


Even by the end of the 19th century, our ideas about dinosaurs had changed so much that these models were already looked upon with scorn.
This megalosaurus for instance is a shame walking on all four legs, but we now know he would have been bipedal, he would have stood on just his hind legs and his forelegs would have been quite small and lifted it right up off the ground. When the first iguanodon was discovered, only one thumb bone was found. So paleontologists thought it must have been a horn. But iguanodon didn't have a horn. It's very easy to walk amongst these massive models and to laugh at the 19th century idea of what a dinosaur was like. We now know so much more. We've worked at a phenomenal amount about the dinosaurs. But how have we done that? How do you start to get close to animals that lived hundreds of millions of years ago?
