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  • 英劇《神探夏洛克》第二首播時間推遲至2012

    [en]Bad news for fans of the BBC‘s fresh and [w]inventive[/w] take on Sherlock Holmes. The second season of Sherlock has been pushed back to 2012.[/en][cn]給所有喜歡BBC英劇《神探夏洛克

  • 神探夏洛克》第三1月19日回歸美國PBS


  • 神探夏洛克》第三3月18日開拍:三集片要回來了!

    何在第二季終活下來,而對于卷福的回歸,華生又會怎樣回應(yīng)。[/cn] [en]Writers and production members of the show are aware of the fans [w]anticipation[/w] of the show and have been tweeting pictures of the set and locations that will be shown in the coming series to make fans begin speculating about things that may happen. [/en][cn]該劇的編劇和制作團隊也非常清楚粉絲們對劇集的期待,已經(jīng)在推特上發(fā)布了不少片場和第三季可能出現(xiàn)的地點的照片,這也讓粉絲們各種猜想,第三季的故事會是怎么樣的。[/cn] [en]The show's creators released three words to fans to help them guess what the three new episodes might be about. The words were rat, wedding, bow.[/en][cn]該劇的制片人曾給粉絲們公布了三個關(guān)鍵詞,為第三季的三集劇情故事給出了暗示,這三個單詞是:鼠、婚禮和致意。[/cn] [en]The filming of the new series is also the reason Sherlock star Martin Freeman went on Britain's popular talk show "The Graham Norton Show" earlier this week.[/en][cn]第三季開拍在即,飾演華生的英國男星馬丁·弗里曼也在在本周早些時候做客英國著名脫口秀節(jié)目《格拉漢姆·諾頓秀》。[/cn] [en]The series was originally set to begin filming in January but got pushed back due to scheduling conflicts with Freeman and the show's other star Benedict Cumberbatch. [/en][cn]第三季原本安神探夏洛克》第三季學(xué)習(xí)專題>>> [en]After waiting over a year since the end of series two, series three of BBC Sherlock will finally begin filming on March 18. [/en][cn]在前兩季排在1月份拍攝,但由于馬丁·弗里曼和另一位主演本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇檔期沖突,不得不推遲拍攝。[/cn] [en]The two have become very well known since the show started. Freeman recently starred as Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit while Cumberbatch will appear as the [w]villain[/w] in this summer's new Star Trek film Into Darkness.[/en][cn]《神探夏洛克》的開播可謂讓這兩位主演一夜成名。馬丁·弗里曼日前出演了電影《霍比特人》扮演Bilbo Baggins一角色,而本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇則在電影《星際迷航2:暗黑無界》中出演反派,該電影將于今年天上映。[/cn]

  • 神探夏洛克》第三第一集劇透:卷福到底是怎么假死的?

    車內(nèi),所以我們可以推測,第三季第一集的標題有可能指的是福爾摩斯跳樓和他的“葬禮”之前發(fā)生的故事。[/cn] [en]What the title does not reveal is what Gatiss and co-creator Steven Moffat were referring to when they chose "rat" as the first of the three words they claimed could define each of the new series episodes.[/en][cn]但此前加蒂斯和另一位制作人史蒂文·莫法特曾公布過第三季的三個關(guān)鍵詞,所以從新一集的標神探夏洛克》第三季于今天正式開拍,編劇馬克題中,我們暫時還看不出來第一個關(guān)鍵詞“Rat” 具體指的什么。[/cn] [en]Given that Moffat has since said the three words "may be misleading, are not titles, are only teases... but might be deliberately designed to get you into a [w]lather[/w]", whether "rat", "wedding" and "bow" are indeed clues, or just complete red herrings, is one mystery still waiting to be solved...[/en][cn]莫法特此前曾經(jīng)說過這三個關(guān)鍵詞“可能是誤導(dǎo),不是標題只是調(diào)侃之語,可能就是故意讓劇迷們白激動的”,所以第三的三個關(guān)鍵詞“Rat, Wedding, Bow” 到底是真正的線索,還是只是轉(zhuǎn)移注意力的話題,這就只能等待第三播出才能揭曉了。[/cn]

  • 神探夏洛克》卷福:現(xiàn)實生活中我也當了回偵!

    算過這么做。” [/cn] [en]Last night a source claimed on Twitter: ‘The person in question was asked to stop by a friend of Mr Cumberbatch and she agreed and apologised. Case was closed.’[/en][cn]昨晚有內(nèi)部人士在推特上夏洛克表示:“康伯巴奇找了一個朋友去跟當事人交涉,對方同意不再發(fā)照片并表示了道歉,事情就算是結(jié)束了?!?[/cn] [en]Earlier this week BBC1’s official Twitter account posted a picture of Cumberbatch and his co-star Martin Freeman, who plays Dr Watson, fooling around between[w=read-through]read-throughs[/w] of the script.[/en][cn]本周早些時候,BBC1官方推特帳號發(fā)布了一張本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和同劇組演員馬丁·弗里曼的合照,兩人在劇本通讀的間隙玩得不亦樂乎。馬丁·弗里曼在《神探夏洛克》中出演華生。[/cn]

  • 劇透消息:《神探夏洛克》公布第三三個關(guān)鍵詞!

    "Sherlock" creator Steven Moffat has dropped three [w=keyword]keywords[/w] of the upcoming season 3. "So. The three tease words for the next run of Sherlock ... Rat. Wedding. Bow," he tweeted on Friday, August 24 after promising to share the clues the day before. He previously noted that last season's keywords were "Woman, Hound, Fall," which were all key elements in three episodes of season 2. Thus, the newly-unveiled clues could mean that the new episodes will use the stories of "The Giant Rat of Sumatra", "The Noble Bachelor" and "His Last Bow". "His Last Bow" is the final [w]installment[/w] of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's "Sherlock Holmes" series, hinting that the upcoming season would be the last for the Emmy-nominated crime drama show. Meanwhile, at the Edinburgh TV festival, actor Andrew Scott who plays Sherlock's nemesis Moriarty confirmed that "Moriarty is dead." Moffat, co-creator/the Mycroft Holmes depicter Mark Gatiss as well as producer Sue Vertue also attended the event, while lead star Benedict Cumberbatch had to skip the panel. 【英劇快訊】 熱門英劇《神探夏洛克》的制片人Steven Moffat近日在推特上透露了該劇第三季的三個關(guān)鍵詞:Rat, Wedding, Bow??紤]到第二季的情況,這三個單詞可能意味著第三季將用到三個柯南·道爾小說中的案子:《蘇門答臘碩鼠》(The Giant Rat of Sumatra),《單身貴族》(The Noble Bachelor)和《最后的致意》(His Last Bow)。由于《最后致意》是柯南·道爾作品中的福爾摩斯的最后一案,所以有猜測認為第三將是《神探夏洛克》的完結(jié)篇。

  • 神探夏洛克》第三2013年初開拍 有望年中播出

    遲了不少,但大家都對這個消息不太意外,畢竟《神探夏洛克》似乎生來喜歡讓劇迷等待,劇迷也已經(jīng)習(xí)以為常,關(guān)于該劇具體的時間安排,甚至連劇組內(nèi)部都沒有定數(shù),《神探夏洛克》(Sherlock)的執(zhí)行制片人蘇·維特(Sue Vertue)前不久就發(fā)布糾正聲明,推

  • 神探夏洛克》第三拍攝敲定2013年初 回歸時間仍待定

    認了下一季的拍攝時間。她告訴BBC內(nèi)部員工雜志,這部偵探劇將在“2013年初”重啟拍攝工作。但是她同時指出,新一季的具體播出時間還不確定。[/cn] [en]A third series of Sherlock - which stars Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman - was announced in January. Series co-creator Steven Moffat announced that fans would not have "that long" to wait for the new run, though executive producer Sue Vertue later confirmed that the show would not return until 2013.[/en][cn]今年一月,編劇宣布《神探夏洛克》將拍攝第三季,并仍由本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和馬丁·弗里曼出演。電視劇編劇Steven Moffat還說,新一季不會讓觀眾等太久。但是之后,制片人Sue Vertue就確認,新一季至

  • 神探夏洛克第三片場 神遇對手

  • 胡子卷福大背頭花生:神探夏洛克第四季來了

    神探夏洛克》第四季真的要來了! 在上周末的圣迭戈漫展上,神夏劇組放出了第四季