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  • 神探夏洛克》第三季前將播圣誕迷你集


  • 神探夏洛克》卷福:不要挑撥我跟美劇版夏洛克的關(guān)系??!

    夏洛克別的角色?!盵/cn] [en]"It is [w]baffling[/w] because I have only been supportive of an incredibly talented actor who I am proud to call a friend taking a job I know he is going to enjoy [w]immensely[/w] and be wonderful in."[/en][cn]“我明明是在支持這位讓我很驕傲地稱之為朋友的頂級演員的工作,而且我知道他很享受它,并且也做得很好。所以外界的那種傳言讓我有點(diǎn)不開心。[/cn] [en]Earlier this week the Shortlist quoted Cumberbatch in an interview

  • 神探夏洛克第四季:2016回歸 莫娘復(fù)活?

    神探夏洛克戲份不多,我們又加入了茉莉的角色。”?[/cn] [en]Moffat suggested that Molly will be a part of the fourth season, saying that "every time we bring a woman into Sherlock, it works hugely well."[/en][cn]莫法特表示茉莉還會繼續(xù)出演第四季,他還說:“每次我們?yōu)?

  • 神探夏洛克》卷福:現(xiàn)實(shí)生活中我也當(dāng)了回偵!

    算過這么做?!?[/cn] [en]Last night a source claimed on Twitter: ‘The person in question was asked to stop by a friend of Mr Cumberbatch and she agreed and apologised. Case was closed.’[/en][cn]昨晚有內(nèi)部人士在推特上夏洛克表示:“康伯巴奇找了一個朋友去跟當(dāng)事人交涉,對方同意不再發(fā)照片并表示了道歉,事情就算是結(jié)束了?!?[/cn] [en]Earlier this week BBC1’s official Twitter account posted a picture of Cumberbatch and his co-star Martin Freeman, who plays Dr Watson, fooling around between[w=read-through]read-throughs[/w] of the script.[/en][cn]本周早些時候,BBC1官方推特帳號發(fā)布了一張本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和同劇組演員馬丁·弗里曼的合照,兩人在劇本通讀的間隙玩得不亦樂乎。馬丁·弗里曼在《神探夏洛克》中出演華生。[/cn]

  • 神探夏洛克》華生:第四季前可能有特別集


  • 神探夏洛克》第三季3月18日開拍:三集片要回來了!

    何在第二季終活下來,而對于卷福的回歸,華生又會怎樣回應(yīng)。[/cn] [en]Writers and production members of the show are aware of the fans [w]anticipation[/w] of the show and have been tweeting pictures of the set and locations that will be shown in the coming series to make fans begin speculating about things that may happen. [/en][cn]該劇的編劇和制作團(tuán)隊(duì)也非常清楚粉絲們對劇集的期待,已經(jīng)在推特上發(fā)布了不少片場和第三季可能出現(xiàn)的地點(diǎn)的照片,這也讓粉絲們各種猜想,第三季的故事會是怎么樣的。[/cn] [en]The show's creators released three words to fans to help them guess what the three new episodes might be about. The words were rat, wedding, bow.[/en][cn]該劇的制片人曾給粉絲們公布了三個關(guān)鍵詞,為第三季的三集劇情故事給出了暗示,這三個單詞是:鼠、婚禮和致意。[/cn] [en]The filming of the new series is also the reason Sherlock star Martin Freeman went on Britain's popular talk show "The Graham Norton Show" earlier this week.[/en][cn]第三季開拍在即,飾演華生的英國男星馬丁·弗里曼也在在本周早些時候做客英國著名脫口秀節(jié)目《格拉漢姆·諾頓秀》。[/cn] [en]The series was originally set to begin filming in January but got pushed back due to scheduling conflicts with Freeman and the show's other star Benedict Cumberbatch. [/en][cn]第三季原本安神探夏洛克排在1月份拍攝,但由于馬丁·弗里曼和另一位主演本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇檔期沖突,不得不推遲拍攝。[/cn] [en]The two have become very well known since the show started. Freeman recently starred as Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit while Cumberbatch will appear as the [w]villain[/w] in this summer's new Star Trek film Into Darkness.[/en][cn]《神探夏洛克》的開播可謂讓這兩位主演一夜成名。馬丁·弗里曼日前出演了電影《霍比特人》扮演Bilbo Baggins一角色,而本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇則在電影《星際迷航2:暗黑無界》中出演反派,該電影將于今年天上映。[/cn]

  • 神探夏洛克》第四季回歸時間不定

    [en]Sherlock is a wonderfully brilliant series but its most impressive feat is that it constantly leaves fans wanting more.[/en][cn]《神探夏洛克》是部很贊的劇,但是每年只出3集的安排讓觀眾們一直處于欲求不滿的狀態(tài)。[/cn] [en]Although fans will have to wait a while longer for Season 4, the Sherlock gods have smiled down upon us and will present a Victorian-era special hopefully later this year. At this time, PBS, which airs the series in the U.S., has not set a premiere date because the BBC has not yet set theirs. To that point, the network advertised the new special to reporters at the Television Critics Association fall previews on Saturday as "coming soon...ish."[/en][cn]雖然《神探夏洛克》第四季讓我們等待的時間比之前三季要長,不過劇組還是發(fā)了發(fā)慈悲,決神探夏洛克》是部很贊的劇,但是每年只出3定在今年晚些時候播出一集維多利亞特輯,讓粉絲們以解相思之苦。這次,在美國買下《神探夏洛克》播出權(quán)的電視臺PBS也沒有辦法確定這集特別集的開播時間,因?yàn)锽BC電視臺自己都還沒有定好確定的開播時間。因此,在電視評論家協(xié)會上的秋季開播預(yù)告中,PBS只能預(yù)告說:“《神探夏洛克》即將回歸...噓?!盵/cn] [en]"I think we are all working to be as nimble as we can with this one," the producer said. "We are in very close touch with the BBC, and we are working very hard to not frustrate the fans..."[/en][cn]制片人說:“我們都在把我們的靈感傾注在這部劇中,我們和BBC電視臺有著很好的溝通,我們在很努力的創(chuàng)作,希望可以不要讓粉絲們失望...”[/cn]

  • 神探夏洛克》第三季2014年1月1日首播


  • 神探夏洛克》卷福揭秘假死之謎

    會為夏洛克設(shè)計(jì)任何浪漫故事。 5. 第三季首映日期仍舊不確定 主創(chuàng)們給出的首映時間是——“2014年初”。確切的消息一直未能確定,但英國多家媒體的猜測都是2013年12月31日。相信若真的要拖到2014年初,也會在1月份左右播出。劇迷們還需要耐心等待。 6. 第四季主演們會繼續(xù)合作 BBC在Comic-con上確定的兩個關(guān)鍵點(diǎn)是:首先,《神探夏洛克》肯定會有第四季,而且主創(chuàng)們表示沒想過這部劇會在短時間內(nèi)停止,他們樂意一直拍下去。其次,本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和馬丁·弗瑞曼這對搭檔絕不會被拆散。盡管他們現(xiàn)在各自的電影事業(yè)都很忙,但《神探夏洛克》的合同仍舊是他們最3先去敲定的項(xiàng)目。 7. 莫法特爆料兩主演性格——他們應(yīng)該交換角色 莫法特稱本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和馬丁·弗瑞曼的確與夏洛克和華生一樣,是兩個性格迥異的人,但是卷福才是那個“呆瓜”,甚至有時會顯得挺笨拙,而馬丁做事則非常直接,說話也是牙尖嘴利。他還在現(xiàn)場建議說,不如我們讓他們互換下角色看看有什么效果。

  • 神探夏洛克》莫娘安德魯?斯科特出柜

    [en]Sherlock is a show so [w=steep]steeped[/w] in homoerotic sexual tension that surely one of the cast members had to be gay. Well, it turns out that one is. Andrew Scott, who plays the devilishly handsome—and straight up devilish—Moriarty came out on Friday in an interview with The Independent.[/en][cn]對《神探夏洛克》這樣一部沉浸在男同氛圍的偵探劇來說,毫無疑問劇組中不可不無一位真正的同性戀。原來劇組中真正的同性戀是這一位:安德魯·斯科特!在劇中飾演帥氣的惡魔、邪惡的直男莫里亞蒂。他在周五接受《獨(dú)立報》采訪時,自曝已經(jīng)出柜。[/cn] [en]The 37-year-old Irish actor, whose [w]portrayal[/w] of the “Consultant Criminal” eared him a Bafta last year—he even beat out his costar Martin Freeman (aka Dr. Watson)—told the paper that he is indeed “a gay person.” [/en][cn]這位37歲的愛爾蘭演員憑借“咨詢犯罪師”莫里亞蒂一角獲得了英國電影學(xué)院獎——在此獎的角逐中,他甚至擊敗了同劇組的馬丁·弗里曼(飾演華生)。在接受《獨(dú)立報》采訪時,安德魯·斯科特坦言自己的確是“同性戀”。[/cn] [en]Scott says he’s a “private person” and doesn’t make a big to-do about his [w]sexuality[/w]. “Mercifully, these days people don’t see being gay as a character flaw, ” says Scott.[/en][cn]斯科特說自己是一個“低調(diào)”的人,他不喜歡就自己的性取向四處宣揚(yáng)?!靶液?,當(dāng)今人們不覺得同性戀是一種人格缺陷?!?[/cn] [en]In even more Moriarty news, we may see him return in the third season of Sherlock, which also stars heartthrob Benedict Cumberbatch. While it appeared that Moriarty may have met his end—that’s not a spoiler; season two wrapped up over a year and a half ago—Scott has been photographed filming scenes for season three.[/en][cn]爆料更多關(guān)于莫里亞蒂的消息——雖然眾所周知在第二季中莫里亞蒂似乎已經(jīng)去世,但我們或?qū)⒃凇渡裉较穆蹇恕返谌局性俅慰吹剿?。第二季殺青已?jīng)一年半之神探夏洛克久了,但斯科特最近卻被狗仔隊(duì)偷拍到正在拍攝該劇第三季。《神探夏洛克》的主演還有萬人迷本尼迪特·康伯巴奇。[/cn]