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  • 神探夏洛克》第四季有望圣誕就回歸

    看了昨晚播出的《神探夏洛克》第三季最后一集,該劇集留給了觀眾一個懸念。[/cn] [en]The series began with the New Year's Day special after a two year wait, and was criticised in some quarters for failing to answer questions about how the world's most famous detective [w=fake]faked[/w] his own death in the final episode of the previous series.[/en][cn]沉寂兩年之久后,《神探夏洛克》第三季以新年特輯開場。一些人指責這一季沒有解釋清楚上季最后一集中那個謎團——即夏洛克這位全世界最著名的偵探是如何假死的。[/cn] [en]Sherlock creators Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss have already admitted sketching out ideas for a fourth and fifth series, with the current story arc leaving the door open for new episodes.[/en][cn]該劇的聯(lián)合制片人史蒂芬·莫法特和馬克·加蒂斯已經(jīng)承認正在策劃第四季和第五季的劇情,現(xiàn)在的故事情節(jié)將神探夏洛克成為新劇集的伏筆。 [/cn] [en]All that is believed to be required for a Sherlock Christmas Day special to be confirmed is confirmation that its stars Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman can agree to start filming in spring.[/en][cn]現(xiàn)在,如果該劇的兩位主演——本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和馬丁·弗里曼同意在今年春季投入拍攝,《神探夏洛克》圣誕節(jié)特輯的播出計劃就可以敲定了。[/cn]

  • 神探夏洛克》華生:第四季前可能有特別集


  • 神探夏洛克第四季:2016回歸 莫娘復(fù)活?

    神探夏洛克戲份不多,我們又加入了茉莉的角色。”?[/cn] [en]Moffat suggested that Molly will be a part of the fourth season, saying that "every time we bring a woman into Sherlock, it works hugely well."[/en][cn]莫法特表示茉莉還會繼續(xù)出演第四季,他還說:“每次我們?yōu)?

  • 神探夏洛克》花生妻子可能會死掉

    會在未來的劇情中死掉。[/cn] [en]Why? That's mainly because death was the fate of Mary Watson in the original Sherlock Holmes series of stories. "While we play fast and loose with the original stories, we generally follow the trajectory of what Conan Doyle did," "Sherlock" star Martin Freeman tells the Telegraph in a recent interview. "[Watson] gets married, and then Mary dies -- so at some point presumably she'll die." [/en][cn]為什么?主要是因為在原著中,Mary Watson這個角色的命運如此?!半m然相較于原著,我們拍攝節(jié)奏更快、結(jié)構(gòu)更松散,但是總的來說我們還是跟著原著作者柯南道爾走的,”《神探夏洛克》男主演Martin Freeman接受《每日電訊報》采訪時說?!癢atson結(jié)婚了,然后Mary死掉了...所以在未來的劇情中,她會死掉。[/cn] [en]Don't worry about losing Amanda Abbington -- the actress who plays Mary on the show as well as Freeman's real-life partner. Freeman also points out that Abbington will be around the program "for the [w]foreseeable[/w] future." [/en][cn]大家也不要因為Amanda Abbington的離開而難過——她在劇中扮演Mary,同時她神探夏洛克也是Freeman現(xiàn)實生活中的妻子。Freeman表示,在最近的劇情中她還是不會死的。[/cn]

  • 神探夏洛克》第三季前將播圣誕迷你集


  • 神探夏洛克》追劇筆記S4E1:六座撒切爾雕像


  • 神探夏洛克第四季回歸 良心劇組穿幫的N個細節(jié)

    a shark suit and swimming in the aquarium during the final scene.?[/en][cn]一些觀眾不禁推測:莫里亞蒂可能已經(jīng)回來了,甚至開玩笑說其實水族館一幕里莫娘穿了個鯊魚裝在后面游著呢。(英語君也是著實佩服歪果仁的腦洞了...)[/cn] [en]One viewer tweeted: 'Sherlock was good...but I'm still not over the fact we have no Moriarty...yet??'[/en][cn]還有一些觀眾發(fā)推特說:“夏洛克是不錯...但是我還是無法接受莫娘沒有回歸的事實...真的還沒嗎???”[/cn] 《神探夏洛克》第四季剩下的兩集《撒謊的偵》和《最后的問題》將分別在1月8日和1月15日播出。敬請期待吧~ 聲明:本雙語文章的中文翻譯系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內(nèi)容,轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處。中文翻譯僅代表譯者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。

  • 神探夏洛克》莫娘安德魯?斯科特出柜

    [en]Sherlock is a show so [w=steep]steeped[/w] in homoerotic sexual tension that surely one of the cast members had to be gay. Well, it turns out that one is. Andrew Scott, who plays the devilishly handsome—and straight up devilish—Moriarty came out on Friday in an interview with The Independent.[/en][cn]對《神探夏洛克》這樣一部沉浸在男同氛圍的偵探劇來說,毫無疑問劇組中不可不無一位真正的同性戀。原來劇組中真正的同性戀是這一位:安德魯·斯科特!在劇中飾演帥氣的惡魔、邪惡的直男莫里亞蒂。他在周五接受《獨立報》采訪時,自曝已經(jīng)出柜。[/cn] [en]The 37-year-old Irish actor, whose [w]portrayal[/w] of the “Consultant Criminal” eared him a Bafta last year—he even beat out his costar Martin Freeman (aka Dr. Watson)—told the paper that he is indeed “a gay person.” [/en][cn]這位37歲的愛爾蘭演員憑借“咨詢犯罪師”莫里亞蒂一角獲得了英國電影學院獎——在此獎的角逐中,他甚至擊敗了同劇組的馬丁·弗里曼(飾演華生)。在接受《獨立報》采訪時,安德魯·斯科特坦言自己的確是“同性戀”。[/cn] [en]Scott says he’s a “private person” and doesn’t make a big to-do about his [w]sexuality[/w]. “Mercifully, these days people don’t see being gay as a character flaw, ” says Scott.[/en][cn]斯科特說自己是一個“低調(diào)”的人,他不喜歡就自己的性取向四處宣揚?!靶液?,當今人們不覺得同性戀是一種人格缺陷。” [/cn] [en]In even more Moriarty news, we may see him return in the third season of Sherlock, which also stars heartthrob Benedict Cumberbatch. While it appeared that Moriarty may have met his end—that’s not a spoiler; season two wrapped up over a year and a half ago—Scott has been photographed filming scenes for season three.[/en][cn]爆料更多關(guān)于莫里亞蒂的消息——雖然眾所周知在第二季中莫里亞蒂似乎已經(jīng)去世,但我們或?qū)⒃凇渡裉较穆蹇恕返谌局性俅慰吹剿5诙練⑶嘁呀?jīng)一年半之神探夏洛克久了,但斯科特最近卻被狗仔隊偷拍到正在拍攝該劇第三季?!?span style="color: #fe6016">神探夏洛克》的主演還有萬人迷本尼迪特·康伯巴奇。[/cn]

  • 神探夏洛克》第四季將如觀眾所愿

    常有信心接下來發(fā)生在Sherlock和John身上的故事將會是觀眾們所期待的的。[/cn] [en]Shooting for the special will begin January 2015, with Season 4 shooting later in the year. There is no premiere date yet available for either. [/en][cn]《神探夏洛克》第四季特別集將神探夏洛克會在2015年1月開始拍攝,而另外3集將會在2015年稍后拍攝。不過目前還沒有確定具體的播出日期。[/cn]

  • 神探夏洛克》追劇筆記S4E2:撒謊的偵

    神探夏洛克我們就順勢來復(fù)習一下關(guān)于銀行的一些詞組。 銀行柜員 bank teller 銀行專員 bank specialist 輸入密碼 put in PIN (personal indentification number) 借記卡 debt card 貸記卡(信用卡) credit card 開戶銷戶 open/close an account 轉(zhuǎn)錢 transfer money 存錢 deposit money = make a deposit = put the money into the account 取錢 withdraw money = make a withdrawal = take out money from the account? ? 最后,請將掌聲獻給這一集的全場最佳助攻:Mrs. Hudson。