搜索結(jié)果 搜索相關(guān)課程
  • 英語打招呼的日常用語集錦

    干了 3、You look great today. 你今天看上去很棒 4、This is really a nice place. 這真是個好地方 5、Your son is so cute. 你的孩子很可愛 英語日常用語(二) 6、What's the date today? 今天幾號 7、Wait a second. 等一等 8、I agree. 我同意 9、He is looking for a job. 他正在找工作 10、Not bad. 還不錯 英語日常用語(三) 11、What did you say? 你說什么 12、Bye. 再見 13、What is he talking about? 他在說些什么 14、I envy you very much. 我非常羨慕你 15、Have fun. 玩得開心 英語日常用語(四) 16、Pull oneself together. 振作起來 17、Be quiet. 安靜點 18、You're in a bad mood. 你的心情不好 19、You have a very successful business. 你的事業(yè)很成功 20、Bless you. 祝福你 英語日常用語(五) 21、You're always right! 你總是對的 22、What should I do? 我該怎么辦 23、I decline. 我拒絕 24、You can call me any time. 你可以隨時打電話給我 25、By my troth. 我保證 英語日常用語(六) 26、Stop bugging me. 別煩我 27、Could you say that again? 你能再說一遍嗎 28、I've gotta get out of here. 我得離開這兒了 29、Make up your mind. 做個決定吧 30、How are things going? 事情進展得怎樣 英語日常用語(七) 31、Will you go with me? 你跟我一起去嗎 32、What are you doing these days? 這些日子做什么呢 33、How are you doing these days? 這些日子過的怎么樣 34、Let me see. 讓我想想 35、Hold the line. 堅持下去 英語日常用語(八) 36、Can I help you? 我能幫你嗎 37、I'd like to see you again sometime. 希望能再見到你 38、Call me tomorrow. 明天打電話給我 39、You are just in time. 你來得正是時候 40、It is just what I need. 這正是我所

  • 打招呼的英文怎么說

    打招呼的英文: greet sb by word or action give prior notice參考例句: Nod to sB 向某人打招呼 In salute 作為打招呼,致意 To salute or greet. 打招呼向…致以敬意或問候 She greeted him enthusiastically with a kiss. 她熱情地跟他打招呼并吻了他一下。 Pass the time of day;spend the time of day 打招呼 How do you do; how are you 初次相見打招呼的話 She greeted me with a nod

  • 常用打招呼英語口語句型集錦

    多了。) will come and go.(錢乃身外之物。) you crazy?(你瘋了嗎?) you got it?(明白了嗎?) 71.i've got it(我懂了。) 72.i can'tafford that.(我承擔(dān)/買不起。) 73.i did it,im so happy now.(我做到了,現(xiàn)在我很滿意。) 74.i don't care.(不打招呼關(guān)我的事/我不管。) 75.i don't think so.(我不這么想/我看不會/不行/不用。) 76.i guess so.(我想是吧。) 77.i have no other choice.(我別無選擇。) 78.i will do my best!(我會盡力的!) 79.i mean it.(我是認真的。) 80.i'm so scared.(我怕極了。) 以上就是為大家整理的簡單的打招呼英語口語交流句子,大家在平時多進行口語的交流,進而提升自己的口語學(xué)習(xí)能力。更多有關(guān)英語口語學(xué)習(xí)知識,大家可以關(guān)注滬江網(wǎng)查詢。

  • 教你如何打招呼——去朋友家做客

    到你。[/cn] [en]A: We're glad to finally be able to meet you. Dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes.[/en] [cn]A: 終于能夠見到你,我們很高興。再過二十分鐘左右就開飯。[/cn] [en]B: Is there anything I can do to help?[/en] [cn]B: 有什么我可以幫忙的嗎?[/cn] [en]A: No, everything is pretty much ready. We're just waiting on the [w]roast[/w]. I hope you like roast beef.[/en] [cn]A: 謝謝不用,基本都打招呼已經(jīng)準備完畢了。我們只是在等燒烤,希望你喜歡烤牛肉。[/cn] [en]B: Yes, of course. Jesse tells me you are a [w]fabulous[/w] cook.[/en] [cn]B: 當(dāng)然喜歡。Jesse跟我說過你是一個超棒的廚師。[/cn]

  • 教你如何打招呼——路過時的簡單問候

    得很禮貌。有些時候你可能在同一天再次碰到這個人,那時你可以說"hello again",或者僅用微笑示意。[/cn] Tips [en]?Slow down to greet someone you know. You don't have to stop what you are doing (walking, working, shopping).[/en] [cn]放慢動作來同認識的人打招呼,不必停下(腳步,工作,購物)。[/cn] [en]?Say an appropriate form of hello.[/en] [cn]選擇正確的打招呼方式。[/cn] [en]?Smile and wave.[/en] [cn]微笑+揮手。[/cn] Useful phrases ?Hello ?Hi ?Good morning ?Good afternoon ?Good evening* ?Hey, John. ?How's it goin'?** [en]*Good night is a [w]farewell[/w] (goodbye) phrase. It is NOT a greeting to use at night time.[/en] [cn]"Good night."是用來告別(再見)的短語,并不是晚間打招呼的說法。[/cn] [en]**Native speakers often shorten "going" to "goin" in casual greetings.[/en] [cn]母語者在比較隨意地問候時經(jīng)常將"going"縮略說成"goin"。[/cn] (這個在我們的“學(xué)連音 說地道口語”系列中有學(xué)過哦,來看一下吧>>) Slang greetings in passing [en]Using [w]slang[/w] in a greeting is [w]typical[/w] between close friends. Teens often use slang when they greet each other. Certain English speaking countries also have their own popular form of "hello".[/en] [cn]用俚語來打招呼經(jīng)常發(fā)生在好朋友間,年輕人見面時常用俚語互相致意,而每個英語國家也有自己所流行的問候方式。[/cn] ?Howdy ?Hiya ?Whazzup? ?Yo ?G'day (Australia)

  • 100句常用于各種場合打招呼的英語實用口語句子

    真的。) 80.i’m so scared.(我怕極了。) ’s hard to say.(難說。) ’s a long story.(說來話長/一言難盡) ’s a small world.(世界真小) ’s against the law!(那是違法的!) ’s a good opportunity!(好機會!) ’s dangerous!(危險!) i help you?(我能幫忙嗎?) dubt about it.(毫無疑問。) ’s bullshit!(廢話!) it over.(仔細考慮一下。) will tell.(時間會證明的。) a surprise!(太令人驚訝了!) er you say!(隨便你!) are the boss!(聽你的!你說了算!) have my word!(我保證!) job,tough day,tough is not always ’s life!(艱苦的工作,艱難的日子,不幸的世界。生活并不總是甜蜜的。這就是生活!) 97.i need some sleep.(我需要睡眠。) it easy.(別緊張。) relax.(放松一下。) your fly!(閉嘴!) 以上就是為大家整理的100句常用于各種場合打招呼的英語實用口語句子,希望能夠?qū)Υ蠹矣兴鶐椭?。使用英語口語交流,打招呼是必須要掌握的,否則就會影響到接下來的交流。

  • 教你如何打招呼——發(fā)起談話的問候

    Greetings before a Conversation [en]Sometimes you stop and talk for a minute as you say hello. This type of greeting is followed by a conversation. Close friends often [w]hug[/w] when they greet each other, especially after a long time without seeing one other. Men sometimes give each other a hand shake or a high-five (touch [w=palm]palms[/w] above the head).[/en] [cn]有些時候你在說過“你好”后還會停下來再和對方交談一兩分鐘,這種類型的問候?qū)鲆欢握勗?。好朋友間經(jīng)常會在互相打招呼時擁抱對方,尤其是在兩人很久沒見面的情況下。男士們有時會選擇握手或是(在頭以上的位置)擊掌。[/cn] Tips [en]?Stand near a person and say hello.[/en] [cn]靠近對方說“你好”。[/cn] [en]?Express happiness to see a person.[/en] [cn]表現(xiàn)出你見到對方很高興。[/cn] [en]?Ask a question or begin a conversation.[/en] [cn]問問題或開始對話。[/cn] Useful Phrases ?Nice to see you. ?Long time no see. (I haven't seen you in a while.) ?What have you been up to? ?How are things? ?It's been a while. (It's been a while since I've seen you.) ?What's new? ?Not much. (answer to What's new?) Pair Practice (casual between friends or coworkers) A: Hi Corey. B: Hey, Jennifer. Good to see you. (hug) A: You too. How've you been? B: Busy, you? A: Pretty good. How's your new job? B: It's okay. There's a lot to learn. What's new with you? A: Not much. The kids are back at school. [en]Note: Between very close friends it's uncommon to use names in a casual greeting. Sometimes [w=nickname]nicknames[/w] or short forms are used. (Cor and Jen instead of Corey and Jennifer).[/en] [cn]注意:非常要好的朋友間很少會在隨意的問候中用名字稱呼對方,有時他們會用昵稱或是名字的縮略形式。(比如以上對話中用Cor替代Corey,用Jen替代Jennifer。)[/cn] Further Practice for Pairs [en]?Add a third speaker and create your own lines.[/en] [cn]加入第三者,創(chuàng)作你們自己的對話。[/cn] [en]?Add an [w]unexpected[/w] [w]interruption[/w] (bus arrives, friend comes out of a store, child [w=fuss]fusses[/w]).[/en] [cn]加入意外被打斷的情況(例如:公車來了,看到朋友從商店里出來,小孩搗亂等)。[/cn] [en]?Write the next four lines between the two speakers.[/en] [cn]寫出兩人間接下去的四句談話。[/cn] [en]?Write an [w]inappropriate[/w] line and explain why it should not be part of the greeting.[/en] [cn]寫一句不合適的對話,解釋為什么它不該出現(xiàn)在問候中。[/cn] 這里給出了拓展練習(xí),大家不妨找朋友一起試一試哦~

  • Hello不夠用?各國打招呼大法學(xué)起來(上)


  • 教你如何打招呼——認識新同學(xué)

    Greetings in the Classroom [en]It is polite to greet a new student that joins your class. Introductions immediately follow this type of greeting.[/en] [cn]和班里的新同學(xué)打招呼