinosaur in North America.
They have to build Fruitadens from little more than these fossil remains. It's never been reconstructed before. So working out what it looked like is a huge challenge. And Luis's team will be doing much more than just piecing bones back together, they'll be creating a life-like model of the animal, which means adding muscles and skin.
I think when most of us go to an exhibition like this, we don't think about all of the work that's gone into it, and an exhibition of this scale requires hundreds of people through working together, from scientists to engineers to artists and designers. But absolutely none of it will be possible without the starting point of the hard evidence, the fossils themselves, because if we never found their bones, we wouldn't ever have known that these ancient animals ever existed.
