搜索結(jié)果 搜索相關(guān)課程
  • 《貓戲》第四季:曝光首集劇照

    有趣的一部分。 不過異域風(fēng)情不僅讓我們有機(jī)會看尼爾的各種無上裝,還讓尼爾本人可以施展浪漫無比的戲法,以討好當(dāng)?shù)氐呐缓垃斞?。哇喔?彼得和尼爾在一通電話里上演兩人特有的“兄弟”時刻——說的有點(diǎn)含糊?一切盡在不言中,你懂的。 以免你擔(dān)心伊利莎白被孤立了,告訴你她“以昂貴的福喜利領(lǐng)帶做抓手,從樓外的污水管滑下來去——偷聽科林斯”。好吧,不完全是,但她是這么自告奮勇的。 最后,如果你覺得一集來講尼爾的異國探險故事足夠了的話,再想想?????? 《貓戲》7月10日周二晚九點(diǎn)回歸USA電視臺。

  • 第四季終集劇透——Neal追尋答案

    [en]In just under 24 hours, the season 4 finale of “White Collar” will have arrived for your viewing pleasure, and you better buckle up for what is being billed as yet another game-changer for the series. There is so much at stake here when it comes to Neal’s emotions, whether it be his relationship with Sara, Peter, or even his family, and there are also so many questions that are waiting to be answered.[/en][cn]在不到12小時內(nèi),“貓鼠游戲"第4季的壓軸即落入我們的眼中,你最好準(zhǔn)備好應(yīng)對像宣傳中的那樣這集又將是本劇的另一轉(zhuǎn)折點(diǎn)。凡是涉及到尼爾的情緒,總帶著許多的賭注,無論是他與薩拉,彼得,甚至他的家人,有各種各樣的問題等待他來解答。[/cn] [en]Outside of saying that there is an enormous cliffhanger coming and the mystery of the box will be resolved in some way, we don’t want to spoil too much here and ruin the fun save for what you already know: the Empire State Building is going to be involved, and it may be a part of some of the greatest scenes that this show as ever pulled off.[/en][cn]除了有一個巨大的懸念即將到來和神秘的盒子將被以某種方式解決外,我們不希望劇透太多以免破壞接下來的樂趣:帝國大廈將被涉及,這可能會是本劇開播以來最宏大的場景。[/cn] [en]We have a pair of sneak peeks below, and they give us an opportunity to delve into what is going to be the more human side of this episode. Are there going to be plenty of stunts and action? Sure (and especially will the chase for the box is happening), but don’t be mistaken even for a second that this is anything other a character-driven show first and foremost. These are really the people that push forward the story, and Matt Bomer has more on his plate during this episode than he quite possibly ever has before.[/en][cn]以下有我們對接下來可能發(fā)生的兩個預(yù)展,他們會給我們一個機(jī)會深入了解這集更人性化的一面。是否將有大量的特技和動作呢?當(dāng)然(尤其是在追搶盒子的時候),但不要誤認(rèn)為這變成了一部動作片。這是真正的人在推進(jìn)故事的延續(xù),馬修·波莫在這集里很可能要開掛甚至開黑![/cn]

  • 《權(quán)力的戲》第四季明年春開播

    [en]Annnnnnd… CUT! Filming on season 4 of Game of Thrones has officially wrapped, according to behind the scenes writer Cat Taylor.[/en][cn]咔!《權(quán)力的戲》第四季拍攝正式完畢啦,來自編劇凱特-泰勒的消息:[/cn] [en] That's all folks. Wolf camera wrap on Series 4 of @GameOfThrones. Until next year! — Cat Taylor (@CatonSet

  • 《權(quán)力的戲》第四季結(jié)局前收視稍降

    ][cn]在《權(quán)力的戲》迎來第四季大結(jié)局前,收視又稍微有些下降?!稒?quán)力的戲》第四季倒數(shù)第二集收視相較于本720萬人數(shù)的最高收視成績稍有下降。據(jù)《娛樂周刊》報道,這一集《The Watchers on the Wall》的收視人數(shù)為690萬。[/cn] [en]Over the course of the entire night, episode 9 earned 8.1 million views, which isn't down much from the 8.2 million views for the night the previous week. [/en][cn

  • 《權(quán)力的戲》第四季首映禮

    York on Tuesday.[/en][cn]但是《權(quán)力的戲》兩位女王艾米利亞·克拉克和琳娜·海蒂周二出現(xiàn)在紐約舉行的第四季首映禮上都選擇了黑色禮服出席,打了個平手。[/cn] [en]The sexbombs, who are blonde in the show, also showed off their naturally brunette barnets as they lit up the red carpet.[/en][cn]這兩個性感尤物,在劇中都都染了金發(fā),在紅毯上都展現(xiàn)了自然黑發(fā),靚麗造型點(diǎn)燃了紅毯。[/cn] [en]Emilia, who plays

  • 《權(quán)力的戲》第四季是龍母的主場?

    [en]HBO is looking far into the future.[/en][cn]HBO電視臺高瞻遠(yuǎn)矚。[/cn] [en]With Game of Thrones Season 4 first set to premiere on April 6, the series has already given a promotion to Nathalie Emmanuel.[/en][cn]《權(quán)力的游戲》第四季將會在北京時間4月7日開播,不過在開播之前劇組就已經(jīng)決定把Nathalie Emmanuel升級為常規(guī)演員了。[/cn] [en]If When the network

  • 《權(quán)力的戲》第四季:凡人皆有一死

    游戲》第四季像是鋒利的利劍,海報上的標(biāo)語寫著:凡人皆有一死。[/cn] [en]This, of course, is the translation is the translation of the High Valyrian phrase “Valar morghulis," which is featured on the 18 character posters previously released by the network.[/en][cn]這個凡人皆有一死是翻譯自High Valyrian語:Valar morghulis。在之前發(fā)布的18個角色宣傳照中每一張都有這句話。[/cn]

  • 《權(quán)力的戲》第四季預(yù)定 將于2014年播出

    [en]Game of Thrones will be coming back for a fourth season, Entertainment Weekly confirms. HBO has [w=renew]renewed[/w] another 10 episodes to premiere in 2014 — given the series' success so far, that's completely unsurprising, though No further details are [w=forthcoming]forthcoming[/w] right now, but it's generally accepted that a fourth season will cover the second half of A Storm of Swords, the third book in George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series.[/en] [cn]Entertainment Weekly確認(rèn)《權(quán)力的游戲》第四季已經(jīng)獲得預(yù)定??紤]到本劇的成功,HBO宣布會于2014年更新第四季的10集,當(dāng)然這一點(diǎn)兒也不

  • 《權(quán)力的戲》第四季首支預(yù)告 4月6日回歸

    ? [en]The first official Game of Thrones season 4 trailer is out at last, and it looks fantastic.[/en][cn]《權(quán)力的戲》第四季首支正式版預(yù)告終于出來啦!看起來很贊![/cn] [en]HBO has finally unveiled a [w=launch]launch[/w] date for the eagerly awaited fourth season ofGame of Thrones, based on the A Song of Ice and Fire novels

  • 2022年第四季度考試日歷,請收好!

    已經(jīng)到2022年10月了,勤奮的同學(xué)已經(jīng)在備考各種證了! 今天小編為大家?guī)?022年第四季度考試日歷,請收好! 11月19日: 劍橋商務(wù)英語考試(BEC)-高級 11月26日: 劍橋商務(wù)英語考試(BEC)-初級 12月3日: 劍橋商務(wù)英語考試(BEC)-中級 12月24日-26日: 全國碩士研究生招生考試 附: 10-12月雅思托??荚嚾掌?圖片來源: 托福?考試官方微信 【溫馨提示】 備考期間請關(guān)注官方實(shí)時通知!