Glee插曲英國熱播:Halo Walking On Sunshine
Beyonce - Halo 非常主播歡快插曲原唱:Walking On Sunshine Artist:Glee Cast Song:Halo/Walking On Sunshine RACHEL: Remember those walls I built Well, baby they're tumbling down They didn't even put up a fight They didn't even make a sound It's like I've been awakened Every rule I had you breakin' It's the risk
流星花園插曲:杉菜與花澤類之歌 Perfect Moment
Moment》在劇中被用在杉菜與花澤類約會共舞的場景中,被命名為“杉菜與花澤類之歌”,電視播出后《Perfect Moment》立即成為《流星花園》問詢度最高的劇中插曲。 我想點這首歌送給朋友>> 韓版流星花園第二集英文插曲:Britney Spears - Womanizer Artist:Martine McCutcheon Song:Perfect Moment This is my moment This is my perfect moment with you This is what God meant This is my perfect moment with you I wish
迷失第六季序章插曲:Barcelona - Please Don't Go
滬江英樂訊?? 美國熱門劇集《迷失》Lost第六季最終章已于2010年2月3日拉開大幕,在之前發(fā)布的《迷失》第六季序幕一段視頻中選用了來自美國西雅圖的獨立搖滾樂隊Barcelona的歌曲《Please Don't Go》。 Artist:Barcelona? Song:Please Don't Go All those arrows you threw, you threw them away You kept falling in love, then one day When you fell, you fell towards me When you crashed
《疑犯追蹤》S01E16插曲:Down boy
《疑犯追蹤第一季》卡維澤所飾演的角色名叫里斯,他在秘密行動中所受的特殊培訓,得到了芬奇的注意。芬奇是一名軟件天才,他發(fā)明了一種可以識別即將行使暴力的犯罪族群的機器。在S01E16中,機器引Reese和Finch來到華爾街一名在某大型投資銀行工作的年輕交易員卷入了一場金額高達數(shù)百萬美元的金融詐騙案。他們進入銀行時伴著這首《Down? boy》提起人們興趣,本集達到故事的高潮。 出自Yeah Yeah Yeahs,一個來自紐約的三人樂隊,曾經(jīng)成為巡演上的座上嘉賓,嬴得性感與質感兼具的車庫搖滾之美譽。 【歌詞】 [en]no fame[/en][cn]影響力歸零[/cn] [en]all there is[/en][cn]所有本意[/cn] [en]all there was[/en][cn]成為歧義[/cn] [en]on the second lady[/en][cn]感情連帶失利[/cn] [en]can't take a cent[/en][cn]停在前戲[/cn] [en]take a cut of that[/en][cn]只能暫停[/cn] [en]kind of ran[/en][cn]方式為加速前進[/cn] [en]I'll stand kind of bent[/en][cn]對扭曲世界不屑一顧[/cn] [en]kind of pushed[/en][cn]只是借著走好玩完一切路數(shù)[/cn] [en]on that heavy land[/en][cn]壓力都是自己給的[/cn] [en]I'll stand for the sake of my friends[/en][cn]我從不求救因為拯救都是自救[/cn] [en]well' I will see him there[/en][cn]我會看見你在對面等我[/cn] [en]Down[/en][cn]無限下墜[/cn] [en]down[/en][cn]毫無戒備[/cn] [en]count me down[/en][cn]就算墜毀[/cn] [en]down[/en][cn]下落至毫無下落[/cn] [en]down' boy[/en][cn]少年把臉面對天空[/cn] [en]down[/en][cn]繼續(xù)迷亂無從[/cn] [en]count me down[/en][cn]算我讓你失望[/cn] [en]down' boy[/en][cn]少年繼續(xù)下降[/cn] [en]down' boy[/en][cn]少年不停投降[/cn] [en]down' boy[/en][cn]少年體溫發(fā)涼[/cn] [en]down[/en][cn]自降[/cn] [en]the same[/en][cn]都一樣[/cn] [en]not begin[/en][cn]沒來及開場[/cn] [en]not give up[/en][cn]可擁有的都別放[/cn] [en]in a better way[/en][cn]不會永遠有困守墻[/cn] [en]again' kept the stain[/en][cn]再次擁抱罪就像愛上美[/cn] [en]off his be[/en][cn]此刻起飛[/cn] [en]not to split them off[/en][cn]切勿認罪[/cn] [en]I'll stand for the sake of my friends[/en][cn]我會付諸每份所求[/cn] [en]I will see him there[/en][cn]我知道他會為我停留[/cn] [en]well' I will see him there[/en][cn]你會等候[/cn] [en]Down[/en][cn]不停后悔[/cn] [en]down[/en][cn]只會后退[/cn] [en]count me down[/en][cn]計數(shù)下墜[/cn] [en]down[/en][cn]凋零氣味[/cn] [en]down' boy[/en][cn]少年化身薔薇[/cn] [en]down[/en][cn]枯萎[/cn] [en]count me down[/en][cn]那就失望[/cn] [en]down' boy[/en][cn]那就下降[/cn] [en]down' boy[/en][cn]那就受傷[/cn] [en]down' boy[/en][cn]少年只是放下希望[/cn] [en]down[/en][cn]不去想[/cn] [en]down[/en][cn]無話可講[/cn] [en]count me down[/en][cn]那就永遠失望[/cn] [en]down[/en][cn]那就永遠孤單一個[/cn] [en]Down' boy[/en][cn]招魂少年[/cn] ? ? ?
《緋聞女孩》第六季第一集動感插曲——《Hang It Up》
滬江英樂:第六季中Chuck和Blair在蒙特卡洛短暫會面,并對雙方的關系作出承諾。Dan在不靠譜的Georgina的幫助下決定再寫一本的新書,但這只可能給他帶來更多的麻煩……反正一切就是混亂而精彩。 【《緋聞女孩》第六季第一集動感插曲——《Hang It Up》】 歌詞: My friends, they get me higher and higher They’re killing me with friendly fire We meet beneath the [w]cactus[/w] tree The walking on spikes just ain’t for me My
《絕命毒師》S05E16插曲:Baby blue
望你能在我身邊[/cn] [en]How can I show you, show me the way[/en][cn]請教我,該怎樣告訴你我的想法[/cn] [en]Don't you know the times I've tried?[/en][cn]你難道不知道我試過多少次想要告訴你嗎[/cn] [en]Guess that's all I have to say[/en][cn]我想我能說的只有這么多了[/cn] [en]Except the feeling just grows stronger every day[/en][cn]然而我對你的感情卻與日俱增[/cn] [en]Just one thing before I go[/en][cn]在我離開之前,我還想和你說[/cn] ?
《犯罪心理》S01E06插曲Tears and Rain: 殺人不必用槍
有的歡樂都是一樣,它們能讓我遠離煩擾和哀愁。[/cn] [en]Hides my true shape, like Dorian Gray.[/en][cn]藏起真實的我,就像Dorian Gray。[/cn] [en]I've heard what they say, but I'm not here for trouble.[/en][cn]我聽見了他們的言語,但不是為了在這里等候傷害。[/cn] [en]It's more than just words: it's just tears and rain.[/en][cn]多說無益,就讓眼淚和雨水來證明。[/cn] [en]How I wish I could walk through the doors of my mind;[/en][cn]多希望能穿越心門;[/cn] [en]Hold memory close at hand,[/en][cn]將回憶緊握手中,[/cn] [en]Help me understand the years.[/en][cn]幫我領悟過往。[/cn] [en]How I wish I could choose between Heaven and Hell.[/en][cn]多希望能夠在天堂與地獄中選擇。[/cn] [en]How I wish I would save my soul.[/en][cn]選擇讓我的靈魂得到救贖。[/cn] [en]I'm so cold from fear.[/en][cn]而不是因恐懼而極度寒冷。[/cn] [en]I guess it's time I run far, far away; find comfort in pain,[/en][cn]或許已經(jīng)是時候該遠遠的離開,讓我苦中作樂,[/cn] [en]All pleasure's the same: it just keeps me from trouble.[/en][cn]所有的歡樂都是相同的,它們能讓我遠離煩擾和哀愁。[/cn] [en]Hides my true shape, like Dorian Gray.[/en][cn]藏起真實的我,就像Dorian Gray。[/cn] [en]I've heard what they say, but I'm not here for trouble.[/en][cn]我聽見了他們的言語,不是在這里等候傷害。[/cn] [en]Far, far away; find comfort in pain.[/en][cn]讓我漸遠行,讓我苦中作樂。[/cn] [en]All pleasure's the same: it just keeps me from trouble.[/en][cn]所有的歡樂都是相同的,它們能讓我遠離煩擾和哀愁。[/cn] [en]It's more than just words: it's just tears and rain.[/en][cn]多說無益,就讓眼淚和雨水來證明。[/cn]
威爾?史密斯《七磅》深夜靜聽:插曲Have No Fear
威爾·史密斯領銜溫情電影《七磅》預告在線看 Have no fear by Bird York > 說溜了嘴皮子,才能唱順了歌:學英文,練口語 Have no fear in your heart Though you feel you've been broken and lost There's a place where we will meet up again There's a place that mends your hurt and takes you in There are times faced alone When you find all the holes in yourself You don't have to walk the night on your own I will say a prayer for you to lead you on I will say a prayer for you when you have gone 點此進入歌曲下載頁面>>
2010-04-02OST 七磅 插曲 電影插曲 威爾·史密斯 Will Smith 劇情片 seven pounds indie 清明節(jié) 2011清明節(jié)
《閃電俠》(The Flash)是真人超級英雄系列劇,也是《綠箭俠》的衍生劇,劇集第二季主要講述了巴里?艾倫,一名為警署工作的科學家,使用他的超級速度來對抗超級反派們。在第一集中,閃電俠集會很快到了,人們齊聚在大廣場。市長正在高臺上演說,提起閃電俠,大家都歡呼雀躍,一個全身黑衣的男子正在往人群中擠去,《Renegades》穿插在開集會的過程中,同時烘托出了黑衣男子的神秘。 由一支來自紐約伊薩卡的另類搖滾樂隊X Ambassadors演唱,這首《Renegades》已打入Billboard Hot 100,成為了他們迄今為止最受歡迎的作品。 【歌詞】 [en]Run away - ay
會為誰停轉。 People don't leave because things are hard. People do leave because it's no longer worth it. 人們會放棄,常常不是因為難度問題,往往是因為,不再值得繼續(xù)下去。 Let it be, Enjoy your youth. You'll never be younger than you are at this moment. 順其自然,享受此刻的年輕吧。永遠不會有哪個時刻會比此刻更年輕了。 Stop competing with others, start competing with yourself. 不跟別人做比較,要比就跟自己比。 I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and love