美劇天天秀: 老友記 S01E9(3)
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會得到主持的專業(yè)點評哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: Ross: Hi, is uh, is Carol here? Susan: No, she's at a [w]faculty[/w] meeting Ross: Oh, I uh, just came by to pick up my skull. Well, not mine, but...Susan: Come in. Ross: Thanks. Yeah, Carol borrowed
美劇天天秀: 老友記 S02E14
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會得到主持的專業(yè)點評哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: RACHEL: Alright, I feel that this is totally unjustified. [Monica starts making faces behind her back] She gave me the green light, I did nothing but-. Do you think I can't see you in the TV set? ? ? ? 想要得到主持人專業(yè)的點評和意見嗎?快來節(jié)目現(xiàn)場一試身手吧>>
美劇天天秀: 老友記 S02E14
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會得到主持的專業(yè)點評哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: PHOEBE: I can't believe two cows made the ultimate sacrifice so you guys could watch TV with your feet up. CHANDLER: Well they were chair-shaped cows. They never would have survived in the wild. ? ? ? ? ? ? 想要得到主持人專業(yè)的點評和意見嗎?快來節(jié)目現(xiàn)場一試身手吧>> ?
美劇天天秀: 美少女的謊言S04E04
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會得到主持的專業(yè)點評哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: E: I'm sorry ,Brendan. You seem like a really great guy, but I think I may have given you the wrong impression. B: Ok. E: I'm not available. I'm with someone. B: Maybe he's not making you happy anymore. E: He is a she. And she's amazing. Sorry. 語調(diào)示意圖: ? ? ? ? ? 想要得到主持人專業(yè)的點評和意見嗎?快來節(jié)目現(xiàn)場一試身手吧>>
美劇天天秀: Gossip Girl S02E21(1)
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會得到主持的專業(yè)點評哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: B: Excuse me, sir. Buy a flower for the pretty lady? You. B`: Darling, Who let this miserable creature in? B:Please, I' m trying to earn money so I can go to Yale. It's my dream, it is always has been.
美劇天天秀: 老友記 S01E13(4)
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會得到主持的專業(yè)點評哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: Roger: What's wrong, sweetie? Phoebe: Nothing, nothing. Roger: Aaaah, what's wrong, c'mon. (Pats his leg. She lies down and rests her head in his lap) Phoebe: It's, I mean, it's nothing, I'm fine. It's
美劇天天秀: 絕望的主婦 S03E19
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會得到主持的專業(yè)點評哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: Power, it's the type of thing most people don't think about, until it's taken away.Whether it's the political power of the many, or a lover's influence over just one.We all want some sort of power
美劇天天秀: 老友記 S02E12
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會得到主持的專業(yè)點評哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: JANITOR: Word on the streets - well, when I say street, I mean those little pretend streets they have here at the zoo. ROSS: Of course. ? ? ? ? ? 想要得到主持人專業(yè)的點評和意見嗎?快來節(jié)目現(xiàn)場一試身手吧>>
美劇天天秀: 絕望的主婦 S02E21
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會得到主持的專業(yè)點評哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: When the truth is ugly, people try to keep it hidden, because they know if revealed, the damage it will do. So they conceal it within sturdy walls, or they place it behind closed doors, or they obscure
美劇天天秀: 美少女的謊言 S04E16
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會得到主持的專業(yè)點評哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: T:Five in a row, wow, you're really kickinng my ass. H:Well,it's easy to win when someone lets you. T:All right, it's getting late, I should probably take off. H:Yeah. Well,this was fun, we should do it again sometime soon. T:Rematch,anytime. 語調(diào)示意圖: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 想要得到主持人專業(yè)的點評和意見嗎?快來節(jié)目現(xiàn)場一試身手吧>> ?