搜索結(jié)果 搜索相關(guān)課程
  • 缺爺再開炮:《唐頓莊園》第二季是爛片

    類型的歷史劇《唐頓莊園》比較一番,但康伯巴奇仍然認(rèn)為自己的作品更勝一籌。 日前他對《太陽報》(The Sun)說:“這部小說把特權(quán)階級的富人描述得十分精確,又不乏趣味,同時還很尖銳,像這樣全方位體現(xiàn)了當(dāng)時社會的文章并不多見。” “我們的目的不是讓觀眾們發(fā)出一些老掉牙的感嘆,比如‘用一道樓梯把樓上樓下分隔成兩個不同的世界真的很殘忍,不是嗎?’《一戰(zhàn)往事》的主旨更加深刻?!?然而在《讀者文摘》(Reader's Digest)雜志九月號的采訪中,康伯巴奇更是大肆吐槽ITV這部最受歡迎的劇集:“我們希望能重現(xiàn)一戰(zhàn)前的世界,傳承優(yōu)良的文化傳統(tǒng),或者說帶領(lǐng)觀眾們踏上從1900年代開始的懷舊之旅?!?“盡管《唐頓莊園》上一季大打感情牌的效果不錯......但這部劇從來就不是我們談?wù)摰脑掝},因為我個人認(rèn)為第二季真他媽的太差勁了(fucking atrocious)?!?康伯巴奇早在今年一月《唐頓莊園》斬獲金球獎(Golden Globes)時就曾出言諷刺過該劇,不過他隨后澄清自己“是在開玩笑”。 ?


    唐頓莊園 第二季

  • 《真探》第二季再增2名常規(guī)角色

    [en]SpoilerTV have learned that Lolita Davidovich and Intruders star James Frain are joining the cast of the upcoming second season of HBO’s True Detective as recurring.[/en][cn]SpoilerTV網(wǎng)站了解到Lolita Davidovich和《Intruders》明星James Frain加入HBO美劇《真探》,成為第二季的常規(guī)演員。[/cn] [en]Davidovich will play Kitsch’s

  • 《神盾局特工》第二季

    Maurissa Tancharoen posted an image to Instagram that makes us want the show back ASAP.[/en][cn]看來演員們思念彼此就像我們思念他們一樣?!渡穸芫痔毓ぁ穲?zhí)行制片人Maurissa Tancharoen在Instagram上發(fā)了一張演員合照,讓我們等不及想《神盾局特工》第二季趕緊回歸。[/cn] [en]"One weird happy family," she captions the image.[/en][cn]“一個奇怪又快樂的家庭,”她在照片下寫著。[/cn] [en]"Marvel's Agents of SHIELD" returns on Tuesdays in the fall at 9 p.m. ET/PT on ABC.[/en][cn]《神盾局特工》每周晚九點播出。[/cn]

  • 溫暖圣誕節(jié)《老友記》第二季學(xué)習(xí)筆記在線收看


  • 《記憶神探》第二季演員陣容大換血:誰去誰留?

    When "Unforgettable" returns for Season 2 during the summer of 2013 it will reportedly look a little different. According to TVLine, the cast is undergoing a shake-up. Series star Poppy Montgomery has signed on to appear in the newly-revived series, as have co-stars Dylan Walsh and Jane Curtin. But Michael Gaston, Kevin Rankin and Daya Vaidya won't be returning for Season 2, meaning the NYPD squad will likely [w]feature[/w] some new recruits. "Unforgettable" was canceled by CBS after one season. The show aired Tuesdays at 10 p.m. and posted solid ratings, averaging 12.1 million viewers per episode. "I don't know if it's what went wrong [with 'Unforgettable']," Nina Tassler, president of CBS Entertainment, told reporters after initially canceling "Unforgettable." "It was more about what went right with the new pilots. It started very strong in the beginning of the season. They were continuing to produce great episodes. Every show knows that when they get to end of their first season, they are gonna be in competition with new pilots, and that's what happened. We had a very strong, very good crop of pilots coming in. That forces you to make very difficult decisions." However, CBS couldn't quit its red-headed [w]detective[/w] with hyperthymesia and eventually decided to revive the series for a 13-episode Season 2 scheduled to air in the summer of 2013. 《記憶神探》(Unforgettable)第二季將于2013年夏季回歸熒屏,據(jù)說本季和第一季會不太一樣。從TVLine網(wǎng)站上的報道我們得知,該劇的演員陣容正在經(jīng)歷一次大變動。 不過女主角派琵·蒙格瑪麗(Poppy Montgomery)已經(jīng)簽約繼續(xù)出演這部重獲新生的劇集,在劇中與她配合默契的迪倫·沃爾什(Dylan Walsh)以及珍·柯婷(Jane Curtin)也將再次與觀眾見面。而另外三名警探的扮演者邁克爾·加斯頓(Michael Gaston),凱文·蘭金(Kevin Rankin) 還有戴雅·維迪雅(Daya Vaidya)則就此告別該劇。這就意味著這支紐約警局的小分隊需要新鮮血液的加入。 《記憶神探》去年播完第一季之后慘被CBS取消。其實這部每周四晚十點播出的劇集收視率相當(dāng)不錯,平均每集吸引了1210萬觀眾。 “我不確定這是不是因為《記憶神探》自身的問題,“CBS電視臺娛樂部主席妮娜·塔斯勒(Nina Tassler)之前砍掉該劇以后告訴記者。”但這更是出于對還有其他好看的新劇的考慮。今年的秋季檔從一開始就很給力,精彩的劇集一部接著一部。并且大家也都知道每部劇集的第一季一結(jié)束,它們與新劇競爭的時刻就到來了,現(xiàn)實就是如此。我們預(yù)定了不少高質(zhì)量的新劇,所以現(xiàn)在不得不做出一些艱難的決定。” 然而,CBS 終究沒有放棄這位患有超憶癥的紅發(fā)美女警探——凱莉·威爾斯(Carrie Wells),而且還為計劃于2013年夏季重新播出的第二季續(xù)訂了13集。?


    記憶神探 第二季

  • 新劇《守望塵世》第二季被續(xù)訂

    [en]HBO has renewed its drama "The Leftovers" for Season 2. The Damon Lindelof-Tom Perrotta series is currently airing the final episodes of Season 1 on the cable network.[/en][cn]HBO電視臺宣布續(xù)訂美劇《守望塵世》第二季。這部劇第一季目前正在HBO播出。[/cn] [en]"We are thrilled to bring back 'The Leftovers' for a second season with the [w]exceptional[/w] talents of Damon Lindelof and Tom Perrotta," says HBO programming president Michael Lombardo in a statement.[/en]《守望塵世》有Damon Lindelof和Tom Perrotta的天才指導(dǎo),我們很高興向大家宣布將會續(xù)訂這部劇的第二季,”HBO節(jié)目總裁Michael Lombardo在聲明中說。 [en]Set in the fictional New York suburb of Mapleton, "The Leftovers" tells the story of those left behind three years after 140 million worldwide people inexplicably disappeared without a trace. While no one knows what actually happened during "The Sudden Departure". [/en][cn]這部劇講述發(fā)生在紐約郊區(qū)Mapleton,在1400萬人突然失蹤3年之后的故事。也沒有人知道這1400萬人突然失蹤的原因。[/cn] [en]Season 1 episodes of "The Leftovers" air Sundays at 10 p.m. ET/PT on HBO. The season finale is scheduled for Sept. 7. [/en][cn]《守望塵世》將第二季會在每周日晚十點在HBO播出,第一季結(jié)局將會在9月7日播出。[/cn]

  • 《美國怪談》第二季恐怖故事升級 玩的就是心跳

    第二季會在10月首播,并定名為《美國怪談:收容所》。[/cn] [en]“We picked ‘Asylum’ because it not only describes the setting. This year’s theme is about tackling real life horrors.”he said.[/en][cn]“我們會選擇‘收容所’這個名字不僅僅是因為第二季拍攝場景是一個收容所,還因為今年的主題是戰(zhàn)勝生活中的恐懼?!彼f。[/cn]

  • 《沉睡谷》第二季Mills媽媽加入

    會由Aunjanue Ellis來扮演。[/cn] [en]According to Entertainment Weekly, Ellis will appear when Abbie and Jenny finally learn the truth about their mother's death -- she might not have committed suicide in a hospital [w]mental ward[/w] after all.[/en][cn]據(jù)《娛樂周刊》寶安東,Ellis的這個角色將第二季會在Abbie和Jenny最終知道他們親生母親死亡的真相后出現(xiàn)——她不是在醫(yī)院的精神病房里自殺的。[/cn] [en]The "Mentalist" alum will next appear in the BET miniseries "Book of Negroes."[/en][cn]這位曾經(jīng)出演《超感警探》的女演員還將會在BET電視臺迷你劇《Book of Negroes》中出現(xiàn)。[/cn] ?

  • 《復(fù)仇》第二季:艾米莉母親演員人選揭曉!

    過了長達(dá)數(shù)月的猜測之后,該劇迎來了《單身毒媽》(Weeds)女星珍妮弗?杰森?李(Jennifer Jason Leigh),她將扮演艾米莉的母親這一重要角色。 據(jù)Deadline網(wǎng)站報道,這位年約50歲的女士”將成為《復(fù)仇》第二季故事主線的一部分?!?而上個月加盟《復(fù)仇》劇組的并不只有珍妮弗。由英國演員巴瑞?斯?。˙arry Sloane)飾演的艾米莉的神秘新戀人——伊森(Ethan)也將移居漢普頓(Hampton)。