掉了汽車工業(yè)你也就關(guān)婚姻掉了鋼鐵工業(yè)和橡膠工業(yè)。aisle是什么意思: n. 通道,走道;側(cè)廊 I want a aisle seat. 我要一個靠走道的座位。 He followed the usher down the aisle. 他跟著領(lǐng)座員沿著通道走過去。 The organ played as the bride came down the aisle. 當(dāng)新娘沿著通道走過來時,風(fēng)琴演奏了起來。 到滬江小D查看步入婚姻殿堂的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 步入的英文怎么說>> 步曲的英文怎么說>> 步槍的英文>> 步履維艱的英文怎么說>> 步行天橋的英文怎么說>>
2012-06-26 -
形式婚姻的英文: marriage of convenience 指不是因為戀愛、家庭或愛情而結(jié)合的婚姻。marriage是什么意思: n. 結(jié)婚;婚姻生活;婚禮 an irregular marriage. 不合法的婚姻 You will notice the drift in this marriage. 在這樁婚姻中你會注意到流向。 Marriage comes by destiny 姻緣命中定 Marriages are made in heaven 姻緣天注定 She has a great perspective on marriage. 關(guān)于婚姻生活,她的觀點確實非常
2012-07-08 -
重要的信息就是女性們不管是什么身材,只婚姻要能找到正確的伴侶,婚姻就能幸福。起作用的只是夫妻間的相對體重,而不是個人的絕對體重。”[/cn] [en]But relationships expert Jean Hannah Edelstein expressed doubts about the findings.[/en][cn]但兩性關(guān)系專家Jean Hannah Edelstein對此項研究表示懷疑。[/cn] [en]She said: “I would be sceptical that most men would really reject their partners on the basis of being overweight if there were no other issues.”[/en][cn]她說道:“如果沒有其他任何原因,大多數(shù)男人會因為另一半體重超重而拒絕她們嗎?我對此深表懷疑?!盵/cn]
婚姻是一個古老的話題,何為幸福的婚姻?每個人都在不斷地尋找著答案.很多人都認(rèn)為愛情來自于恰到好處的化學(xué)反應(yīng),那我們怎么樣來成就一樁幸福的婚姻,Parker-Pope's 在她的新書中為此開婚姻是一個古老的話題,何為幸福的婚姻出了良方,這處方到底是哪些藥物配制而成的呢?一起來聽聽看吧! 音頻在線播放: >>點擊下載音頻? ROBERT SIEGEL, host: Science and [w]matrimony[/w] meet in a new book by Tara Parker-Pope. It's called "For Better: The Science of a Good Marriage." The author offers practical marital advice based on her own observations as well as interviews with biologists, psychologists and sociologists. Reviewer Susan Jane Gilman says the intentions are good, but "For Better" isn't nearly as good as it could have been. Ms. SUSAN JANE GILMAN (Author): Are you married? If so, how did you meet? According to Tara Parker-Pope, the way you recount this story reveals a lot about the state of your union. If you recall your first date affectionately, chances are your marriage is strong. But if your tale is tinged with bitterness, you're probably in trouble. This isn't Parker-Pope's opinion. It's based on a scientific study. Her new book, "For Better: The Science of a Good Marriage," is a [w]compendium[/w] of such research. Good marriages, she argues, are good for us, and science can help us achieve them. Drawing upon fields from neuroscience to sociology, her book offers prescriptions for marital health - practical strategies to help couples improve their relationship. Parker-Pope paints a statistical [w]portrait[/w] of marriage today. Some of her findings are surprising: Divorce rates in America are actually dropping; married people have more sex than anyone; and the more financially independent women are, the more likely they are to stay married. When it comes to problems, debt and children are obvious culprits, but so is rolling your eyes at your spouse. So is using the [w]pronoun[/w] "you" instead of "we." "For Better" is half myth-buster, half self-help. It's a cleanly written, [w]serviceable[/w] book that can be useful for couples, or even singles contemplating the [w]plunge[/w]. Yet for me, it left something to be desired. To be fair, I approached "For Better" with the same lofty expectations many of us bring to marriage itself. I love the idea that there's a science to marriage, and so I yearned to be swept away by this book, intellectually turned on. As with a great romance, I wanted fireworks. Instead, I got the publishing equivalent of a nice robe and slippers. Well-crafted, comforting, helpful - yes. "For Better" is a good gift for the lovelorn. But while there's illuminating research in it - especially comparing gay and straight marriages - there's also plenty of stuff, frankly, I've heard before. Its relationship quizzes could have come straight from a magazine. "For Better," in short, could be better. Its full potential isn't realized. Marriage has undergone radical changes in America. In the 19th century, women legally became non-people the moment they tied the knot. Once married, they were prohibited from keeping their own money and property, signing contracts or filing lawsuits. Their husbands had the right to abuse them. In fact, [w]spousal[/w] rape wasn't outlawed in all 50 states until 1993. Yet Parker-Pope only notes that marriage used to be an economic and social contract not based on love. She focuses on the science of marriage but ignores its evolution, and her book is flimsier for it. In the end, I wanted "For Better" to go beyond [w]factoid[/w]s and marital aids to become a deeper, more [w]provocative[/w] read. Maybe I'm asking too much or seeking a different book entirely. But "For Better" urges couples to insist on high standards and for better or worse, I've followed its advice. (Soundbite of music) SIEGEL: The book is "For Better: The Science of a Good Marriage," by Tara Parker-Pope. Reviewer Susan Jane Gilman wrote the memoir "Undress Me in the Temple of Heaven."? 直達(dá)滬江部落史上最好的聽寫系統(tǒng) 聲明:音視頻均來自互聯(lián)網(wǎng)鏈接,僅供學(xué)習(xí)使用。本網(wǎng)站自身不存儲、控制、修改被鏈接的內(nèi)容。"滬江英語"高度重視知識產(chǎn)權(quán)保護(hù)。當(dāng)如發(fā)現(xiàn)本網(wǎng)站發(fā)布的信息包含有侵犯其著作權(quán)的鏈接內(nèi)容時,請聯(lián)系我們,我們將依法采取措施移除相關(guān)內(nèi)容或屏蔽相關(guān)鏈接。 滬江網(wǎng)校夏季課程上線,足不出戶,和滬江網(wǎng)校一起天天向上,共同進(jìn)步吧! 2010年12月CET【四級暑期特訓(xùn)班】2010年12月CET【六級暑期特訓(xùn)班】
美國在線聯(lián)合開展,共有7113名年齡在20歲至69歲之間的美國人參加,總體來看,44%的受訪者稱他們不需要用婚姻來證明愛情。 [/cn] [en]"People are coming online to find that special someone but that special someone doesn't
咱們就用幾句唐詩來表達(dá)“段子男神”被搶走的悲痛心情吧:李白登機(jī)將預(yù)行,忽聞家人送別聲。桃花潭水深千尺,不及小撒送我情~~~感覺咱們的詩仙要被玩壞了,這以后還腫么好好背唐詩!??! 最后,我們都知道麗薩在加拿大也是個名人(celebrity),celebrity和star都表示名人,有什么區(qū)別呢: celebrity指的是名人,名人可以包括各類,比如商界名人,政界名人,學(xué)術(shù)界名人,藝術(shù)界名人等等;star指的是明星,這個“明星“指的是娛樂界里面的各類星,比如歌星,影星等。 深挖小撒的戀愛史,貌似都和名人有關(guān):經(jīng)緯、章子怡……如今的李白在加拿大也是個名人小富婆~不過相信以小撒的“段子手逗比”本領(lǐng),hold住這段跨國婚姻完全不成問題。 好啦,這就是有關(guān)小撒閃婚的熱詞啦!把這些詞組學(xué)會后,你就可以跟你的外國朋友講講咱們小撒和李白的這段浪漫的“跨國羅曼史”啦!趕快學(xué)起來吧?。?!PS.別忘了給老外講講咱們小撒的逗比段子哈!! 聲明:本文系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內(nèi)容,轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處。中文翻譯僅代表譯者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。
已經(jīng)是那個最特別的女孩了,”與麥莉一起貼身電臀熱舞過的羅賓幾個月前對《明星周刊》說道。[/cn] [en]The Blurred Lines singer gave a gushing interview praising his wife Paula, just days after a picture [w=emerge]emerged[/w] of him groping a young fan.[/en][cn]《Blurred Lines》演唱者羅賓在采訪中毫不吝惜對妻子寶拉的溢美之詞,而就在幾天前爆出的一張照片中,羅賓正在一名年輕的歌迷身上亂摸。[/cn] [en]He told Prestige magazine: "I don’t know if I would still be alive in some ways if it wasn’t for Paula. She’s been my rock, my muse, my [w]inspiration[/w] and I love her. The whole way."[/en][cn]他是這樣對《聲望雜志》說的:“我不知道如果沒有寶拉的話我是否還能活下去。她是我的支柱,我的繆斯女神,我的靈感。我愛她,從始自終地愛她?!盵/cn] [en]Actress Paula, who has a three-year-old son with the sunglasses loving singer, also gave her [w]verdict[/w] on what makes the couple tick.[/en][cn]與喜愛太陽眼鏡的歌手羅賓育有一個3歲兒子的女演員寶拉,同樣也給出了與丈夫分手的原因。[/cn] [en]She said: 'We’re best friends. We laugh a lot. But that’s our down time. We do the things you’re supposed to do, like work out. We love to travel together and travel with our child.[/en][cn]她說:“我們是最好的朋友。我們一起很快樂。但這是我們休息時候的樣子。你們應(yīng)該要做的事我們也一樣要做,比如在外頭工作。我們喜歡一起帶著孩子旅行?!盵/cn] [en]"We don’t have normal jobs. So it’s always a work house. Robin makes music at home and my job when I’m not on set always brings people into our home.'?[/en][cn]“我們的工作不是普通的工作。所以家里總像是一間工作室。羅賓在家制作音樂,而當(dāng)我不婚姻用在現(xiàn)場時,我的工作總會把人們引到我們家里來。”?[/cn]
2014-02-27 -