。 The detective scoured the scene of the crime for clues. 那個偵探在犯罪現(xiàn)場仔細搜索線索 I have not a clue how to compose a waltz. 創(chuàng)作華爾茲曲我是一竅不通。thread是什么意思: n. 線,棉線,毛線;絲狀體;螺紋;頭緒,思路 v. 穿線于…,裝膠片于…;通,通過;穿成 pipe bend with female thread 兩頭帶陰螺紋的彎頭 To hang by a hair thread 千鈞一發(fā) There is a common thread in these two stories. 這兩個故事之間有個共同的線索。 到滬江小D查看線索的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 線速度用英文怎么說>> 線圈的英文怎么說>> 線切割用英文怎么說>> 線轆的英文怎么說>> 線路改建的英文怎么說>>
成了《鋼鐵是怎樣煉成的》。2014年2月7日至2月23日,第二十二屆冬季奧林匹克運動會(XXII Olympic Winter Games)將在這里舉行。sochi是什么意思: 索契[蘇聯(lián)高加索中西部黑海東岸港市](著名療養(yǎng)地) xxii是什么意思: num.羅馬數(shù)字 22 olympic是什么意思: adj. 奧林匹斯山的,奧林匹亞的;奧林匹克的 The Olympic flame was introduced to the winter Olympic Games in 1952. 冬季奧運會于1952年開始點燃圣火。 He needs to have the will of an Olympic athlete. 他需索契的英文: Sochi 位于俄羅斯聯(lián)邦克拉要有奧林匹克運動員的意志。 These days the Olympics must mean the best. 現(xiàn)今,奧林匹克運動會肯定是水平最高的。 到滬江小D查看索契的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 索平面的英文>> 索賠時限的英文怎么說>> 索賠憑證的英文>> 索賠的英文怎么說>> 索尼亞的英文怎么說>>
索爾的英文: sol參考例句: Salk vaccine 【藥】索爾克氏疫苗;脊髓灰質(zhì)炎菌苗(預(yù)防小兒麻痹) Put together the slaughterhouses,the steel mills,the freight comprised the city(Saul Bellow) 構(gòu)成這個城市的是屠宰場、制鋼廠、貨運場等(索爾·貝洛) This was between Sol and me. 這是我和索爾兩個人的事。 "Eh, Sol, "Mama asked,"you know what this is ?""Soup ?" Sol responded. “呃,索爾,”媽媽問,“你知道這是什么嗎?”“是湯吧?”索爾回答。 Sol and Bender are extraordinary mathematicians. 索爾和本德確實是非凡的數(shù)學(xué)家。 Few rich men own their property.The property owns them.--Robert Green Innersole. American Lawyer 極少富人擁有他們的財產(chǎn),是財產(chǎn)擁有他們。美國律師英格索爾 But I was in a state of anxiety. Eating with my family would turn Sol off completely, I believed. 但是我卻憂心如焚。我相信和我們一家人共進晚餐一定會使索爾非常厭煩的。 This is a study of Indians and Pakistanis living in Southall. 這是一篇對生活在紹索爾的印度人和巴基斯坦人的研究。 "I know smoking is bad, but I don't want to stop because it makes me lose weight," said Thormann “我知道抽煙不好,可我也不想戒煙,因為它能幫我減輕體重,”索爾曼說。 Russia exiled Alexander So1zhenitsyn for writing political novels. 俄國因亞歷山大·索爾仁尼琴寫政治小說而將他流放。sol是什么意思: n. 溶膠;索爾(人名);大音階的第五音 This was between Sol and me. 這是我和索爾兩個人的事。 Sol and Bender are extraordinary mathematicians. 索爾和本德確實是非凡的數(shù)學(xué)家。 An agent that causes a liquid or sol to coagulate. 凝結(jié)劑引起液體或溶液凝結(jié)的媒介。 The fourth note in the sol-fa scale. 唱名法音階的第四音。 Then, the principle of the chemistry of sol-gel was introduced. 然后對溶膠-凝膠化學(xué)的基本原理作了簡要介紹。 到滬江小D查看索爾的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 索鞍的英文怎么說>> 所索爾的英文: sol參考例句: Salk vaccine 【藥】索致用英語怎么說>> 所指用英文怎么說>> 所長的英文怎么說>> 所在地的英文怎么說>>
或過分文雅look是什么意思: v. 看,瞧,看起來,尋找 n. 看,查看,外表,容貌 int. 喂,聽我說 Look at this gadget. 看看這個小玩藝兒。 Look at that millepede. 看那只千足蟲。 While it looks like a truth, it looks like a dream. 它看起來是那么真實,又是那么虛幻。 到滬江小D查看搜索的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 搜羅的英文怎么說>> 搜救犬的英文怎么說>> 搜集用英文怎么說>> 搜查用英語怎么說>> 搜捕用英語怎么說>>
分為中樞神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)和周圍神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)。 disaccord between the economic system and political system 經(jīng)濟體制與政治體系間的不協(xié)調(diào) 到滬江小D查看索系的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 索韋托的英文>> 索塔的英文怎么說>> 索索葡萄的英文怎么說>> 索書號用英文怎么說>> 索取的英文怎么說>>
于完成論文。 He bent the bar back. 他把鐵條弄彎了。tower是什么意思: n. 塔;堡壘 v. 高聳;超越 sketch of the tower 對那座塔作素描 A small tower or tower-shaped projection on a building. 塔樓,角塔建筑物上伸出的小型塔或塔狀建筑 The towers are surfaced with steel plates. 在塔面上加了一層鋼板。 到滬江小D查看索塔的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 索索葡萄的英文怎么說>> 索書號用英文怎么說>> 索取的英文怎么說>> 索契冬奧會的英文怎么說>> 索契的英文怎么說>>
供不應(yīng)求 I demand a recount. 我要求重算。 ask是什么意思: v.[T] 1. 問;詢問[+wh-] 2. 請求;要求[+to-v][+that] 3. 索(價);要求得到(+for/of) 4. 邀請 v. [I] 1. 問;詢問;問候(+about) 2. 要求;請求(+for) Love asks faith, and faith asks firmness. 愛情要求忠誠,忠誠要求堅定。 Never ask questions which are not supposed to be asked. 永遠不要去問不該問的問題。 Ask that lady to help you. 請那位小姐幫你忙吧。 到滬江小D查看索的英文翻譯>>
騎馬嗎? 4、He is not going to race his horse next week. 他不
達拉的英文: Darla參考例句: The reign of Kertarajasa was peaceful and the whole land obedient. 格爾達拉查沙的統(tǒng)治是太平的,全拉的英文: Darla參考例句: The reign of Kertarajasa was peaceful and the whole land obedient. 格爾達拉國是忠順的。 "Stand up again, oscar," Rabbi Binder said calmly, "and try to assemble your thoughts." “再站起來,奧斯卡,”賓達拉比鎮(zhèn)靜地說:“把你的想法談?wù)劇!?It is hard to have leadership when you have a divided followership(Joseph Badaracco) 當部下分裂時,很難產(chǎn)生領(lǐng)導(dǎo)(約瑟夫·巴達拉科)darla是什么意思: n.達拉 (Darlene 的異體)(f.) 到滬江小D查看達拉的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 達格特氏潰瘍的英文怎么說>> 達蓋爾的英文怎么說>> 達夫用英文怎么說>> 達范諾氏小體的英文怎么說>> 達爾文適合度的英文怎么說>>
就是天后赫拉Hera,因為宙斯很花心,所以希臘神話中有一些赫拉如何鏟除小三的故事。參考例句: The son of Zeus and Alcmene,a hero of extraordinary strength who won immortality by performing12labors demanded by Hera. 赫拉克勒斯宙斯與阿爾克墨涅之子,力大無比的英雄,因完成赫拉要求的十二項任務(wù)而獲得永生 Zeus and hera bickered constantly 宙斯和赫拉總是免不了吵架。 Hera was so exasperated by Zeus’s triumphant grin that she blinded Teiresias. 宙斯得意洋洋的笑容惹得赫拉火冒三丈,她弄瞎了忒瑞西阿斯的眼睛。 hera and Zeus spent their wedding night on Samos, and it lasted three hundred years 赫拉和宙斯的新婚之夜是在薩摩斯度過的,這一夜就是人間的三百年。 Hera baths regularly in the spring of Canathus, near argos, and thus renews her virginity 赫拉定期在阿爾戈斯附近的卡那斯泉沐浴從而重獲貞潔。 Hera bathes regularly in the spring of Canathus, near argos, and thus renews her virginity 赫拉定期在阿爾戈斯附近的卡那薩斯泉沐浴從而重獲貞潔。 Zeus and hera spent their wedding night on Samos, and it lasted three hundred years 赫拉和宙斯的新婚之夜是在薩摩斯島度過的,這一夜就是人間的三百年。 The other deities were vexed beyond words,but dared attempt no rescue for all her piteous cries. 別的神祗氣惱萬分,但不敢拯救赫拉,盡管她哭喊得十分凄慘。 hera, known to us chiefly as the wife of Zeus, was a daughter of Cronus and Rhea 提到赫拉,我們大都知道她是宙斯的妻子;她是克洛諾斯和瑞亞的女兒。 hera(Juno),Known to us chiefly as the wife of Zeus, was a daughter of Cronus and Rhea 提到赫拉(朱諾),我們大抵都知道她是宙斯的妻子;她原來是克洛諾斯和瑞亞的女兒。hera是什么意思: n.宙斯神的妻(赫拉) [軍] High Explosive Rocket Assisted,火箭助推榴彈 Hera was so exasperated by Zeus’s triumphant grin that she blinded Teiresias. 宙斯得意洋洋的笑容惹得赫拉火冒三丈,她弄瞎了忒瑞西阿斯的眼睛。 Standing in front of the gate is a marble statue of the Greek goddess Hera, which used to stand in a mansion, but was thrown into the open by a gust of dust and mud when the volcano erupted. 位于大門前的是一尊希臘女神赫拉的大理石雕像,它原來佇立在一座大宅里,火山爆發(fā)時被灰塵暴掀拉的英文: 希臘神話中,宙斯的妻子,也就是天后赫拉Hera,因為宙斯很花心,所以希臘神話中有一些赫拉到了戶外。 A king of Thessaly whom Zeus punished for his temerity in seeking Hera's love by having him bound to a perpetually revolving wheel in Hades. 伊克西翁拉庇泰王,他因莽撞地追求天后赫拉的愛,而被宙斯縛在地獄永不停轉(zhuǎn)的車輪上受罰 到滬江小D查看赫拉的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 赫赫戰(zhàn)功的英文怎么說>> 赫赫人的英文怎么說>> 赫赫的英文怎么說>> 赫菲斯托斯的英文怎么說>> 赫伯恩的英語怎么說>>