• 英文怎么說

    請求的英文: to ask; to request; to applyask是什么意思: v.[T] 1. 問;詢問[+wh-] 2. 請求;要求[+to-v][+that] 3. 索(價);要求得到(+for/of) 4. 邀請 v. [I] 1. 問;詢問;問候(+about) 2. 要求;請求(+for) Love asks faith, and faith asks firmness. 愛情要求忠誠,忠誠要求堅定。 Never ask questions which are not supposed to be asked. 永遠不要去問不該問的問題。 Ask that lady to help you. 請那位小姐幫你忙吧。request是什么意思: v. 要求,請求;請求給予 n. 要求,請求,需要,需求,申請書 function requester 功能請求者 The medicine is requested to pestle into powder. 這種藥要研成粉末服用。 These goods are in great request. 這些貨物極為需要。 apply是什么意思: v. 實施;涂,敷;專心致志;使致力于;(使)適用;申請 This is applied to the wart. 這適用于樹瘤。 This is sprayed on or applied to the wart. 這是被噴上的,或者適用于樹瘤。 They still do not apply for the visa. 他們還沒有申請簽證。 到滬江小D查看請求的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 請做的英文>> 請罪的英文>> 請走這邊的英文怎么說>> 請注意的英語怎么說>> 請在此排隊的英文怎么說>>

  • 英文怎么說

    請的英文: ask invite please (do sth) treat (to a meal, etc) requestask是什么意思: v.[T] 1. 問;詢問[+wh-] 2. 請求;要求[+to-v][+that] 3. 索(價);要求得到(+for/of) 4. 邀請 v. [I] 1. 問;詢問;問候(+about) 2. 要求;請求(+for) Love asks faith, and faith asks firmness. 愛情要求忠誠,忠誠要求堅定。 Never ask questions which are not supposed to be asked. 永遠不要去問不該問的問題。 Ask that lady to help you. 請那位小姐幫你忙吧。 invite是什么意思: v. 邀請;請求,要求;招致 n. 邀請,請柬 Whomever you invite will be welcome. 你邀請的任何人都將受歡迎。 He was upset at not being invited. 人家沒邀請他,他很不痛快. A Bad padlock invites a picklock 壞鎖招人撬 please是什么意思: int. 請,請求 v. 使喜歡,使高興,愿意,喜歡 So, in effect, the soft-spoken plea of Government today is : 可見,今天政府實際上是在慢語輕聲地懇經(jīng)濟衰退:“多蒙關照,幸勿光臨! The court recorded a plea of not guilty. 法院對無罪抗辯作了記載。 She beleaguered him with pleas for forgiveness. 她纏著他要求寬恕。 到滬江小D查看英文翻譯>>

  • 英文

    求的英文: to exact confession by means of tortureexact是什么意思: adj. 精確的;嚴謹?shù)?;精密?v. 要求;強迫 The authority has no exacting responsibility. (授予的)職權沒有明確責任。 What's the exact count? 確切的總數(shù)是多少? The task proved to be exacting. 這項任務結果是很艱巨的。confession是什么意思: n. 供狀;供詞;承認,坦白;懺悔,告解;告白;表白 to torture into confession 拷問|逼供 That was a constrained confession. 那是被強迫的自白。 The priest confessed the criminal. 神父聽取了那個罪犯的懺悔。means是什么意思: n. 方法,手段;工具;金錢,財富,財產(chǎn),財力,收入 That was a mean trick! 那是卑鄙的詭計! A modifier that has little meaning except to intensify the meaning it modifies. 修飾語除了加強修飾詞的意思之外沒有實際意義。 get money by dishonest means 非法賺錢, 得不義之財 到滬江小D查看刑英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 刑期的英文怎么說>> 刑滿釋放的英文怎么說>> 刑滿的英文怎么說>> 刑律的英文怎么說>> 刑警的英文怎么說>>

  • 刑的英文怎么說

    刑的英文: prosectionprosection是什么意思: n. 起訴 到滬江小D查看刑的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 舞用英語怎么說>> 求實的英文怎么說>> 求勝的英文怎么說>> 上帝降禍于的英文怎么說>> 求人的英文怎么說>>

  • 英文怎么說

    求的英文: seek look for request demand beseech參考例句: To find the fallen sword by notching the side of the moving boat 契舟求劍 To kneel down begging for pardon 跪下求宥 For goodness' sake don't say anything to them. Never mind who's right and who's wrong. 求姑奶奶別去,別管他們誰是誰非。 Their friendship flowered while they were at college. 他們的友誼在求

  • 不滿的英文怎么說


  • 英文怎么說

    求的英文: entreat implore參考例句: An imploring glance 哀求的眼光 The prisoner implored pardon. 囚犯哀求赦免。 She gave him an imploring look. 她以哀求

  • …的同意的英文怎么說

    …的同意的英文: to request the consent of...參考例句: When I asked for agreement there was no dissent. 我征求同意時沒有人表示不同意。request是什么意思: v. 要求,請求;請求給予 n. 要求,請求,需要,需求,申請書 function requester 功能請求者 The medicine is requested to pestle into powder. 這種藥要研成粉末服用。 These goods are in great request. 這些貨物極為需要。 To hand in a

  • 精益精的英文怎么說

    精益精的英文: [Literal Meaning] perfect/more/pursue/perfect to keep pursuing perfection [解釋] 已經(jīng)好了還要力求更好。 [Explanation] to constantly improve something [例子] 對待任何工作我們都應該精益精。 [Example] We should try to constantly improve whatever we do.參考例句: Refine on; improve 精于;改進;精益精 "'The Psalm of Life,' 'excelsior