神探夏洛克人民是真有愛,“英國國寶”休叔和油炸叔也是特別有才又有火花的一對,喜歡這對CP的還可以去補他們的《一點雙人秀》(A Bit of Fry and Laurie,全四季),80年代的東西可以說秒殺現(xiàn)在很多show了…… ? [en] "Jeeves and Wooster" is one of the best pure adaptations I have ever seen in a television show. I highly recommend a look at this series to anyone who has a British sense of humor or enjoys '20s glamor. ——Pickwick12 [/en] [cn]《萬能管家》是我看過改編的最棒的電視劇之一。著迷于20年代魅力、喜歡英式幽默的不要錯過了
出了為什么第五季不會如影迷們所愿的原因。[/cn] [en]Here’s a quick rundown of what we know so far:[/en][cn]以下是我們目前所知的情況:[/cn] [en]While Benedict Cumberbatch has expressed interest in returning to Sherlock, he’s warned fans not to?hold their breath. The Doctor Strange star already has a rather busy schedule ahead of him, with film and TV roles extending well past 2019.[/en][cn]雖然Benedict Cumberbatch表示有興趣回到Sherlock,但他告訴影迷們不要報太大期望。奇異博士的檔期相當繁忙,電影和電視的安排已經(jīng)排到下一年。[/cn] [en]Martin Freeman, who plays Doctor Watson, has made it clear how difficult it’s been to live up to fan expectations, and has also explained that working on the show has lost some of its appeal.[/en][cn]扮演華生醫(yī)生的馬丁·弗里曼已經(jīng)明確表示,實現(xiàn)粉絲的期望是非常困難的,并且還解釋說,在這里工作已經(jīng)失去了吸引力。[/cn] [en]Steven Moffat and Mark Gattis, meanwhile, haven’t ruled anything out, though they were quick to note that are both busy working on other projects – namely, a Dracula series.[/en][cn]與此同時,史蒂文·莫法特和馬克·加蒂斯并沒有排除任何其它可能性,盡管他們很快就注意到其他演員都在忙于其他工作?- 也
[en]BBC1 viewers met Sherlock Holmes’s parents tonight and – unbeknown to many – were simultaneously introduced to Benedict Cumberbatch’s real mum and dad.[/en][cn]BBC的觀眾們在《神探夏洛克》第三季首播劇集中看到了夏洛克·福爾摩斯的父母——許多觀眾不知道的是,他們同時也見神探夏洛克到了本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇現(xiàn)實中的父母。[/cn] [en]Wanda Ventham, 78, and Timothy Carlton (real name
動上就跟大家分享了這樣一件軼事。[/cn] [en]How did that happen? When Cumberbatch showed up to work on the "Sherlock" pilot episode, he had recently bleached his hair to play Vincent Van Gogh. The "Sherlock" people tried to give Cumberbatch a darker look (to better match the literary Holmes' physical appearance), but the dye plus the bleach resulted in a shade of green.[/en][cn]到底是怎么回事呢?Cumberbatch在出演《神探夏洛克》第一集之前,曾經(jīng)為了梵高的一個角色把頭發(fā)漂白了。而《神探夏洛克》的造型師們?yōu)榱俗孋umberbatch和神探夏洛克書中的Holmes更像一些,想讓他看起來膚色黑一些,就給他然黑頭發(fā),結(jié)果兩種顏色加在一起結(jié)果就成了綠色。[/cn] [en]This was the day before filming was supposed to begin.[/en][cn]這件事發(fā)生在正式錄制開始的前一天。[/cn] [en]Fortunately, more work on the hair resulted in a more successful dye job. That's a good thing -- Sherlock Holmes is odd enough without green hair. [/en][cn]不過幸好最后還是成功的把Cumberbatch的頭發(fā)染成了棕黑色,這也避免了Sherlock Holmes頂著一頭奇怪的綠頭發(fā)。[/cn]
[en]Following the tragic death of a 14-year-old "Sherlock" fan, star Benedict Cumberbatch sent an open letter to be read aloud at the girl's funeral. [/en][cn]Benedict Cumberbatch給《神探夏洛克》已經(jīng)去世的14歲小粉絲寫信,并在小姑娘的葬禮上被公開朗讀。[/cn] [en]Eve Shepherd died Feb. 1 after struggling with her breathing, the Warrington Guardian reports. After being born prematurely in 2000, she went through more than 200 operations during her short life due to a number of [w=ailment]ailments[/w].[/en][cn]《Warrington Guardian》報道,Eve Shepherd在2月1日去世。她在2000年早產(chǎn)出生,因為生病,她短短的一生經(jīng)歷了200多場手術(shù)。[/cn] [en]"I send my deepest sympathies to Eve's family," Cumberbatch writes. "To lose someone so young who fought for her health all her life must be beyond endurance. I hope they can take solace from the fact that she was clearly much loved, and her support of our show is hugely appreciated and shall be remembered."[/en][cn]“我向Eve的家人送上我最深的同情,”Cumberbatch在信中寫?!靶⌒∧昙o就遭受病魔折磨的她,一生經(jīng)歷諸多磨難。我希望她明白她的人生充滿了愛,她對我們劇的支持我們?nèi)f分珍惜,并永不忘記。”[/cn] [en]Unfortunately, Cumberbatch could not attend the funeral as he was filming the next "Sherlock" special. However, Eve's father, Mark Shepherd, tells the Warrington Guardian, "She would be so happy about the letter from Benedict."[/en][cn]可惜的是,因為要拍攝《神探夏洛克》圣誕特別集,Cumberbatch并沒有出席這位小粉絲的葬禮。不過Eve的爸爸Mark Shepherd告訴Warrington衛(wèi)報說,“如果她知道自己居然收到了Benedict的信,一定會很高興的?!盵/cn]
2015-03-02 -
先在Twitter上發(fā)了一張圣誕特輯劇本照片,“這就是我今天在做的事情!以后夏洛克和華生將會出現(xiàn)在《神探夏洛克》特輯中神探夏洛克出現(xiàn)#221back#。[/cn] [en]The special is set to start production in January 2015 and will then air in the UK sometime within the year. No announcement has been made of when the special will make it to the US, but "Sherlock" is coming. [/en][cn]《神探夏洛克》圣誕特輯的制作工作將會在2015年1月開始,并在2015年在英國開播。目前暫無消息顯示何時會在美國開播。[/cn]
2014-12-02 -
紅了,爆紅,紅得發(fā)紫,紫的發(fā)黑。 【例句】 [en]PPAP is beyond viral on the internet.[/en][cn]PPAP 網(wǎng)絡(luò)爆紅。[/cn] ? 下面的對話便是“even you” 場景了。 英語君聯(lián)想到了魔法特編劇的一句話:喜歡一個人是想要過要和他共度一夜,愛一個人是想和他共度一生。 夏洛克和華生在對方眼中都是獨一無二又最不平凡的存在。 英語君想象不出還有哪個告白比這個更加浪漫的了。 最后的最后,當“Eurus”的名字出來的時候,英語君瞬間聯(lián)想到了夏洛克和華神探夏洛克生在機場作別的場景。 這三張圖合起來,簡直細思極恐。 莫不是夏洛克和華生要正面決戰(zhàn)大BOSS了? 第四季還剩下最后一集,讓我們拭目以待。 ? 聲明:本內(nèi)容為滬江英語原創(chuàng),嚴禁轉(zhuǎn)載。
郊區(qū)的人,因為他們來曼哈頓需要“過大橋穿隧道”。 后來引申指土包子、無知的人、思想狹隘的人,等等。 【例句】The clubs are hopping tonight, but it's mostly the bridge and tunnel crowd. ? ? ? ? ? ?俱樂部今晚特別忙,不過客人主要是些土包子。 water under the bridge 逝者如斯夫 這個詞組有兩種解釋: 1)無法重新來過或不值得再探歇洛克》前一季中,華生在婚禮上擁抱了夏洛克。 那個時候的夏洛克討論的往事 2)另一種解釋是很長時間過去了 【例句】He was relieved his time in jail was over and regarded it as water under the bridge. ? ? ? ? ? ?他為服刑期滿而感到如釋重負,而且覺得既已無可更改,過去的就讓它過去吧。 ? 聲明:本內(nèi)容為滬江英語原創(chuàng),嚴禁轉(zhuǎn)載。
[en]A new teaser for “Sherlock” Season 4 shows Benedict Cumberbatch’s titular character in a dark place.[/en][cn]《神探夏洛克》第四季的新預(yù)告片展現(xiàn)了“卷福”名義上性格,預(yù)告非常黑暗緊張。[/cn] [en]Toby Jones will play the villain in this season, and in the teaser he seems to exert power over Cumberbatch’s Holmes. “What’s the very