英劇《神探夏洛克》開拍 導(dǎo)演“推特”忙
度了。[/cn] [en]May 12–”Rehearsals were great fun. First [w]scene[/w] up on Monday is with #Sherlock and Dr Watson.”[/en][cn]5月12號:預(yù)演很好玩。周一要開拍的第一個鏡頭就是夏洛克和Dr? Watson。[/cn] [en]If you want to follow the progress, make sure to follow McGuigan on Twitter.[/en][cn]想要了解最新的拍攝進度,千萬別忘了加保羅·麥奎根關(guān)注。[/cn] 小編發(fā)現(xiàn),花生阿福等等竟然都有了自己的Twitter 賬號,彼此往來更新不亦樂乎,于是猜測下,新一季除了花生的博客,會不會增加推特的橋段捏?(喂喂,你想太多了吧) Sherlock Holmes [en]The world's first, only and best [w]consulting[/w] detective.[/en][cn]全球第一唯一最好的顧問偵探。[/cn] Dr John Watson [en]I'm a doctor, I also assist @SherlockSH who is a consulting detective.[/en][cn]我是醫(yī)生,也會常常協(xié)助偵探福爾摩斯。[/cn] Mycroft Holmes [en]Government official. Founder of the Diogenes Club. Brother of Sherlock Holmes.[/en][cn]政府官員。Diogenes俱樂部創(chuàng)立者。夏洛克·福爾摩斯的哥哥。[/cn] Martha Hudson [en]I'm the landlady of the house at 221B Baker Street, not the housekeeper.[/en][cn]貝克街221座的女房東,不是管家來的。[/cn] Gregory Lestrade [en]Just a humble Detective [w]Inspector[/w] working at New Scotland Yard.[/en][cn]New Scotland Yard里的一枚謙遜偵探巡視員。[/cn] Sergeant Anderson [en]I am a Forensics Specialist working for Scotland Yard.[/en][cn]Scotland Yard里的一名法醫(yī)專家。[/cn] Mlly Hooper [en]I work at St. Bart's Hospital. In the morgue. So I hope I don't see you there![/en][cn]我在St. Bart's 醫(yī)院的停尸房工作。最好還是別讓我在那看到你。[/cn] Sarah Sawyer [en]I'm a GP in South East London.[/en][cn]South East London的普通醫(yī)生一枚。[/cn]
先在Twitter上發(fā)了一張圣誕特輯劇本照片,“這就是我今天在做的事情!以后夏洛克和華生將會出現(xiàn)在《神探夏洛克》特輯中神探夏洛克出現(xiàn)#221back#。[/cn] [en]The special is set to start production in January 2015 and will then air in the UK sometime within the year. No announcement has been made of when the special will make it to the US, but "Sherlock" is coming. [/en][cn]《神探夏洛克》圣誕特輯的制作工作將會在2015年1月開始,并在2015年在英國開播。目前暫無消息顯示何時會在美國開播。[/cn]
2014-12-02 -
生來貝克街的時候,可是空手的呀。 當(dāng)然還有其他的小細節(jié),等待大家發(fā)現(xiàn)。 ? The end of the line 這個短語的意思是盡頭,極限。 引申出來的含義會有,山窮水盡、最終結(jié)局、最末端等等。 【例句】Georges knew he was near the end of the line. ? ? ? ? ? ?喬戈斯知道他快山窮水盡了。 ? ? ? ? ? ?When he got to Grandma, at the end of the line, he was bewildered. ? ? ? ? ? ?當(dāng)他走到隊伍的盡頭老奶奶的面前時,他感到很困惑。? get off 這個詞組我們從小學(xué)就認識了。 如果遇上 taxi,car 等小型交通工具上車用get in,下車用get out。 如果遇上 ship,bus,train,plane 等大型交通工具,上去用get on,下去用get off。 這里和大家分享一個最近新學(xué)的詞組。get off one's back。 "get off one's back" means to leave someone alone or stop bugging someone about something. 別管閑事或是說別為了什么事來煩某人。再加上語氣的推波助瀾,很多情況下,get off one's back?表示當(dāng)事人認為他自己根本沒做甚么錯事。 【例句】I'm going to tell him to get off my back or I'll walk right off the job. ? ? ? ? ? ?我就要告訴他別再糾纏不清,否則我就不干了。 shaken-up 是一個口語化的詞兒。 在人們聽到令人吃驚的新聞后或經(jīng)歷了任何沒有預(yù)料到的事情后,他們可能會感到shaken up。 大家可以想象一下,在聽到了極其震驚的消息之后,某個人驚訝地抖了一抖。 用這種方法記單詞是不是很好記。 【例句】After the accident she was completely shaken up. ? ? ? ? ? ?在經(jīng)歷了那次事件之后,她受到極神探夏洛克大地驚嚇。 《神探夏洛克》第四季第三集最后一幕,夏洛克和華生從貝克街221B中沖了出來。 不難得知,他們肯定又遇上案子了。 雖然第四季完結(jié)了,但是夏洛克和華生這對拍檔傳遞出來的精神是永遠不會完結(jié)的。 聲明:本內(nèi)容為滬江英語原創(chuàng),嚴禁轉(zhuǎn)載。
?英劇《神探夏洛克》相關(guān)介紹 BBC1新版《福爾摩斯》,講述了21世紀繁華熱鬧的倫敦大都市中,時尚的大偵探夏洛克·福爾摩斯和他的得力助手華生經(jīng)受的一系列危險的、不同尋常的歷險。 Sherlock is a British television series that presents a [w]contemporary[/w] update of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes detective stories. It was created by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss, and stars Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes and Martin Freeman as Doctor John Watson. After an unbroadcast pilot in 2009, the first series of three 90-minute episodes was transmitted on BBC One and BBC HD in July and August 2010, with a second series of three episodes first broadcast in January 2012. The second series is set to air on BBC America? and the PBS channel in May. A third series has been commissioned and will reportedly air in 2014. The series has been sold to over 180 territories. 聲明:音視頻均來自互聯(lián)網(wǎng)鏈接,僅供學(xué)習(xí)使用。本網(wǎng)站自身不存儲、控制、修改被鏈接的內(nèi)容。"滬江英語"高度重視知識產(chǎn)權(quán)保護。當(dāng)如發(fā)現(xiàn)本網(wǎng)站發(fā)布的信息包含有侵犯其著作權(quán)的鏈接內(nèi)容時,請聯(lián)系我們,我們將依法采取措施移除相關(guān)內(nèi)容或屏蔽相關(guān)鏈接。
[en]While literally dozens of actors have played the role of Sherlock Holmes it is now hard to imagine anyone but Benedict Cumberbatch portraying the super [w]sleuth[/w] in Sherlock, the subject of this week’s Entertainment Weekly cover story. But Cumberbatch thought twice when Sherlock cocreators Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss originally offered him the part which, over the past few years, has propelled him from relatively unknown character actor to global star.[/en][cn]已經(jīng)有很多演員演繹過夏洛克·福爾摩斯這個角色了,可是現(xiàn)在一說這個角色很多人第一個想起來的就是Benedict Cumberbatch在《神探夏洛克》中扮演的那個偵探?!渡裉较穆蹇恕芬驳巧狭吮局堋秺蕵分芸返姆饷婀适???墒瞧鋵岰umberbatch曾經(jīng)2次拒絕該劇制片人Steven Morffat和Mark Gatiss對于這個角色的邀請,憑借這個角色Cumberbatch從一個默默無聞的演員一躍成為現(xiàn)在全球知名的影星。[/cn] [en]“My reservation was ‘Well, this is a very iconic character, there will be a lot of attention on it,’” says Cumberbatch. “This was before I had had any significant success [but] I knew there would still be a lot of focus on it. And while I had done work, it wasn’t stepping into the populist limelight like playing a character like Holmes. So I did have a pause for thought.”[/en][cn]“我當(dāng)時收到的邀請是‘有一個經(jīng)典角色,會受到很大關(guān)注,’”Cumberbatch說?!斑@是在我獲得任何有大影響的成功演出之前,但是我知道這個角色一定會吸引很大的關(guān)注。然后我做了很多功課,我要做的是扮演一個和大眾想象的福爾摩斯不一樣的福爾摩斯。所
還有一種情況是 on one's behalf。 這個詞組與 on behalf of 的區(qū)別就是所有格上的區(qū)別,在意義上沒有不同,可相互替換。 【例句】She signed the paper on behalf of me. ? ? ? ? ? ?She signed the paper on my behalf. 在這句臺詞中, spare one's blushes 的意思是 不讓某人難堪。 to prevent someone from being embarrassed, 讓某人免于蒙羞。 【例句】The manager spoke for his young employee in order to spare her blushes. ? ? ? ? ? ?經(jīng)理為他年輕的雇員說話,免于讓她蒙羞。 【注意】blush 需要加上 es 使用 我們來復(fù)習(xí)一下這個詞組。 cast 這個單詞具有拋擲,投射的含義。 那神探夏洛克》第四季第三集的結(jié)束,《神夏我們可以聯(lián)想到 cast one's mind back 的意思是 將某人的想法扔到過去那個點,也就是 回想,回憶起的涵義了。 其英英注釋是 to think about something that happened in the past, especially in order to remember something important。 【例句】Cast your mind back to last summer. ? ? ? ? ? ? 讓我們回想一下去年夏天。 聲明:本內(nèi)容為滬江英語原創(chuàng),嚴禁轉(zhuǎn)載。
錄到字典里,作為“ship”新釋義的例句。[/cn] [en]Any fan of the show is unlikely to be surprised by this, since dedicated "Sherlock" fans ship Sherlock and Watson, Sherlock and Molly, Sherlock and Moriarty. Which one did Oxford pick for the dictionary? As "Sherlock" co-star Louise Brealey points out, it's the Sherlock-Molly pairing: [/en][cn]看劇的小伙伴們對這個新釋義應(yīng)該不會陌生,因為網(wǎng)絡(luò)上到處都是希望Sherlock和Watson在一起、Sherlock和Molly在一起,還有Sherlock和Moriaty在一起的粉絲們。三大粉絲黨哪一個才神探夏洛克會被牛津字典挑中呢?據(jù)劇中演員Louise Brealey,是Sherlock-Molly黨:[/cn] [en] 'Ship' (to want someone to fall in love) is now in the Oxford English Dictionary. The example given? 'I'll always ship Sherlock and Molly.' -- Louise Brealey (@louisebrealey) May 20, 2014 [/en][cn]ship(想讓誰墮入愛河)現(xiàn)在被收錄在牛津英語字典里了。例句是?“我一直想讓Sherlock和Molly在一起?!?——Louise Brealey(@louisebrealey)2014年5月20日[/cn]
神探夏洛克譯名的縮寫。[/cn] [en]Freeman, who plays John Watson, is called Peanut for the rather more mundane reason that the actor's name in its Chinese form – Hua Sheng – sounds a lot like the Mandarin for the nut.[/en][cn]飾演約翰·華生的弗里曼被稱為花生。這個名字的來由更容易理解——這一角色姓名的中譯名,“華生”聽起來與“花生”相近。[/cn] [en]The country's fixation on Sherlock was thrown into sharp focus during David
會在5、6月份進行排練籌備,目前還沒有宣布將會演多少場。[/cn] [en]This will be yet another activity in an extremely busy couple of years for the actor. In addition to playing John Watson on "Sherlock," Freeman is Bilbo Baggins in the "Hobbit" series of movies and has a lead role in the upcoming FX series, "Fargo."[/en][cn]除了這部戲劇,Martin Freeman最近一兩年其實是非常忙碌的,他除了要出演《神探夏洛克》中的John Watson,還在《霍比特人》里演了Bilbo Baggins,而且還會在FX美劇《Fargo》中做男主角。[/cn] [en]But Shakespeare is in the air for "Sherlock" actors -- co-star Benedict Cumberbatch is set to star in "Hamlet" in London during the summer of 2015. [/en][cn]不過參演莎士比亞戲劇的可神探夏洛克不只他一個——《神探夏洛克》另一位男主演Benedict Cumberbatch也將會主演另一部莎士比亞戲劇《哈姆雷特》,預(yù)計這部戲劇將會在2015年夏季登場。[/cn]
[en]Those who tuned in to the 50th anniversary episode of Doctor Who were given another treat in the form of a short teaser revealing some previously never-before-seen footage.[/en][cn]收看《神秘博士》50周年紀念特集的觀眾獲得了一份額外驚喜——一段《神探夏洛克》的短預(yù)告片,其中公布了許多之前從未現(xiàn)身的鏡頭。[/cn] [en]John Watson popped up in all his [w