美劇天天秀: 破產(chǎn)姐妹 S03E19
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會得到主持的專業(yè)點評哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: And Deke said to make sure to bring you. And relax, it's not a three-way situation. When we made our three-way list,you were at the bottom with Taylor Swift. 語調(diào)示意圖: ? ? ? 想要得到主持人專業(yè)的點評和意見嗎?快來節(jié)目現(xiàn)場一試身手吧>>
2015-05-23 -
美劇天天秀: 美少女的謊言 S04E01
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會得到主持的專業(yè)點評哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: H:We'll probably have to bring you in for questioning.But remember,we're the good guys.Just here to find out the truth. A:"Truth won't set you free,bitches." M:"I'm gonna bury you with it." S:"Kisses,A" E:Oh my god. S:A was there that night? E:She recorded the whole thing. 語調(diào)示意圖: ? ? ? ? 想要得到主持人專業(yè)的點評和意見嗎?快來節(jié)目現(xiàn)場一試身手吧>>
美劇天天秀: 美少女的謊言 S04E06
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會得到主持的專業(yè)點評哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: E:I guess I could move these stuff into my storage unit. A:Wait,no.No,because if it's registered in your name,they're just gonna search that too. Ok,let's just put everything in my attic until we find a better place,my dad's in Syracuse until. Sunday. E:Ok,that's a good idea....What is this? 語調(diào)示意圖: ? ? ? ? 想要得到主持人專業(yè)的點評和意見嗎?快來節(jié)目現(xiàn)場一試身手吧>>
美劇天天秀: 破產(chǎn)姐妹 S03E11
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會得到主持的專業(yè)點評哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: - Everyone knows he's holding normal-sized scissors, right? - Han's just excited that there's something in the diner the same size as him. 語調(diào)示意圖: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 想要得到主持人專業(yè)的點評和意見嗎?快來節(jié)目現(xiàn)場一試身手吧>>
2015-04-24 -
美劇天天秀: 絕望的主婦 S02E17
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會得到主持的專業(yè)點評哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: Your son threatened you with repressed memories? Oh, my god, he is seriously twisted. I gotta meet this kid. You sound like you're impressed. I sorta am. Sounds like you're definitely raising an alpha
美劇天天秀: 美少女的謊言 S04E07
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會得到主持的專業(yè)點評哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: E:Maybe, if you hadn't asked his sister. I can only imagine the can of worms that--that could open up if the parent found out. H:Let me stop you right there,Ezra. Now,I can see where I might have made
美劇天天秀: 老友記 S01E9(2)
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會得到主持的專業(yè)點評哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: Monica: Phoebe, you're gonna be with your grandma? Phoebe: Yes, and her boyfriend. But we're celebrating Thanksgiving in December '[w]cause[/w] he is lunar. Monica: So you're free Thursday, then.
美劇天天秀: 破產(chǎn)姐妹 S03E12
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會得到主持的專業(yè)點評哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: - Hey, you want a poem? Roses are red, violets are blue, get a job! - And another wheel! - That felt good. I get why you do that.? 語調(diào)示意圖: ? ? ? ? ? 想要得到主持人專業(yè)的點評和意見嗎?快來節(jié)目現(xiàn)場一試身手吧>> ?
2015-03-08 -
美劇天天秀: 絕望的主婦 S02E20
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會得到主持的專業(yè)點評哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: There is a prayer intended to give strength to people faced with circumstances they don't want to accept.The power of the prayer comes from its insight into human nature.Because so many of us rage
美劇天天秀: 絕望的主婦 S02E13
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會得到主持的專業(yè)點評哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: Everyone understands the nature of war. We also understand that victory depends on the cards that we have been dealt. Some, when faced with a bloody battle, simply give in. But for some, surrender is unacceptable. Even though they know it will be a fight to the death. 語調(diào)示意圖: ? ? ? ? ? 想要得到主持人專業(yè)的點評和意見嗎?快來節(jié)目現(xiàn)場一試身手吧>> ?