• 《復仇》第二季獨家新聞:新演員加入

    等到九月才會回歸,但大家仍然對《復仇》第二季有很多疑問。 誰可

  • 《喪尸國度》第二季被續(xù)訂

    [en]Syfy is staying put in Z Nation. The cable network has announced a second season of the zombie drama, set for a 2015 return.[/en][cn]美國Syfy電視臺續(xù)訂喪尸主題新劇《喪尸國度》,這部美劇第二季將會在2015年回歸。[/cn] [en]The news comes just halfway through the series' freshman season. Its proven to be especially competitive

  • 《童話鎮(zhèn)》第二季首集名已確定

    ].?Emile de Ravin, as Belle, has been promoted to series regular. Once Upon a Time returns on September 30. 滬江娛樂快訊:ABC公布《童話鎮(zhèn)》第二季首集名稱。該集名為《破裂》,主要講述了白雪公主的故事。 關于該集我們暫且只知道這些,但是讓我們來回顧一下幾星期前發(fā)布的《童話鎮(zhèn)》劇集新聞:科林·奧多霍諾(Colin O'Donoghu)飾虎克(Hook)船長?!稛o厘頭偵探》演員邁克爾·雷蒙德·詹姆斯(Michael Raymond-James)已簽約,角色未知。朱利安·莫里斯(Julian

  • 《美國恐怖故事》第二季結局5大劇透 展望第三!

    在給大家送上《美國恐怖故事》第二季大結局的5大劇透: [en]1) The time jumping continues[/en][cn]1)《美國恐怖故事》第二季閃回將會繼續(xù)[/cn] [en]"Continuum" is broken up into four segments that quickly move the storyline through the rest of the '60s: The Kit-centric story is set in 1967, Jude-centric in 1968 and Lana-centric in 1969. Then there's a creepy capper that returns us to Dylan McDermott's Johnny Morgan.[/en][cn]《美國恐怖故事:瘋人院》這一季將故事分成了4個時間段來講述發(fā)生在60年代的故事:Kit為主的故事發(fā)生在1967 年,Jude為主的故事是1968年,而Lanna的故事則主要集中在1969年,另外還有Dylan McDermott的Johnny Morgan閃回。[/cn] [en]2) Get ready for an eyeful of Evan Peters' tighty-whities[/en][cn]準備再次迎接Evan Peters(Kit扮演者)的裸體情節(jié)吧[/cn] [en]Peters has had his share of nude scenes on "Asylum" but he has to play several key scenes in "Continuum" in his underwear. And some of the time he's splattered in blood. [/en][cn]Peters在《美國恐怖故事》第一季就裸過了,不過在第二季中他仍然會在非常重要的劇情中穿著內褲晃蕩在觀眾面前。在某些裸體情節(jié)中 甚至是會全身濺血。[/cn] [en]3) Briarcliff has some new inmates[/en][cn]3)荊棘崖還會有新人住第二季《美國恐怖故事:瘋人院》還有兩集就要結束第二季的故事了,這部美劇每一季進來[/cn] [en]One character we already know and one who's simply a familiar face wind up in Briarcliff, and Sister Jude is especially upset about one of them.[/en][cn]一個之前我們已經認識甚至比較熟悉的角色將會入住荊棘崖,而且Jude修女很討厭的人之一。[/cn] [en]4) Lana's blasts from the past[/en][cn]4)過去的事情在Lana腦中大量浮現(xiàn)[/cn] [en]By the time we catch up with Lana in 1969, something has changed. But she's still haunted by faces from her pas.[/en][cn]劇情閃回到1969年的時候,事情發(fā)生了變化。但是Lana腦內仍然會出現(xiàn)很多過去的畫面。[/cn] [en]5) There's a "really big clue" to Season 3[/en][cn]5)第二季大結局中將會有第三季故事的大線索[/cn] [en]At least that's what Murphy told Entertainment Weekly last week. But we've seen the episode and honestly, your guess is as good as ours.[/en][cn]Murphy上周接受《娛樂周刊》采訪時說第二季大結局中有第三季故事的線索,和我們想的一樣。[/cn]

  • 《紙牌屋》第二季Frank外遇情未斷

    [en]The [w]promotional[/w] push for House of Cards Season 2 is very much underway.[/en][cn]《紙牌屋》的第二季宣傳已經全面鋪開了。[/cn] [en]Netflix has released the official poster for new episodes, along with the first House of Cards Season 2 trailer, over the past few days.[/en][cn]Netflix之前已經發(fā)布了新集官方海報和《紙牌屋》第二季首支預告。[/cn] [en]Zoe and now-Vice President Frank Underwood are still on the outs, but he has a new ally. Jackie Sharp (Molly Parker), a third-term Democratic congresswoman, will fall into line for Frank's army, but not without some degree of resistance. "I don't think this character is a [w]sociopath[/w]," Parker says. "But I do think she's interested in control. She's interested in power and fearlessness. She has a past and she has secrets, but she's not self-destructive. She has a conscience."[/en][cn]在第三季中,Zoe和已經成為副總統(tǒng)的Frank Underwood的外遇關系仍然仍然沒有結束,不過Frank還多了一個新盟友。Jackie Sharp,民主黨第三代議員將會加入Frank麾下,當然她肯定不會太聽話?!拔矣X得Sharp這個角色并不是不愛社交,”扮演者Parker說,“不過我認為她是個很有控制欲的女人。權力和無畏對她來說有著莫大的吸引力,她有過去有秘密...不過她不會自毀前程。而且她是個有良心的人?!盵/cn] [en]"House of Cards" has been renewed for a third season before its second season has even premiered on Netflix, a rep for the streaming site confirms to Zap2it. [/en][cn]Netflix網站向Zap2it網站確認,雖然《紙牌屋》第二季還未開播,不過該網站已經決定要續(xù)訂《紙牌屋》第三。[/cn]

  • 《綠箭俠》第二季:莎莫?格勞飾循環(huán)角色

    Consolidated.[/en][cn]眾多消息證實,莎莫·格勞(Summer Glau)已同《綠箭俠》第二季簽訂循環(huán)角色的合同,飾演伊莎貝爾·羅切夫(Isabel Rochev)——斯特爾摩國際收購的副總裁。而該企業(yè)想要吞并奎恩集團。[/cn] [en]The character is referred to as "The Queen" in the comic book series and - QUASI SPOILER ALERT! - she ends up taking over as CEO of Queen Industries after the death

  • 連環(huán)殺手血腥歸來:《驚魂序曲》奏響第二季

    [en]A&E has ordered a second season of freshman drama Bates Motel, the network announced Monday.[/en][cn]本周一,A&E正式宣布續(xù)訂旗下新劇《驚魂序曲》(Bates Motel)第二季。[/cn] [en]The show, which stars Freddie Highmore and Vera Farmiga and is inspired by Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho, drew 4.5 million viewers for its March 18

  • 《行尸走肉》男星加盟《記憶神探》第二季

    Dallas Roberts has joined the cast of CBS' revived drama Unforgettable, The Hollywood Reporter has learned. The actor, who currently recurs on Walking Dead as well as CBS' The Good Wife, will join the Poppy Montgomery drama as Eliot, a detective in charge of the major cases section of the NYPD. He's ambitious and politically connected and was brought in to turn things around for the unit and bring the attention back to the department. CBS revived Unforgettable in June for a [w]truncated[/w] 13-episode order for the summer a month after canceling the steady performer. The network has been bulking up on original scripted fare following a [w]lackluster[/w] summer of unscripted offerings last year. 滬江娛樂快訊:據Hollywoodreporter報道,在《行尸走肉》中飾演米爾頓(Milton)的男星達拉斯·羅伯茨確定將加盟CBS罪案劇《記憶神探》的第二季。在第二季中,達拉斯將飾演凱莉和艾爾的新上司,紐約警局重案處的負責人——艾略特。在劇中,他是一名充滿野心,給自己的將來設定了一系列目標并在政治上高瞻遠矚的探員。

  • 重口味吃人美劇《漢尼拔》第二季獲續(xù)訂

    松了——因為NBC已經正式續(xù)訂這部殺手劇集的第二季。[/cn] [en]Just like Season 1, the renewal order is for 13 episodes and Season 2 will launch "no earlier than midseason" per a NBC press release. [/en][cn]和第一季相似,《漢尼拔》第二季仍然被續(xù)訂了13集,并且會在秋檔中期上演。[/cn] [en]"Hannibal" premiered on NBC in April to strong reviews and [w]decent[/w] ratings, but saw its viewership start to slide with episode 3 and, until today, was the only scripted series of the 2012-13 network TV season still awaiting word on a renewal or cancellation.[/en][cn]《漢尼拔》4月一登陸NBC電視臺就吸引了一大群觀眾,創(chuàng)造了相當不錯的收視成績,但是收視人數(shù)從第三集開始大量下滑,到現(xiàn)在該劇已經淪落到了讓NBC糾結是不是要砍劇的境地了。[/cn]

  • 《觸摸未來》第二季首播日期推遲到2013年2月1日

    看到未來的兒子Jake逃到了洛杉磯,他們會想辦法幫Mario Bello扮演的角色Lucy找到她女兒Amelia,而Amelia是和Jake一樣有預見未來能力的。[/cn] [en]Touch was originally supposed to kick off its second season in October, but got pushed back initially to Feb. 1.[/en][cn]《觸摸未來》第二季原計劃在10月首播,但是現(xiàn)在首播時間被推遲到了2月1日。[/cn]