獲得第三季續(xù)訂。 廣播網(wǎng)還決定,將第三季擴(kuò)充至24集,比第二季的12集翻了一番。目前,《少狼》第二季正在每周一的10點檔(東部時間,中部時間則為9點)播出,平均觀眾數(shù)目達(dá)到了180萬人次。 MTV的節(jié)目負(fù)責(zé)人大衛(wèi)?喬諾拉尼(David Janollari)表示:“對新千年的MTV臺觀眾來說,《少狼》代表著電視改編界的一次杰出的新軍突起,也標(biāo)志著我們在堅持節(jié)目編排的多樣性上一次巨大的成功。第三季能獲得續(xù)訂,得益于執(zhí)行制作人杰夫?戴維斯(Jeff Davis)極富創(chuàng)造力的獨到視角,以及演員們引人入勝的精彩表現(xiàn)?!?能看到更多《少狼》里鮮嫩緊致的變形生物,觀眾朋友們激動么?夏天,記得消暑哦~?
[en]Netflix [w=scramble]scrambled[/w] on Wednesday after accidentally posting 10 episodes of the political drama's third season - two weeks ahead of its scheduled release date of Friday, Feb. 27.[/en][cn]Netflix周三意外發(fā)布即將開播的《紙牌屋》第三季前十集掀起了軒然大波——《紙牌屋》第三季的開播時間應(yīng)該是27日,也就是說提早兩周就被提前曝光。[/cn] [en]Mere minutes
就是“都是一回事兒”。 Serena, enough is enough. enough is enough 夠了!別第三季第5集劇情預(yù)告 婚禮成鬧劇? 緋聞女孩第三季鬧了! I'm a closet fan.? closet fan 低調(diào)的粉絲 就是那種暗地里偷偷喜歡的粉絲,不是什么簽售啦首映啦都會沖去,鬧得全世界都知道的那種。 Mi casa, su casa.? 西班牙語,意思是“My house, your house.”就是“把我家當(dāng)你家?!笔且环N表示歡迎的表達(dá)。 Do we need to put up with it?? put up with 容忍 Dumbo could always fly. He just needed a magic feather. Dumbo是迪斯尼動畫片里面的小飛象,它有一雙大大的可以當(dāng)做翅膀的耳朵,但是卻不知道自己的能力。給了他一根“魔法”羽毛之后,因為相信自己可以飛,他也就飛起來了。其實有魔力的不是羽毛,而是他內(nèi)心的信念。Chuck讓記者對著B拍照,讓B恢復(fù)了自信,找到了自我,和這個情況差不多啦。只是……說真的,??岬腃說這么一個可愛的比方實在狠別扭啊~~~ 【觀后感】還蠻喜歡Olivia這個角色的鬧,S這條線的劇情還蠻不錯的,B那邊繼續(xù)混亂著……當(dāng)女王有啥好的?不明白啊不明白…… 時尚裝扮 地道口語 盡在緋聞女孩華麗專題
[en]Netflix continues to promote the third season of “House of Cards” with new key art and a motion poster. Season 3 will premiere on Friday, February 27 at 12:01 a.m. on Netflix.[/en][cn]Netflix網(wǎng)站繼續(xù)發(fā)布《紙牌屋》第三季正式宣傳海報。第三季將第三季會在2月27日,星期五中午12:01在Netflix網(wǎng)站上全部發(fā)布。[/cn] [en]The third season will feature new
緋聞女孩第三季第13集 S和N甜蜜劇照搶先看
對兒在Shepherd的新婚之夜曾經(jīng)纏綿共度,推動了整部劇集的故事發(fā)展,因此他們倆終于牽手成為情侶實在是天大的事情一樁。Blake和Chace在鏡頭前超級來電。他們倆這段戲份是我們拍過的最性感最有意思的了?!盵/cn] [en]“[Our previous episode] “The DeBarted” left audiences wondering, “Who was the mystery woman Chuck saw at Bart’s grave?” Chuck wants to know too, and he spends [our new episode] “The Hurt Locket” tracking her down. Here we are shooting on location in the [w]lobby[/w] of the famed Algonquin Hotel, where Chuck [w=confront]confronts[/w] our mystery lady (Mulholland Drive’s Laura Harring) and demands the truth about her [w]association[/w] with Bart, and any information she might know about Chuck’s mother. This episode kicks off a big [w]emotional[/w] Chuck story that brings him and Blair closer than ever. Ed [Westwick] and Leighton [Meester] are at the top of their game in this [w]arc[/w].”[/en] [cn]“在上一集最后留了一個大大的懸念,觀眾們都在疑惑‘Chuck在老爸墓前撞上的神秘女子到底是誰?’Chuck也很想知道,在接下去的一集‘收集傷痛’中,他都在追蹤她的線索。這張照片就是在著名的Algonquin酒店門廊的拍攝現(xiàn)場,Chuck與神秘女子的對峙,質(zhì)問她與Bart的關(guān)系,以及關(guān)于他生母的事情。這集對于Chuck來女孩說是充滿感情波折的劇情,也使得他與Blair走得更近。Ed與Leighton全力以赴,表現(xiàn)得很好?!盵/cn] 時尚裝扮 地道口語 盡在緋聞女孩華麗專題
2010-02-21美劇 緋聞女孩 緋聞女孩第三季第13集 劇情 劇照 雙語 翻譯 Gossip Girl 頻道精選 明星 緋聞女孩第三季 Gossip Girl第三季 新聞
[en]Taye Diggs is joining Empire for the Fox drama's third season.[/en][cn]Taye Diggs將會加入Fox電視臺美劇《嘻哈帝國》第三季。[/cn] [en]The Private Practice alum has landed the recurring role of Angelo Dubois, a city councilman from a well-respected New York family, TVLine reports. But don't let Angelo's pedigree and wealth fool you. He isn't as concerned with money..[/en][cn]這位《私人診所》男演員將會在劇中扮演常住角色Angelo Subois,是紐約一個頗有威望的議員。不過可別被他的家族背景和財富騙了你,其實他根本就不在乎錢。[/cn] [en]Diggs will make his Empire debut in the Sept. 21 premiere. He joins fellow Season 3 guest stars Sierra McClain, French Montana and Birdman.[/en][cn]Diggs將第三季會在9月21日的《嘻哈帝國》中首次登場,和他一起登場的還有客串演員Sierra McClain、French Montana和Birdman。[/cn] [en]Empire returns on Wednesday, Sept. 21 at 9/8c on Fox.[/en][cn]《嘻哈帝國》第三季將會在今年9月21日回歸。[/cn]
會在2015年夏季開播。前兩季都是在春季開播。[/cn] [en]"I thought we had said this, but maybe we haven't, that 'Hannibal's' going to be back in the summer," Greenblatt says. "It's a show we love."[/en][cn]“我想我以前說過,我記不太清了。不過這部頗受喜愛的美劇將會在今年夏季回歸?!盙reenblatt說。[/cn] [en]The last time viewers saw Hannibal Lecter, he may have killed literally all the other main characters on the show. Few details are known about Season 3, however it is has been previously reported the series will pick up with Hannibal in Italy cavorting with Belinda (Gillian Anderson), and it will be revealed just who is alive and dead in the first few episodes. [/en][cn]上一季觀眾們看到了Hannibal Lecter基本上殺掉了劇中的其他主角們。目前第三季的相關(guān)信息發(fā)布得不是很多,之前有消息稱劇情會從Hannibal和Belinda一起在意大利生活開始。[/cn]
[en]"House of Cards" has been renewed for a third season before its second season has even premiered on Netflix, a rep for the streaming site confirms to Zap2it. [/en][cn]Netflix網(wǎng)站向Zap2it網(wǎng)站確認(rèn),雖然《紙牌屋》第二季還未開播,不過該網(wǎng)站已經(jīng)決定要續(xù)訂《紙牌屋》第三季。[/cn] [en]Details about number of episodes or a premiere date have not been released, but both Season 1 and Season 2 have 13 episodes and spring premieres, so it's a safe bet that Season 3 will also have 13 episodes and premiere in spring 2015.[/en][cn]關(guān)于第三季的具體集數(shù)和開播日期等細(xì)節(jié)還未發(fā)布,不過根據(jù)第一、二季的開播日期和集數(shù)可以推斷,《紙牌屋》第三季仍然會在春季檔開播,第三季仍然會是13集。[/cn] [en]The critically-acclaimed series received nine Emmy and four Golden Globe nominations, with star Robin Wright winning for best actress in a drama. It also recently won the Writers Guild of America award for best new series. Wright tells The Wrap that Season 3 begins shooting soon and when asked if she could see the series going for multiple years after that, she says, "Sure, bring it on."[/en][cn]這部廣受好評的劇集收獲了艾美獎、金球獎的9項提名,Robin Wright拿下了劇集類最佳女演員的獎項。而且還拿季到了美國編劇工會獎的最佳新劇。Wright透露,《紙牌屋》第三季將會在近期開播,當(dāng)被問到她會不會一直把這部劇演下去,她的回答是“當(dāng)然,那必須的。”[/cn]
第三季第3集劇情預(yù)告 找不著北?。?緋聞女孩第三季
看我不顧一切 我將熄滅永不能再回來 我在這里啊 就在這里啊 驚鴻一般短暫 像夏花一樣絢爛 這是一個多美麗又遺憾的世界 我們就這樣抱著笑著還流著淚 我從遠(yuǎn)方趕來赴你一面之約 癡迷流連人間我為她而狂野 我是這耀眼的瞬間 是劃過天邊的剎那火焰 我為你來看我不顧一切 我將熄滅永不能再回來 我在這里啊 就在這里啊 驚鴻一般短暫 如夏花一樣絢爛 我是這耀眼的瞬間 是劃過天邊的剎那火焰 我為你來看我不顧一切 我將熄滅永第三不能再回來 不虛此行呀 不虛此行呀 驚鴻一般短暫 開放在你眼前 我是這耀眼的瞬間 是劃過天邊的剎那火焰 我要你來愛我不顧一切 我將熄滅永不能再回來 一路春光啊 一路荊棘呀 驚鴻一般短暫 如夏花一樣絢爛 這是一個不能停留太久的世界