給你,對賬單提供了支票付款及存款的情況摘要。在扣除了支票款及貸記的存款額之后,賬戶上剩下的金額就是余額。[/cn] [en]4.If there is any doubt about the signature, the bank will refuse to cash the check and will return the check to the endorser. A check must be endorsed before it can be cashed - that is, the person or company to whom the check is made out must sign it on the back.[/en][cn]4.如果銀行對簽字的真實性有懷疑,它將會拒絕兌現(xiàn)支票,將支票退給背書人。支票在兌現(xiàn)之前必須先背書,也就是說,支票向其開出的個人或公司必須在支票的背面簽字。[/cn] [en]5.A group of ten international banks is to underwrite and sell the bonds.[/en][cn]5.一個由10家國際銀行組成的銀團將包銷及出售這些債券。[/cn] ?
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[en]1.When you put money in the bank, you write the date and the amount deposited on a deposit slip.[/en][cn]1.當你到銀行存款時,你要在存款憑條上寫明日期和所存的金
2016-11-03 -
行業(yè)加強償付能力體系建設(shè)。[/cn] [en]3.The rates quoted by us are very moderate. Of course, the premium varies with the range of insurance. [/en][cn]3.我們所收取的費率是適度的。當然,保險費用要根據(jù)投保范圍的大小而有所不同。[/cn] [en]4.Deposit accounts, together with savings accounts, represent the simplest form of bank account. The customer deposits funds and withdraws them as required. No checkbook is issued on this type of account. Therefore, the formalities of opening an account are simple, Often there is no need for a reference, the customer's name, address and occupation, together with a specimen signature and an initial deposit being all that are needed.[/en][cn]4.存款賬戶,和儲蓄賬戶一起,是銀行賬戶的基本形式,客戶按規(guī)金融定存、取款。此種類型的賬戶不能開支票,所以,開戶的手續(xù)很簡單。一般無需證明人,只需客戶的姓名、住址、職業(yè),連同簽字樣本和開戶金額即可。 [/cn] [en]5.The basic principle of double entry bookkeeping is that every transaction has a twofold effect. In other words, a value is received and a value is yielded or parted with. Both effects, which are equal in amount, must be entered completely in the bookkeeping records.[/en][cn]5.復式記賬法的基本原理是每筆交易都有借貸雙方。換言之,有一項金額收入,就必然有一項金額放棄(支出)。借貸雙方金額相等,必須完整地記入賬薄。 [/cn]
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上支取現(xiàn)金用于消費,支付工資與薪酬,但是這些錢很快通過收到款項的商店和商人回到銀行,存入他們自己的銀行戶頭。[/cn] [en]6.The enterprises merge or reshuffle inventory assets to optimize the resources distribution.[/en][cn]6.企業(yè)通過并購,存量資產(chǎn)重組,進而推進資源優(yōu)化配置。[/cn] ?
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general, the international financial crisis sweeping across the world has had a great impact on the insurance industry. However, compared to the banking and securities industry, the loss suffered by the insurance industry is much less.[/en][cn]5.總的來看,席卷全球的國家金融危機對保險業(yè)造成了很大沖擊,但相比銀行業(yè)和證券業(yè),保險業(yè)收到的損失相對要小得多。[/cn]
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characteristic is that it is generally acceptable. When people generally refuse to accept something as money, it is not money.[/en][cn]6.什么是貨幣?任何有貨幣功能的商品就是貨幣。貨幣的基本特征是它被普遍接受。當人們普遍拒絕接受某種商品作為貨幣時,它就不是貨幣。 [/cn]
2016-11-03 -
須在合同期限內(nèi)履行義務,并且沒有損壞物品。如果違反了任何條件,房東或出租方可以扣除部分或全部押金。 Deposit 的退還條件通常比較寬松。只要交易順利完成,押金通常會全額退還。例如,入住酒店時支付的押金,會在退房時扣除房費和其他費用后如數(shù)退還。 以下是一些例句: 租客在退房時沒有及時清理房屋,房東扣金"的英文除了部分押金作為清潔費。 The tenant did not clean the apartment before moving out, and the landlord deducted part of the deposit/bond as a cleaning fee. 由于航班取消,旅行社退還了旅客的全部押金。The travel agency refunded the full deposit to the passengers due to the cancellation of the flight. She lost her bond because she didn't clean the apartment properly. 她因為沒有好好打掃公寓而失去了押金。
stock market and a symbol of American capitalism. The US Treasury Secretary says New York will remain at the heart of the world's financial system for a long time to come.[/en][cn]6.紐約證券交易所是全球最著名的證券市場,同時也是美國資本主義的象征。美國財政部長表示,紐約在接下來的很長一段時間里,仍將是全球金融體系的核心。[/cn]
2016-11-04 -
今天分享金融英語詞匯。 ? 1. 漲 go up/increase/rise 2. 小幅上揚 marginally firmer 當firm用于金融領(lǐng)域,意思就不是“使(土)變硬;使(土)堅實“,而是穩(wěn)定下來;保持不變。 [en]After a turbulent week on the markets, share prices firmed today.[/en][cn]經(jīng)過一周的市場動蕩,股票價格今天穩(wěn)定下來了。[/cn] 而marginally意思和slightly差不多,都表示“稍微地,略微地“。 所以,marginally firmer就可以表示基本不變中有一些的上漲。 ? 3.
騎馬嗎? 4、He is not going to race his horse next week. 他不