辛普森一家的英文: The Simpsons(是美國??怂箯V播公司的一部動畫情景喜劇。)simpsons是什么意思: 辛普森(姓氏) Let me introduce myself ; my name is Simpson. 讓我作自我介紹吧,我名叫辛普森。 Mr. Simpson proved to be a man of spotless respectability 辛普森先生被證明是一位無懈可擊的體面人物。 There were a few people whom Mr. Simpson wished to confer with. 辛普森先生想要與幾個人商議一
2012-07-07 -
辛普森一家作者罹患癌癥 捐贈大筆一家財富
17季節(jié)目的觀眾平均為920萬人。 更多影視學(xué)英語,點擊進入影英學(xué)堂 ???? ? 巨大的商業(yè)價值 “辛普森一家”的“聲望”已成就了10億美元的商品市場,從T恤到海報,“辛普森一家”和劇中配角的名字幾乎無處不在。很多劇集被制成DVD和錄像帶發(fā)行,相關(guān)的游戲也隨之出爐,創(chuàng)造了巨大的經(jīng)濟效益。 電影問世 從節(jié)目播出到現(xiàn)在,將《辛普森一家》搬上銀幕就一直是人們談?wù)摰脑掝}。起先,詹姆士·布魯克斯認為,《卡姆普·克魯斯蒂》一集的故事情節(jié)適合拍成影片,但難的是如何將劇擴大到一部故事片的長度。在這個問辛普森一家》的很多新語成為名噪一時的流行語。最出名的當屬霍默陷入苦惱后發(fā)出的嘟噥聲:“D'oh!”辛普森題上,他們面臨困難重重,包括缺乏可行的故事,和一支精良的編劇組,所以,拍電影的事一拖再拖。 現(xiàn)在,20世界??怂埂⒏窭孜饔皹I(yè)公司,和羅馬影業(yè)公司終于推出了動畫片《辛普森一家
Lady Gaga加入《辛普森一家》劇終一家集
辦了一個演唱會(在演唱會上她穿了以肉片裝為靈感的蜂鳥裝和掛滿格萊美獎杯的禮服)。 在演唱會上她唱道:“當所有小怪獸還小的時候,他們就知道自己既丑陋嚇人又愚蠢可笑,不僅體重超標還渾身都是毛,連善良的丘比特都孤立他們。但是每個小怪獸都應(yīng)發(fā)現(xiàn)自己心靈深處的秘密,能使杰克爾醫(yī)生變身性感海德先生的秘密。我的小怪獸們你們是最美的…”(Little Monster是Lady GaGa的粉絲俗稱)。 演唱會之后,她打算通過一次個性化的快閃活動讓情緒低落的麗莎高興起來,麗莎因為在學(xué)校網(wǎng)站發(fā)布贊美自己的評論而被眾人排斥?!奥犞绻@都不能讓你振奮起來,那我真的不知道該怎么辦了.”Gaga打趣一家道。
美劇界從未被超越的神?。骸?span style="color: #fe6016">辛普森一家》獲24、25兩季一家續(xù)訂
[en]'The Simpsons,' American's longest-running scripted series, is coming back for not only a Season 24, but Season 25 as well.[/en][cn]美國播出時間最長的劇本系列劇《辛普森家庭》獲得了第24和25兩季續(xù)訂![/cn] [en]The decision to continue the series came after 20th Century Fox TV and the voice actors -- Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith, Hank Azaria and Harry Shearer -- [w]squabbled[/w] over pay cuts for days.[/en][cn]20世紀??怂闺娨曋谱鞴驹谟谄信湟粞輪TDan Castellaneta、Julie Kavner、Nancy Cartwright、Yeardley Smith、Hank Azaria and Harry Shearer就之前的片酬糾紛協(xié)商完成之后,做出了續(xù)訂兩季的決定。[/cn] [en]Season 24 and 25 will bring 'The Simpsons' to an astonishing 559 episodes.[/en][cn]《辛普森家庭》算齊第24和25季播出集數(shù)將會達到相當驚人的559集。[/cn]
? 導(dǎo) 演: 大衛(wèi)·西佛曼 David Silverman 主 演: 漢克·阿扎利亞 Hank Azaria Julie Kavner ?????? 南?!たㄌ貞烟?Nancy Cartwright 地 區(qū): 美國 類 型: 動畫 喜劇 片 長: 100 上 映: 2007-07-27 內(nèi)容介紹: 沒有人能預(yù)料《辛普森一家》能獲得如此成功,同樣很難預(yù)料的是,這家人要“整容”啦。人們愛這家人極簡主義的卡通造型已經(jīng)愛了16年,然而有消息說,在即將到來的《辛普森一家電影版》中,這家人的形象將要被改變,以適合大銀幕的需要。 880G英語資料高速下載????? 21天突破商務(wù)口語瓶頸? 推薦下載:滬江影視英語原創(chuàng):看simpson學(xué)英語.rar 更多影視學(xué)英語,點擊進入影英一家學(xué)堂
“卷福”本尼迪克特加盟《辛普森一家》 機緣巧合為動畫片獻一家聲
' Cumberbatch – famed for playing the lead role in BBC drama Sherlock and set to star in the [w]sequel[/w] to the Star Trek film – revealed that he landed the role in the world's longest running cartoon entirely by accident. The 35-year-old discovered that The Simpsons was being recorded in the same place that he was headed to for a meeting.?'I heard there was a part going in an episode,' Cumberbatch said. 'I said, "I hate to [w]muscle[/w] in here guys but could I record it?" Next thing, I'm standing in a room with all those famous voices; Bart, Marge, Homer, Lisa.' The actor is the latest in a long list of British celebrities to [w]cameo[/w] in the cartoon, including Ricky Gervais, Tony Blair, JK Rowling and Coldplay. Comments made recently by Simpsons creator Matt Groening seemed to suggest that the show is set in Springfield, Oregon, though he has since insisted that the setting is [w]fictitious[/w]. 'I never said Springfield was in Oregon. I said Springfield was the name of my sled,' he told TV Guide Magazine. Al Jean, executive producer of The Simpsons, added that the place where Homer and Marge call home is an 'every town' rather than being based on somewhere [w]specific[/w]. 'It's really funny. Matt grew up in Oregon and parts of The Simpsons were definitely inspired by his childhood. But there is no specific state that Springfield is in,' he said. 滬江娛樂快訊:低沉渾厚的聲線使得本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇有著天生做配音工作的本錢,這位史上最迷人的“夏洛克”除了將在《霍比特人》、《星際迷航》等電影中出演外,還將為動畫系列劇《辛普森一家》獻聲配音。 這位《神探夏洛克》的主演講述了他為《辛普森一家》配音的來龍去脈,頗劇戲劇性?!爱敃r《辛普森一家》錄音的地方正好是我在開會的地方,聽說其中一集中有一個角色需要配音。于是我說,對于硬加入其中我不是很感冒,但我能錄這個角色么?接下來,我就站在了錄音室中,和那些超級著名的‘聲音’們在一起:Bart,Marge,Homer還有Lisa”。就這樣,“卷?!迸c托尼·布萊爾,羅琳,酷玩樂隊等大腕一起加入了《辛普森一家》的配音一家》獻聲配音。 這位《神探夏洛克》的主演講述了他為《辛普森一家》配音的來龍去脈,頗劇戲劇性?!爱敃r《辛普森一家》錄音的地方正好是我在開會的地方,聽說其中一集中有一個角色需要配音。于是我說,對于硬加入其中我不是很感冒,但我能錄這個角色么?接下來,我就站在了錄音室中,和那些超級著名的‘聲音’們在一起:Bart,Marge,Homer還有Lisa”。就這樣,“卷福”與托尼·布萊爾,羅琳,酷玩樂隊等大腕一起加入了《辛普森一家工作。
黑變黃&四指怪 辛普森一家作者一家爆料
[en]Fox knows how to work a[w]cross[/w] over when it comes to their shows.[/en] [cn]福克斯電視臺總是能找到炒作自家節(jié)目的好辦法。[/cn] [en]In May, the “American Idol” gang will be visiting Springfield during “The Simpsons’” season finale.[/en] [cn]五月份,美國偶像將和動畫片《辛普森一家》聯(lián)手,在其最后一季中客串出場。[/cn] [en]Judges Simon Cowell, Ellen DeGeneres, Kara DioGuardi, Randy Jackson and host Ryan Seacrest will be even more animated than they are during their critiques of contestants when they join Bart and the rest of the Springfield inhabitants on an episode scheduled to air May 23.[/en] [cn]評審Simon Cowell, Ellen DeGeneres, Kara DioGuardi, Randy Jackson和主持人Ryan Seacrest在動畫片中的形象會更加夸張。預(yù)計這一期動畫片將于5月23號播出,在這一集中,美國偶像攝制組將家來到辛普森一家所在的春天鎮(zhèn),展開一段滑稽搞笑的故事。[/cn] [en]Word is that Springfield’s beloved bartender, Moe, gets an invitation to serve as an “Idol” judge. Have we finally found a replacement for the soon to be departing Cowell?[/en] [cn]動畫片中大紅人,酒吧招待Moe將成為評審組的一員。他也許能成為即將離開的Simon Cowell的繼位者。[/cn] 新春課程溫暖上線,春季,和網(wǎng)校一起成長! 中級口譯春季班 高級口譯春季班 商務(wù)英語BEC【初級春季班】HOT! 商務(wù)英語BEC【中級一家》聯(lián)手,在其最后一季中客串出場。[/cn] [en]Judges Simon Cowell, Ellen DeGeneres, Kara DioGuardi, Randy Jackson and host Ryan Seacrest will be even more animated than they are during their critiques of contestants when they join Bart and the rest of the Springfield inhabitants on an episode scheduled to air May 23.[/en] [cn]評審Simon Cowell, Ellen DeGeneres, Kara DioGuardi, Randy Jackson和主持人Ryan Seacrest在動畫片中的形象會更加夸張。預(yù)計這一期動畫片將于5月23號播出,在這一集中,美國偶像攝制組將來到辛普森一家春季班】
外地影響了他們的演奏。[/cn] [en]The episode has been titled Haw-Haw Land, which hints that school bully Nelson and his trademark laugh will feature throughout.[/en][cn]這一集的標題是《哄笑之城》(惡搞《愛樂之城》),這也暗示著校園惡霸尼爾森和他的招牌式笑聲將貫穿始終。[/cn] [en]Ed's highly-anticipated [w]cameo[/w] will air later this week as part of the 29th season of The Simpsons.[/en][cn]艾德將在《辛普森的一家》這部動畫的第29季中登場,他那備受期待的客串演出將在本周晚些時候播送。[/cn] [en]The animated show has previously included cameos from the likes of Anne Hathaway, Katy Perry, Ricky Gervais, Lenny Kravitz and Snoop Dogg.[/en][cn]先前,這部動畫也邀請了安妮·海瑟薇、凱蒂·派瑞、瑞奇·格維斯、藍尼·克羅維茲以及史諾普·道格等人出演。[/cn] [en]The Simpsons isn't Ed's first step into acting, having already appeared in Game of Thrones, Home and Away, and Bridget Jones's Baby.[/en][cn]《辛普森的一家》并非艾德第一次嘗試演戲,他已經(jīng)客串過《權(quán)力的游戲》、《聚散離合》和《BJ單身日記》等劇作。[/cn] [en]2017 saw Ed releasing his record-breaking third album, embarking on a world tour.[/en][cn]2017年艾德發(fā)表了第三張專輯,并打普破了記錄,他還舉辦了世界巡回演唱會。[/cn] (翻譯一家》這部動畫是以斯普林菲爾德為背景的)。[/cn] [en]A trailer for a new episode of The Simpsons gives a first look as Ed lends his voice to Lisa Simpson's musician boyfriend.[/en][cn]從《辛普森的一家》最新一集的預(yù)告片中,我們可以發(fā)現(xiàn)麗莎·辛普森的音樂家男友是由艾德為其配音的。[/cn] [en]In the short clip, Ed's character Brendan can be seen playing the piano in an attempt to woo Lisa.[/en][cn]在這段簡短的視頻中,我們可以看到,艾德配音的角色布萊登正在彈鋼琴向麗莎示愛。[/cn] [en]Ed's unmistakable British accent can be heard as he asks Lisa why she didn't applaud his show-stopping performance.[/en][cn]當布萊登問麗莎為什么不為他的精彩表演鼓掌的時候,我們可以聽到艾德明顯的英式口音。[/cn] [en]The pair then rehearse a duet together, much to the [w]annoyance[/w] of Homer Simpson, who accidentally joins in with the performance when banging on the wall.[/en][cn]然后這對情侶一起排練了一曲二重奏,令人惱火的是,霍默·辛普森猛敲墻面意外地影響了他們的演奏。[/cn] [en]The episode has been titled Haw-Haw Land, which hints that school bully Nelson and his trademark laugh will feature throughout.[/en][cn]這一集的標題是《哄笑之城》(惡搞《愛樂之城》),這也暗示著校園惡霸尼爾森和他的招牌式笑聲將貫穿始終。[/cn] [en]Ed's highly-anticipated [w]cameo[/w] will air later this week as part of the 29th season of The Simpsons.[/en][cn]艾德將在《辛普森的一家》這部動畫的第29季中登場,他那備受期待的客串演出將在本周晚些時候播送。[/cn] [en]The animated show has previously included cameos from the likes of Anne Hathaway, Katy Perry, Ricky Gervais, Lenny Kravitz and Snoop Dogg.[/en][cn]先前,這部動畫也邀請了安妮·海瑟薇、凱蒂·派瑞、瑞奇·格維斯、藍尼·克羅維茲以及史諾普·道格等人出演。[/cn] [en]The Simpsons isn't Ed's first step into acting, having already appeared in Game of Thrones, Home and Away, and Bridget Jones's Baby.[/en][cn]《辛普森的一家:Dlacus)