搜索結(jié)果 搜索相關(guān)課程
  • 貨幣與金融領(lǐng)域術(shù)語:Angel Investment

    Angel Investment IPO是一家公司融資的最后階段,在這之前公司還需要經(jīng)過3個融


    BEC 職場術(shù)語

  • 貨幣與金融領(lǐng)域術(shù)語:PE

    ability in the world. 公司的目標是成為具有全球影響力和全球投資能力的世界頂級私募股權(quán)基管理公司。 Washington-based Carlyle is one of a few powerful private equity groups actively scouting for Chinese companies. 一些實力強大的私募集團正積極網(wǎng)羅中國企業(yè),總部位于華盛頓的凱雷便是其中之一。 @攻克職場口語,看過來 >>職場口語禮包,限時免費領(lǐng)取<< 英文面試、工作匯報、英文會議…… 針對常見商英場景,各個突破! 真人1V1體驗課↓ 點擊立即免費領(lǐng)取>>


    BEC 職場術(shù)語

  • 金融專業(yè)英語實用句子(四)

    of operating cycle, hence indicate the liquidity.[/en][cn]3.周轉(zhuǎn)率指標能夠反映企業(yè)的資周轉(zhuǎn)速度和營業(yè)周期,反映企業(yè)的流動性。[/cn] [en]4.A public offer of new shares shall be underwritten by a legally established securities institution and an underwriting agreement shall be executed.[/en][cn]4.公司向社會公開發(fā)行新股,應(yīng)當由依法設(shè)立的證券經(jīng)營機構(gòu)承銷,簽訂承銷協(xié)議

  • 貨幣與金融領(lǐng)域術(shù)語:Federal Reserve Banks

    金融市場,就不得不提Federal Reserve banks(the FED,美聯(lián)儲)。 它由12家地區(qū)銀行組成。其中,紐約、芝加哥和舊金定是獨立性的。 另外兩個委員會小組在美聯(lián)儲系統(tǒng)的核心職能中扮演著重要角色:存款機構(gòu)-銀行,儲蓄所和信用合作社。聯(lián)邦儲備系統(tǒng)咨詢委員會,負責向理事會和儲備銀行就該系統(tǒng)的職責提出建議。 我們來看2個例句: Instead of having a central bank in many countries, there were twelve Banks in the United States. They are the twelve federal reserve Banks. 與其他國家設(shè)立中央銀行不同,美國建立了十二個銀行;它們是十二個聯(lián)邦儲備銀行。 What’s more, they can also borrow from the Federal Reserve


    BEC 職場術(shù)語

  • 貨幣與金融領(lǐng)域術(shù)語:Interest Rate

    Interest Rate 你以前可能不知道,生活里不起眼的 Interest rate(利率)會如此重要。 對個人而言,High interest rate 會提高你的融資成本,從而阻止或推遲你買房、買車的決策;當然,High interest rate 也會鼓勵你增加儲蓄。 更宏觀的層面上,Interest rate 會影響企業(yè)的投資決策,比如企業(yè)在高利率的經(jīng)濟環(huán)境中可能會推遲建設(shè)新工廠。 我們來看2個例句: The Bank believes that a 5 percent interest rate is already high enough to return inflation to its target - and I believe this too. 銀行堅信,百分之五的利率已經(jīng)夠高,足以讓通脹返回目標區(qū)間——鄙人對此也深信不疑。 When one of his children got sick, he took a loan from a moneylender at an onerous interest rate. 當他的一個孩子生病了,他從一個放債人那里得到了一筆高利貸。 @攻克職場口語,看過來 >>職場口語禮包,限時免費領(lǐng)取<< 英文面試、工作匯報、英文會議…… 針對常見商英場景,各個突破! 真人1V1體驗課↓ 點擊立即免費領(lǐng)取>>


    BEC 職場術(shù)語

  • 金融專業(yè)英語實用句子(六)

    [en]1.By their very nature financial institution attract criticism:banks would not be doing their jobs if their did not turn down some requests for loans, and those who are denied funds sometimes feel hard done by and are vociferous in their complains.[/en][cn]1.金融系統(tǒng)天生就容易招致批評:銀行家如果不拒絕某些貸款要求,那就沒有盡職盡責;而那些被決絕的借款人有時會覺得十分委屈,甚至因大為光火而抱怨不停。[/cn] [en]2.If you have a checking account, the bank sends you your canceled checks along with your monthly statement. These checks can be used instead of receipts. They can be used as proof that payment has been made.[/en][cn]2.如果你有支票賬戶,銀行每月把你的付訖支票連同月度清單送金融給你。這些支票可以代替收據(jù),當作付款的證據(jù)。[/cn] [en]3.How do the clearing banks meet these requirements? Their first concern is to see that they always have sufficient notes and coin in their tills, or in reserve, to meet instantly all the demands for cash that may be made upon them.[/en][cn]3.清算銀行是怎樣滿足這些需要的呢?他們最關(guān)心的是確保錢柜里,或儲備有足夠的鈔票,迅速應(yīng)付可能發(fā)生的各種現(xiàn)金支取。[/cn] [en]4.It's hard to imagine that people could do business without the services of a bank.[/en][cn]4.很難想象出人們在沒有銀行服務(wù)的情況下做生意的情形。[/cn] [en]5.As the business matures, an initial public offering(IPO) may take place, or the business merged or sold, or other sources of capital found. [/en][cn]5.隨著公司經(jīng)營的成熟,可以通過公開發(fā)行股票,公司合并或者出售,或用其他方式的獲得資本。[/cn] [en]6.The most widely held liquid security is the Treasury bill, which is commonly issued by the ministry of finance. [/en][cn]6.最為廣泛持有的流動性債券是國庫券,通常由財政部發(fā)行。 [/cn]

  • 貨幣與金融領(lǐng)域術(shù)語: Stock

    Stock 股票的英文是 Stock。如果你擁有股票,你就擁有對這家公司收益和資產(chǎn)的索取權(quán)。Stock受到人們的高度關(guān)注,原因很簡單:因為它可以讓人迅速發(fā)財、或者迅速破產(chǎn)。 我們來看2個例句: Making stock predictions is like forecasting the weather: For all the fancy charts, what happens next is often anyone's guess. 預測股市就好像做天氣預報:就算有各種令人眼花繚亂的圖表做參考,下一步將發(fā)生什事情常常仍然只有天知道。 I was one of those


    BEC 職場術(shù)語

  • 貨幣與金融領(lǐng)域術(shù)語: Security

    Security 你肯定聽說過 Security(證券),但你知道它指得是什咩? Security是多種經(jīng)濟權(quán)益憑證的統(tǒng)稱,意思就是證明你擁有某種東西的憑證,它包含產(chǎn)權(quán)市場的股票、債權(quán)市場的債券等。具體來說就是股票是你證明你擁有一個公司股權(quán)的憑證,債券是你證明有人欠你債務(wù)的證明,它們都是Security的一部分。 我們來看2個例句: For the security market, what we care about most are return and liquidity.? 對于證券市場, 人們最關(guān)心的是其收益率與流動性。 Actually, because


    BEC 職場術(shù)語

  • 金融專業(yè)英語實用句子(十二)

    [en]1.Many people --private individuals, manufacturers, traders, companies and official bodies --choose to keep part of heir resources in the form of money. They need to do this mainly because they are continually having to make payments for the goods and services which they are buying and because they want to have resources immediately available.[/en][cn]1.許多人——個人、生產(chǎn)廠家、商人、公司和政府機構(gòu)——選擇持有一部分現(xiàn)金資產(chǎn)。這樣做的主要原因是他們必須為其所購買的商品和勞務(wù)支付款項,想在手頭留有現(xiàn)金。[/cn] [en] provide their customers with many other useful services. They will, for example, look after valuables, deal with investments, make payments to businesses and people abroad and provide financial information.[/en][cn]2.銀行向其客戶提供許多其它有用的服務(wù)。例如,保管貴重物品,辦理投資業(yè)務(wù),對國外企業(yè)和個人進行支付,以及提供金融信息。[/cn] [en]3.The law stipulates modes for company merger, bankruptcy, dissolution and liquidation.[/en][cn]3.該法規(guī)定了公司合并、破產(chǎn)、解散和清算的方式。[/cn] [en]4.The brokerage firm filed for bankruptcy just two months after going public.[/en][cn]4.這家證券公司在上市僅僅兩個月后就申請破產(chǎn)。[/cn] [en]5.Upon completion of this acquisition, the company will become the controlling shareholder.[/en][cn]5.此次收購完成后,公司將成為其控股股東。[/cn]

  • 貨幣與金融領(lǐng)域術(shù)語: VC

    融資一般是在500萬人民幣以下的,當你的公司不斷發(fā)展,你就需要進入新的融機構(gòu)得到了2000萬美元的風投資本。 But then he thought about the long-term and decided to make it free, to promote user growth and get the attention of the press and venture capital. 但是之后他從長遠考慮,決定提供免費下載,希望藉此推動用戶增長并獲得媒體和風投資本的注意。 @攻克職場口語,看過來 >>職場口語禮包,限時免費領(lǐng)取<< 英文面試、工作匯報、英文會議…… 針對常見商英場景,各個突破! 真人1V1體驗課↓ 點擊立即免費領(lǐng)取>>


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