Four-year-old Wang Yiming, better known as Xiao Bao, may be the youngest-ever impersonator of Michael Jackson. The boy performed on The Ellen Show, a US TV talk show hosted by comedian Ellen DeGeneres, in February. The moment he met DeGeneres, he gave her a big hug and a lollipop. Through an interpreter, he said he brought the lollipop from Beijing.

四歲的王一鳴,昵稱小寶,是眾多MJ模仿者中年齡最小的一個。你也許已經(jīng)在國內(nèi)諸多電視節(jié)目中見識過這個可愛小孩的舞步。他曾經(jīng)也上過快樂大本營。不過這次,他被邀請參加美國的Ellen Show節(jié)目,主持人就是美國電視名嘴、眼下同時兼任美國偶像評審的Ellen DeGeneres。小寶在和Ellen見面時,還送了她一只棒棒糖,翻譯告訴Ellen,這根棒棒糖還是小寶千里迢迢從北京帶過來的。

Then in full Michael Jackson attire, he danced to the music of Dangerous. When Ellen promised him a tour of Disneyland, he immediately imitated Donald Duck, which amused the audience.


His dancing is hardly an accurate imitation of Jackson but the naivete that only a 4-year-old contains and conveys won applause and screaming.


Xiao Bao is familiar with various stages, as he has been a little star in dozens of shows since his debut at the age of 2. Hip-pop dancing is his favorite. An online video of him and his teacher dancing hip-pop together brought him to The Ellen Show.

小寶兩歲就開始上電視演出,尤其喜歡跳Hip-hop。因為網(wǎng)上流傳的一段他和他的老師一起跳Hip-hop的視頻,Ellen Show制作組注意到了這個小孩,并將他請到美國。
