搜索結(jié)果 搜索相關(guān)課程
  • 《權(quán)力的游戲》把美劇當(dāng)電影拍 第二季增重要角色

    《權(quán)利的游戲》是HB0在去年推出的一檔頗有影響的傳奇大戲。劇中華麗的場景,演技精湛的演員還有引人入勝的劇情給全球觀眾留下了相當(dāng)深刻的印象,甚至被稱為拿電視劇當(dāng)電影拍的巨作。該劇第二季將會在明年4月首播。 [en]Two big pieces of news out of HBO this week:[/en][cn]本周HBO放出兩條重磅消息:[/cn] [en]1. Game of Thrones will return in April.[/en][cn]1. 《權(quán)利的游戲》第二季將在2012年4月回歸。[/cn] [en]2. Rose Leslie has landed

  • 緋聞女孩第二季第13集劇情預(yù)告:Bart的葬禮

    光看美劇學(xué)英文是不夠滴!^o^口語也要扎實學(xué) Gossip Girl Episode 2.13: O Brother, Where Bart Thou? Airs: december 8, 2008 A sudden [w]tragedy[/w] [w]strike[/w]s the lives of every teen and parent on the Upper East Side. 看美劇學(xué)英文,點此查看美劇筆記>> 緋聞女孩第二季第13集:Bart的葬禮 播出時間:2008年12月8日(美國時間) 劇情簡介:一場突如其來的悲劇給了上東區(qū)的這群孩子以及父母們重重一擊。

  • 緋聞女孩第二季第15集劇情預(yù)告:Chuck當(dāng)上CEO

    滬江口語資料“絕密版” 免費贈送活動進行中 Gossip Girl Episode 2.15 Gone with the Will Airs: January 12, 2009 In the reading of Bart's will, Chuck, Bart's brother, Jack and Lily learn that Chuck is now the CEO of Bass Industries. Chuck agrees that Jack became his [w]guardian[/w]. Rufus and Lily's relationship is [w]strain[/w]ed as Rufus searches for details about the child he never knew he had. Noticing the strange way his father has been acting lately, Dan does some investigating and [w]uncover[/w]s Rufus and Lily's secret, and he has to decide now what to do and who to tell the shocking revelation. 緋聞女孩第二季第15集 隨愿而逝 播出時間:2009年1月12日(美國時間) 在看過Bart的遺囑后,Chuck、Bart的兄弟Jack和Lily知曉了Chuck成為Bass集團的新一任CEO。Rufus和Lily的關(guān)系越來越緊張,因為Rufus在想法設(shè)法了解那個沒有機會出生的孩子。Dan做了些調(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn)了父親和Lily的秘密,他必須決定怎么做并且應(yīng)該對誰說這件事。 【推薦】《緋聞女孩》第二季學(xué)習(xí)筆記大匯總

  • 緋聞女孩第二季第14集劇情預(yù)告:Bass家的天下

    Gossip Girl Episode 2.14 In The [w]Realm[/w] of the Basses Airs: January 6, 2008 Chuck is [w]teetering[/w] on the edge of a tall building,saying his favorite three words: "I'm Chuck Bass" while Blair [w]freak[/w]s out from a distance. Besides Chuck and Blair, there will be plenty of drama between Lily and Rufus as well as Dan and Serena. And who knows what will happen in the Nate-Vanessa-Jenny triangle? 光看美劇學(xué)英文是不夠滴!^o^口語也要扎實學(xué) 緋聞女孩第二季第14集 Bass家的天下 播出時間:2009年1月6日(美國時間) Chuck搖搖晃晃地在一幢高樓樓頂走著,說著他的名言:“我是Chuck Bass?!辈贿h(yuǎn)處站著驚恐萬分的Blair。除了Chuck和Blair之間的糾葛,Lily和Rufus,Dan和Serena也將上演一出好戲。而Nate-Vanessa-Jenny之間的三角戀又將如何發(fā)展呢? 看美劇學(xué)英文,點此查看美劇筆記>>

  • 《風(fēng)中的女王》第二季迎來新公主

    [en]When Reign returns on the small screen this fall, fans can expect a new character: British actress Rose Williams will join the cast as a recurring guest star.[/en][cn]當(dāng)大家在今年秋檔迎接《風(fēng)中的女王》回歸時,粉絲們可以期待一位新角色:英國女演員Rose Williams將會在這部劇中循環(huán)客串。[/cn] [en]Williams will play Princess Claude, the royal daughter of Catherine de Medici and the deceased King Henry and sister to the newly crowned King Francis.[/en][cn]Williams將會扮演Claude公主,她是Catherine de Medici和死去的國王Henry的女兒,同時還是新國王Francis的妹妹。[/cn] [en]Reign returns to The CW on Thursday, Oct. 2, at 9 p.m. ET.[/en][cn]《風(fēng)中的女王》將會在北京時間10月3日回歸CW電視臺。[/cn]

  • 英劇《神探夏洛克》第二季首播時間推遲至2012

    [en]Bad news for fans of the BBC‘s fresh and [w]inventive[/w] take on Sherlock Holmes. The second season of Sherlock has been pushed back to 2012.[/en][cn]給所有喜歡BBC英劇《神探夏洛克》的粉絲們帶來一個壞消息?!渡裉较穆蹇恕返诙臼撞ト掌诒煌七t到了2012年。[/cn] [en]Confirmation that the series will not return until next year was announced at the end of last night’s Sherlock Season 1 finale replay.[/en][cn]昨晚《神探夏洛克》第一季結(jié)局重播的時候電視臺向觀眾們確

  • Glee歡樂合唱團第二季第1集劇情預(yù)告 新鮮試唱

    歡樂合唱團第二季第1集 新鮮試唱 播出時間:2010年9月21日 第二季開場,一些全新的面孔加入劇集,讓不少老角色倍感壓力。新老戀情宿怨舊恨那叫各種復(fù)雜啊~~ Glee Episode 2.1 Audition Airs: Sep.21, 2010 ?In the second season opener, some new faces challenge old ones in Glee club auditions. Meanwhile new and old relationships leave some happy and others alone. 看Glee歡樂合唱團聽歌學(xué)英語原創(chuàng)學(xué)習(xí)筆記

  • 《尼基塔》第二季尾聲千鈞一發(fā)(劇照+預(yù)告片)


  • 《觸摸未來》第二季2月8日回歸 大結(jié)局將會有新角色客串

    [en]"Touch" has booked Ron Rifkin in a guest-starring role for the show's season 2 finale this spring. Although the actor is perhaps best-known for playing the role of the evil Arvin Sloane in "Alias," Rifkin's role on "Touch" may be a little more positive.[/en][cn]《觸摸未來》已經(jīng)確定該劇今年春天上演的第二季大結(jié)局中將會邀請Ron Rifkin來客串。Ron出演過最讓人熟悉的角色應(yīng)該是《Alias》里的反派Arvin Sloane,不過他這回在《觸摸未來》中的角色將會正面很多。[/cn] [en]As first reported by The Hollywood Reporter, Rifkin will play Isaac, an imposing rabbi. Isaac is described as a believer in destiny and is a man clothed in a black suit, a tallit shawl with gold tzitzit of gold, and a gold yarmulke.[/en][cn]據(jù)最先報道此消息的《好萊塢報道者》報道,Rifkin將會扮演一個讓人印象深刻的猶太法師Isaac的角色。這個角色相信命運,身著黑衣和猶太流蘇黑披巾,頭戴圓頂小帽。[/cn] [en]"Touch" Season 2 debuts after a long hiatus on Friday, Feb. 8 on FOX.[/en][cn]《觸摸未來》第二季將會在2月8日再FOX電視臺回歸。[/cn]

  • 《權(quán)力的游戲》第二季4月1日回歸 最新預(yù)告勾起你的觀看欲!

    滬江小編:HBO電視網(wǎng)美劇《權(quán)利的游戲》第一季取得了巨大的成功,第二季也正在緊鑼密鼓的拍攝之中。好消息是,《權(quán)利的游戲》第二季首播時間已經(jīng)確定:4月1日(北京時間4月2日)!近日HBO就放出了一則名叫You Win Or You Die的預(yù)告片!絕對挑起你的觀看欲! On Sunday, ahead of the series premiere of its David Milch horseracing drama Luck, HBO unspooled the first full-length trailer for season two of the George R.R.