輸入的英文: importimport是什么意思: v. 進口;意味著;輸入,導入;有重大關(guān)系 n. 重要性;進口;進口商品;輸入;含義 be of importance;matter 有重要性;有關(guān)系 He is an important official in the government. 他是政府的要員。 This is important to the development of dairy industry. 這對乳品業(yè)的發(fā)展很重要。 Christmas is an important feast for Christians. 圣誕節(jié)是基督徒的重要節(jié)日。 (degree of)importance,seriousness or influence 重要性、嚴重性或影響力(的程度) 到滬江小D查看輸入的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 輸出的英文怎么說>> 蔬菜餡卷餅的英文怎么說>> 蔬菜湯的英文怎么說>> 蔬菜什豆湯的英文怎么說>> 蔬菜沙拉的英文>>
輸出的英文: to export; to outputexport是什么意思: v. 輸出,出口;傳播 n. 輸出,出口;出口商品 Agricultural Products Export Cooperation 農(nóng)產(chǎn)品出口合作社 Half of our products are for export. 我們有一半產(chǎn)品出口。 Brazil exports a lot of coffee. 巴西出口大量咖啡豆。 Twenty percent of the products are exported. 百分之二十的產(chǎn)品外銷。 The nation also exports beef. 該國也出口
機運的英文: luck; fateluck是什么意思: n. 運氣;機遇;命運 v. 交好運;僥幸成功 He has had the luck to succeed. 他抓住機遇,成功了。 one's luck is in [口]走運,交運的英文好運 Maybe you'll have luck. 也許你會碰到好運。 Meeting you here was a stroke of luck. 在這兒看見你純屬巧和。 Good luck and get snapping! 祝你好運,好好表現(xiàn)!fate是什么意思: n. 命運,宿命;死亡 It was a fateful day. 那是個不祥的日子
運動的英文: [Physics] motionphysics是什么意思: n. 物理學 Kitchen Physic is the best physic 飲食有節(jié),百藥無緣 They are digging at physics. 他們在鉆研物理學。 The physical sciences,eg physics,chemistry 自然科學(如物理學、化學) A fascinating portion of physics is known as modern physics. 物理學中的一個引注目的部份通稱現(xiàn)代物理學. To take physical form or shape. 形體化采取物質(zhì)的形式或成形 motion是什么意思: n. 運動;動作;提議;動機 v. 以姿勢向某人示意 The train was in motion. 火車開運動的英文動了。 The motion was withdrawn. 那項動議被撤銷了。 The backwards motion is the anticipation, the throw itself is the motion. 這個向后的動作就是預備動作,投擲就是動作本身。 The motion was lost by a majority of two. 動議以兩票之差被否決了。 object motion perception 客體運動知覺 客體運動知覺 到滬江小D查看運動的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 醞釀的英文怎么說>> 運作的英文怎么說>> 運走用英文怎么說>> 運轉(zhuǎn)狀況用英文怎么說>> 運轉(zhuǎn)著航行時的英文怎么說>>
運送的英文: to convey; to transport; to deliver; to ship; to carry; to ferry; to freightconvey是什么意思: v. 傳遞;傳達;運輸;讓與 To convey(passengers) or travel by trolley. 載運用有軌電車運送(乘客);乘電車 Passengers are conveyed by bus to the air terminal. 用公共汽車載送旅客前往航空站。 The length of a paragraph depends on the information
運動場的英文: a sports ground; a playground; an athletic field; a playing field; a stadiumsports是什么意思: n. 體育運動 v. 故意顯示;引人注目地穿戴;嬉戲 sports decisiveness 運動果斷性 It was very sporting of you [You were very sporting] to keep it a secret. 你守住該秘密,很有運動員的風度[是承擔一定的風險的]。 junior sports development 青少年體育發(fā)展 ground是什么
輸的英文: transport losetransport是什么意思: v. 運輸,運送;使身處他境;流放;使狂喜 n. 運輸,運送;交通工具;運輸工具;運輸系統(tǒng);狂喜;流放犯 To transport by boat. 用船運輸 transportation leakage 運輸漏損量 He was sentenced to transportation for life. 他被判處終身流放。 lose是什么意思: v. 遺失;輸?shù)簦焕速M;被...奪去;不明白;逃避;錯過 to lose; to miss; to disappear; to mislay 遺失 A tale never loses in the telling. 故事總是被人們說得添枝加葉的。 Merry is he that has nought to lose 人無所失,不亦樂乎 到滬江小D查看輸的英文翻譯>>
運的英文: move transport use luckmove是什么意思: v. 移動;搬家;進展;搖動;開動;離開;提議;行動;使感動;變化 n. 移動;步驟;遷移;改變 move an audience 使觀眾/聽眾感動 That was a rash move. 這無疑是個魯莽的行動。 They are moving aggressively. 他們的行動帶有侵略意圖。 transport是什么意思: v. 運輸,運送;使身處他境;流放;使狂喜 n. 運輸,運送;交通工具;運輸工具;運輸系統(tǒng);狂喜;流放犯 To transport by boat. 用船
幸運的英文: lucky; fortunate; happylucky是什么意思: adj. 運氣好的,幸運的;好運帶來的;帶來好運的 n. 幸運的家伙 You're a lucky dog! 你真是個幸運兒! You don't say! You are lucky 真的啊!你真幸運 He is really a lucky dog. 他真是個幸運的家伙。fortunate是什么意思: adj. 幸運的 The goddess of fortune. 命運女神 May good fortune attend you! 祝你鴻運當頭! Fortune smiled on him