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  • 神探夏洛克》第三季2014年1月1日首播


  • 神探夏洛克電影里坑爹中文梗!沒找到就對了

    出了原著,發(fā)現(xiàn)原來的英文叫做:club-foot...來自福爾摩斯探案短篇集:《莫氏家族的成人禮》,可為啥《神探夏洛克》要用“馬蹄內(nèi)翻足”作為洗腳城的名字? 有人吐槽難道劇組是拿谷歌翻譯來敷衍了事?英語君好奇地用Google翻譯試了一下,果然...你們就是這么對待9800萬中國粉絲的么? 有粉絲猜測,編劇可能是想通過洗腳城(俗稱“按摩足浴店”)來暗示“出軌”。好吧,一個簡單的“洗腳城”,硬被坑成了“馬蹄內(nèi)翻足”,還能不能好好洗腳了???這樣一個敷衍的彩蛋,別說老外了,就是中國人理解都有點難啊。 聲明:本雙語文章的中文翻譯系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內(nèi)容,轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處。中文翻譯僅代表譯者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。 相關(guān)推薦: 《神探夏洛克》圣誕特別篇預(yù)告看這里>>> 《神探夏洛克》第四季你要知道的10件事!>>>

  • 神探夏洛克》第三季新預(yù)告發(fā)布

    [en]Those who tuned in to the 50th anniversary episode of Doctor Who were given another treat in the form of a short teaser revealing some previously never-before-seen footage.[/en][cn]收看《神秘博士》50周年紀(jì)念特集的觀眾獲得了一份額外驚喜——一段《神探夏洛克》的短預(yù)告片,其中公布了許多之前從未現(xiàn)身的鏡頭。[/cn] [en]John Watson popped up in all his [w

  • 神探夏洛克》第四季發(fā)布新劇照

    片中Benedict Cumberbatch和一只獵犬在一起。看完劇照后我們就更加期待了。[/cn] [en]Plus, we now have so many questions: What’s Sherlock telling the dog to do? How involved will the dog be in season 4? Is Watson jealous? The master detective apparently had a dog named Toby in the books. Is this Toby? [/en][cn]現(xiàn)在我們有非常多問題:Sherlock在讓這只狗干嘛?第四季怎么會出來了一條狗?花生不會吃醋嗎?在原著中Sherlock的確有條名叫Toby的狗,這只狗就是Toby么?[/cn] [en]The image comes on the heels of Cumberbatch receiving an Emmy nomination for Sherlock: The Abominable Bride. Season 4 will be released in 2017. Don’t make us beg for more, Sherlock.[/en][cn]這張照片是在Cumberbatch憑借《神探夏洛克:可惡的新娘》被提名的消息之后發(fā)出的。第四季將神探夏洛克會在2017年回歸。拜托《神探夏洛克》劇組不要讓我們再等了![/cn] 聲明:本雙語文章的中文翻譯系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內(nèi)容,轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處。中文翻譯僅代表譯者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。

  • 神探夏洛克》追劇筆記S4E1:沉浸于悲痛中

    句話中神探夏洛克出現(xiàn)了一個固定詞組, fixate on。 我們來剖析一下?fixate 這個單詞。 fixate由 fix+ate 組成。 fix 具有固定的意思,再加上 ate, 便是:使固定, 注視, 凝視, 集中(眼)力。 同樣的道理,我們來看一下以下這些關(guān)于 fix 的單詞。 fixable=fix+able 可固定的,可安裝的 fixity=fix+ity ?固定性, 固定物, 不變性 affix=af+fix 這里的af作前綴,意思同‘to’。使附于, 粘貼 prefix=pre+fix pre- 表‘前面的’意思。前綴 suffix=suf+fix suf-表‘后面的’意思。后綴, 下標(biāo) 聲明:本內(nèi)容為滬江英語原創(chuàng),嚴(yán)禁轉(zhuǎn)載。

  • 神探夏洛克》官方原聲帶:Opening Titles

    滬江小編:BBC官方發(fā)布了《神探夏洛克》第一季的原聲帶。今天給大家送上的是《神探夏洛克》中讓人無比熟悉的片頭曲! Sherlock is a British television series that presents a contemporary update of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes detective stories. It was created by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss, and stars Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes

  • 神探夏洛克》第三季發(fā)布圣誕特輯(視頻)

    該死?!?夏洛克:“好?!盵/cn] [en]The mini-episode ends with two obvious warnings of what is to come. First, Watson emotionally watches Sherlock's birthday farewell, "Oh, and don't worry. I'm going to be with you again ... very soon." A moment later we see Lestrade on the street, where a newspaper headline reads "The Game Is Back On."[/en][cn]迷你集結(jié)尾給了我們兩個重大暗示。一是在華生傷感地看夏洛克生日祝福視頻時,大偵探說:“別擔(dān)心,我很快就會和你重

  • 神探夏洛克:只要卷福演就一直拍下去

    在為第四季做準(zhǔn)備,盡管BBC沒有發(fā)布官方消息,但康伯巴奇(飾演夏洛克)已經(jīng)證實自己和弗里曼(飾演華生)非常確信這是真的。莫法特笑著說:“只要康伯巴奇沒大牌到排不開檔期,《神探夏洛克》就會繼續(xù)拍下去。”[/cn] 下面是見面會的一些亮點問題: 莫里亞蒂和夏洛克真的接吻了嗎? [en]The moment came in the season-three premiere as a theory that presumably explained one way Sherlock faked his death. "I've done something slightly [w]cheeky[/w]," Moffat recalled Gatiss telling him. The scene, which featured Moriarty and Sherlock laughing off the [w]tense[/w] phone call with John, saw the two [w=nemesis]nemeses[/w] inch closer in a [w]presumed[/w] kiss. [/en][cn]這個片段來自第三季首集夏洛克對自己偽造死亡的解釋,“我做了一件有點不要臉的事情” 莫法特在見面會上回想加蒂斯(另一位主創(chuàng))對自己說的話。在這一幕中,給華生打完緊張的訣別電話,夏洛克和莫里亞蒂相視一笑、面部距離漸進(jìn),罪惡地“接吻”了。[/cn] [en]"We cut it before contact, and indeed, sex, because that was wrong," Moffat joked. And sorry Sherlock fans, Cumberbatch said he and Scott "didn't actually connect."[/en][cn]莫法特開玩笑說,“這場戲,其實我們該在兩個人滾床單之前叫停,不過這樣的尺度是不允許的?!薄渡裉较穆蹇恕返姆劢z們可能要感到遺憾了,康伯巴奇表示,兩人并沒有實質(zhì)上的接觸,沒有真的接吻。[/cn] 本季為什么要加入瑪麗這個角色? [en]"If you have a female perspective on the two men, it's very, very funny and very [w]illuminating[/w]," Moffat said of the reason they added John's future wife. Mary will remain a large part of the mythology of Sherlock as the story continues. "Mary's absolutely here. We don't just off her," Moffat said.?[/en][cn]莫法特在談及添加華生未婚妻瑪麗的角色時表示:“如果能從一個女性的角度觀察兩位男主角,那

  • 神探夏洛克》卷福:不要挑撥我跟美劇版夏洛克的關(guān)系啊!

    夏洛克別的角色。”[/cn] [en]"It is [w]baffling[/w] because I have only been supportive of an incredibly talented actor who I am proud to call a friend taking a job I know he is going to enjoy [w]immensely[/w] and be wonderful in."[/en][cn]“我明明是在支持這位讓我很驕傲地稱之為朋友的頂級演員的工作,而且我知道他很享受它,并且也做得很好。所以外界的那種傳言讓我有點不開心。[/cn] [en]Earlier this week the Shortlist quoted Cumberbatch in an interview

  • 神探夏洛克》第三季曝光首款預(yù)告

    [en]We've been waiting a long time for this. [/en][cn]劇迷們已經(jīng)等很久了。[/cn] [en]BBC One has revealed the first teaser trailer for season 3 of "Sherlock."[/en][cn]BBC1臺終于發(fā)布了《神探夏洛克