周末就考BEC中級了,口語是很多小伙伴發(fā)怵的一part,今天就來講講口語考試流程,以及考場注意事項。 01 口語考試時間 BEC中級口語考試時間14min??荚嚂r間一般在考完筆試的當天下午,或者是第二天上午進行。如果有的考點考生特別多,也會提前一天進行。 考試先后順序是按照姓名首字母排列的。所以一定要注意自己的編號。 如果你的考點是可以自由組合,建議提前找好口語搭檔,開考前磨合練習(熟悉語音語調和話輪,以免考場尬聊)。 02 口語考試流程 01 候考+分組 被叫號的同學進入候考區(qū),在候考教室由老師進行分組。 一般是14組,28個人同時考試(如果考生出現(xiàn)單數(shù),就會出現(xiàn)3個人一組搭配完成的情況)。 02 候考(建議和搭檔磨合口語) 候考時間一般為10-15分鐘,這段時間可以和搭檔再練練口語,特別是PART3的對話分配。 03 考官提問+評分 考場內有兩位中國考官,一位負責提問,一位負責評分。 04 評分標準 考官會從語法、詞匯、談話組織、發(fā)音、互動式交流5個方向給出本次口語考試的綜合得分。 03 BEC中級口語考試Part1回答模板 BEC中級口語考試分為三個部分。 時間:14min (3+6+5) ? 題型: ●Part1: 個人信息+商務話題 (考官會問兩個問題,先B后A,問題共享) ●Do you work or are you a student? Studies: I am a student. I study laws/Business. I am a student. My major is English/ International Trade/project and enterprise management Work: I work. I work in a bank. I work. I teach English at a high school. I am an interpreter in a joint venture. I am a secretary to the manager in a foreign trade company. I am an accountant with a trade company. ●What do you study/ do? Studies: I study English/ international economics and trade/ project and enterprise management/ law/economic/ accounting/ business management. (回答專業(yè)) Work: I teach English at a high school/ I specialize in marketing in my company / I am in charge of the financial affairs in a joint venture/ I am responsible for the sales business in a foreign company. (回答日常工作) ●What do you like most about your studies/ job? Studies: I like translation/English, I think it's so important nowadays with globalization and people from different cultures need to communicate with each other. or I like English, because I can learn more about western cultures, which can broaden my horizon and enrich my life. or l like studying economic theories very much. I come from a business family, so I am interested in economics, since I was a child, and I would like to apply what I learned into practice after graduation. or I love business management because I have seen great potential a range of job opportunities in this industry. I believe that it canhelp me land a better job/ l will have a promising future by choosing this major. Work: What I like most is the trust my manager and colleagues have in me. This gives me job satisfaction and increases my working enthusiasm. or I like dealing with my customers. I've met a lot of different customers and have established very good relations with them.It is my greatest satisfaction to be able to successfully solvecustomers' problems. or What I like most is the meeting with various kinds of people,and I can learn different professional knowledge from people of all walks of life. or What I like most is the stable working hours and light workload,which means I do not always have to work overtime and havemore spare time to enjoy mylife. ●Part2:小演講+提問 1min ●Part3:合作討論 3min30s 提問順序 ? 以口語考試考場桌子上的桌簽標志A和B為準 Part 1:先A后B,輪流提問 Part 2:先B后A Part 3:先提問表現(xiàn)弱勢的那位
托福口語Task 3回答模板分享
目的陌生而恐慌。不過考試的設計思路總是可以破解的。今天就來說說托??谡Z模板task3的相關內容吧! 通常閱讀部分是一個definition或explanation; 大致由points和examples兩個板塊構成。所以在記筆記的時候,主要記這兩點。 具體如下: Reading: (標題和首句中的關鍵詞,比如:boycott, forest fire, emotional intelligenc, etc... 1-2 句話完成) Listening: (就一個人唱獨角戲,聽完是M還是W,那么以后人稱就確定了,he就是he,she就是she,不會像T2那樣產生干擾。) (1) point 1 + example 1 (2)point 2 + example 2 (3)小結 注:此題主要考察一個能力----- paraphrasing 通俗點說,就是同義替換,平時要多注意積累同一意義的多形表達,這一點,也不用刻意去拿別的教材去學,托福的兩門輸入課程,聽力和閱讀材料已經足矣。 版本如下 版本一 In this set of materials,the reading passage describes...and the listening passage is alecture by a professor/speaker on… According to the reading passage... In the listening passage, the professor/speaker discusses... 第一空:Reading 的第一句,找出關鍵動詞,對句子進行 reorganize,再敘述,千萬不能照搬; 第二空:Question 的再述,也是要照搬; 第三空:Reading 的最后一句,找出關鍵動詞,做與第一空一樣的工作; 第四空:Lecture中所聽到的信息。 第一空的內容應該是文中主要的人或者物所做的事的原因,或者因素。第三空則是,這件事的結果,結論,或者是影響。 第一空與第三空,并不絕對就是,Reading 的第一句和最后一句,只是部分情況下,會是這樣。更準確的回答,還是需要大家去閱讀。 版本二 適用題型: The reading passage: definition Listening passage: examples, study, research 模板: The reading passage gives the definition of…, which is… In the lecture, the professor goes on to demonstrate it by introducing some researches/examples/ experiments. The first is… This research proved that… The second is… (Additional investigations also showed that) 托??谡Z模板task3的相關內容大家學會了嗎?還想了解哪些內容,可以來網(wǎng)校跟我們說說。如果您對英語學習感興趣,想要深入學習,可以了解滬江網(wǎng)校精品課程,量身定制高效實用的個性化學習方案,專屬督導全程伴學,掃一掃領200暢學卡。
2023-07-03 -
題了。 32. It is commonly believed that … / It is a common belief that … 人們一般認為…… 33. Many people insist that … 很多人堅持認為…… 34. With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that… 隨著科技的發(fā)展,越來越多的人認為…… 35. A lot of people seem to think that … 很多人似乎認為…… 36. Nowadays, (overpopulation) has become a problem we have to face. 如今,(人口過剩)已成為我們不得不面對的問
2023-10-19 -
理了商務英語email作文模板,歡迎大家閱讀。 商務 英語 email作文模板一 subject: About the Packing Dear Sir, On 10 July, we received your consignment of 40 cardboard cartons of steel screws. We regret to inform you that 10 cartons were delivered damaged and the contents had spilled, leading to some losses. We accept that the damage was not your fault but feel that we must modify our packing requirement to avoid future losses. We require that future packing be in wooden boxes of 20 kilos net, each wooden box containing 40 cardbaord packs of 500 grams net. Please let us know whether these specifications can be met by you and whether they will lead to an increase in your prices. We look forward to your early confirmation. Sincerely yours, xxxx 主題:包裝事宜 親愛的先生: 7月10日收到貴公司40個紙板箱鋼螺釘。然而,當中10個紙箱于運送途中破爛,另貨物散落,造成損失。本公司了解到此非貴公司之過,但希望能改進包裝的方法,以避免同類事件發(fā)生。日后的包裝木箱凈重20公斤,可裝每個凈重500克的紙板箱40個。煩請確認上述方法,并告知新方法會否引致價格上漲。 盼望早日賜復。 你真誠的xxx 商務英語email作文模板二 subject: Demanding Overdue Payment Dear Sirs, Account No.8756 As you are usually very prompt in settling your accounts, we wonder whether there is any special reason why we have not received payment of the above account, already a month overdue. We think you may not have received the statement of account we sent you on 30th August showing the balance of US$ 80,000 you owe. We send you a copy and hope it may have your early attention. Yours faithfully, xxx 主題:索取逾期賬款 親愛的先生: 第8756號賬單 鑒于貴方總是及時結清項目,而此次逾期一個月仍未收到貴方上述賬目的欠款,我們想知道是否有何特殊原因。 我們猜想貴方可能未模板及時收到我們8月30日發(fā)出的80,000美元欠款的賬單?,F(xiàn)寄出一份,并希望貴方及早處理。 你真誠的xxx 商務英語email作文模板三 From: X X X To: X X X Date: X X X Subject: Looking for Agent Dear Mr. Adams: Your name came to us from a mutual friend, Mr. Ying Soo Yong from Korea, who thought you might be interested in our line of products, namely bed sheets and pillow cases. Although we export large quantities to Europe and North America, we have not yet to establish distribution channels in the Asia Pacific. We are currently seeking agencies to represent us. The attached materials are for your perusal. Should you feel inclined to discuss opportunities for cooperation and mutual benefits, feel free to contact me at 86-10-12345678. Sincerely yours, Su Ning 商務英語email作文模板四 From: X X X To: X X X Date: X X X Subject: Establishing Business Relations Dear Mr. Goodman: We have your name and Email address from the Commercial Counselor's Office of the Chinese Embassy in Sweden. We wish to inform you that we are specialized in canned food, and shall be pleased to enter into trade relations with you. Our firm, located at the east end of Beijing, was established nearly half a century ago, and has extensive range of products. Please visit our web page www. . It is showing various products being handle by this corporation with detailed specifications and means of packing. Quotation and samples will be sent upon receipt of your special enquires. As to our financial standing, we refer you to Bank of China, 111 Wangfujing Street, Beijing, who, we feel sure, will be glad to furnish you with any information you require. In case you need more information about our business status, we shall be glad to answer your inquires at any time. Yours sincerely, Jiang Wen Manager Sanyuan Food Company 以上就是為大家整理的商務英語email作文模板,希望能夠對大家有所幫助。有了好的作文模板,如果大家不知道該怎么寫,可以參考本文。如果您對商務英語email學習感興趣,想要深入學習,可以了解滬江網(wǎng)校精品課程,量身定制高效實用的個性化學習方案,專屬督導全程伴學。掃一掃定制專屬課程
2022-09-08 -
英語作文是考試的必考項目之一,考生需要提前進行作文訓練,掌握一些固定的模板,快速完成寫作的同時,還能夠保障寫作的水準。下面小編整理了英語六級考試作文模板,分享給大家,希望大家在考前的時候可以學習一下。 主題 why students should be encouraged to develop effective communication skills 模板 Living in an age when competition is becoming increasingly severe, students are generally encouraged to develop
2024-07-07 -
商務英語寫作技巧涉及多個方面,包括語言使用、格式規(guī)范、以及特定場合下的寫作策略。下面是小編給大家分享的幾個經典模板,大家可以作為參考。 1.信件的開頭: We are writing to enquire about… We are writing in connection with… We are interested in … and we would like to know… 環(huán)境: You want to know the prices of some air conditioners. We are interested in your air conditioner and we would like to know the prices of some air conditioners. You saw an advertisement in the newspaper yesterday and you want further information. We are writing in connection with the advertisement in the newspaper yesterday. You want to know if the company you are writing to organizes holidays to Africa. We are writing to inquire about the holidays to Africa that your company organizes. 2. 回信的開頭: Thank you for your letter of (date) We have received your letter of (date) asking if … enquiring about … enclosing … concerning … 環(huán)境: A company wrote to you on 23 July. They wanted to know if you sell photocopiers. Thank you for your letter of 23 July, asking if we sell photocopiers. A man wrote to you on 18 December. He wanted employment with your company. He also sent his curriculum vitae. We have received your letter of 18 December, enclosing your curriculum vitae. A company sent you a fax on 3 June. They wanted to know if you were going to the marketing conference in London. Thank you for your fax of 3 June, asking if I was going to the marketing conference in London. A woman telephoned you this morning. She wanted to know if her order No. 599 had arrived. Thank you for your telephone call this morning concerning the order No. 599. 3. 信件的結尾: 一般結尾: I look forward to receiving your reply/order/products/ect. Looking forward to hearing from you. 如果你在信件中
2024-07-12 -
可能需要用到。以下是一個簡單而實用的自我介紹英語作文模板,適用于各種場合: 1. Introduction(介紹) Opening Greeting(開場致辭):?Hello everyone / Hi there / Good morning/afternoon/evening. Self-Introduction(自我介紹):?My name is [Your Name]. I am [Your Age] years old, and I come from [Your Hometown]. 2. Personal Background(個人背景) Education(教育背景):?I graduated from [Your University/School] with a degree in [Your Major]. Work Experience(工作經歷):?Currently, I work at [Your Current Company/Position] where I [Brief Description of Your Role]. Interests and Hobbies(興趣愛好):?In my free time, I enjoy [Your Interests/Hobbies], such as reading, traveling, or playing sports. 3. Skills and Strengths(技能與優(yōu)勢) Language Skills(語言能力):?I am fluent in [Your Languages], including [Other Languages You Speak]. Technical Skills(技術能力):?I am proficient in [Your Technical Skills], such as Microsoft Office, programming languages, etc. Soft Skills(軟技能):?I possess strong communication, problem-solving, and teamwork skills, which I believe are crucial in any professional environment. 4. Future Goals(未來目標) Career Goals(職業(yè)目標):?In the future, I aspire to [Your Career Goals], such as advancing in my current field or pursuing further education. Personal Goals(個人目標):?On a personal level, I aim to [Your Personal Goals], such as maintaining a healthy work-life balance or learning new skills. 5. Closing(結尾) Closing Remarks(結束語):?Thank you for taking the time to listen to my introduction. I look forward to getting to know each of you better. Final Greeting(最后致辭):?Have a great day / evening / weekend! 以上是一個簡單而全面的自我介紹英語作文模板,你可以根據(jù)具體場合和個人情況進行適當調整和擴展。記得保持自然、流暢,并展現(xiàn)出自己的個性和特點,讓對方對你有更深入的了解。 ? 如果您對英語學習感興趣,想要深入學習,可以了解滬江網(wǎng)校精品課程,量身定制高效實用的個性化學習方案,專屬督導全程伴學,掃一掃領200暢學卡。
2023-12-12 -
2024-05-20 -