搜索結(jié)果 搜索相關(guān)課程
  • 冰桶3.0:領(lǐng)銜眾星玩瑜伽自拍

    要做的就是脫下衣服,擺一個極顯柔韌的姿勢,然后在Instagram上曬出照片。[/cn] [en]So far we've been treated to some rather impressive poses with the likes of Rosie Huntington Whiteley and Michelle Rodriguez proving just how [w]bendy[/w] they can be.[/en][cn]截至目前,我們已經(jīng)看到了一些相當印象深刻的姿勢。 羅西·漢丁頓·惠特莉和米歇爾·羅德里格茲的點贊數(shù)非常之多,可見她們的柔韌性不可小覷。[/cn] [en]Here are just a few of the best snaps we've seen from the trend.[/en][cn]以下只是此次狂潮最贊自拍中的幾張。[/cn] [en]Queen B[/en][cn]碧昂斯[/cn] [en]Doing it as a celebration[/en][cn]作為慶祝[/cn] [en]The Halo singer is a real [w]trailblazer[/w] and was well ahead of the game with her sexy shot.[/en][cn]這位光環(huán)備至的歌手是真正的瑜伽自拍先驅(qū),她性感的照片讓她遠走在此次游戲的前列。[/cn] [en]It was back in September that the mum-of-one posted her yoga selfie in honour of her 33rd birthday.[/en][cn]那是在九月的時候,這位一個孩子的媽媽在慶祝她的33歲生日時分享了她的瑜伽自拍。[/cn] [en]Bar Refaeli[/en][cn]芭兒·拉法莉[/cn] [en]The popular crab move[/en][cn]流行的螃蟹式[/cn] [en]The Israeli model did a crab like [w]maneuver[/w] for her yoga selife.[/en][cn]這位以色列模特在她的瑜伽自拍中擺出形似螃蟹的姿勢。[/cn] [en]She also proved that a bikini isn't a must-have to take part (although we think it's better if you do).[/en][cn]她的自拍照表明,比基尼并不是參加此活動的必備(盡管我們覺得你能穿比基尼更好)。[/cn] [en]Ellie Goulding[/en][cn]艾麗·高登[/cn] [en]Best to consider your surroundings[/en][cn]最好考慮下你的周邊環(huán)境[/cn] [en]The Burn singer proved that creativity is a must when it comes to your yoga selfie.[/en][cn]這位炙手可熱的歌手的自拍照表明,瑜伽自拍中創(chuàng)造力的必要。[/cn] [en]With a beautiful [w]scenic[/w] background, Ellie's snap is up there as one of the best.[/en][cn]有美景陪襯,艾麗的照片是最贊之一。[/cn] [en]Michelle Rodriguez[/en][cn]米歇爾·羅德里格茲[/cn] [en]Props are a must[/en][cn]道具是必須的[/cn] [en]When the actress did her yoga selfie she let everyone know just how important props can be.[/en][cn]這位女演員用她的瑜伽自拍向大家揭示了道具的重要性。[/cn] [en]It also helps if said prop is a very [w]flashy[/w] sports car.[/en][cn]用一臺酷炫的跑車做道具,也是極有用的![/cn] [en]Rosie Huntington Whiteley[/en][cn]羅西·漢丁頓-惠特莉[/cn] [en]Any room will do[/en][cn]隨便一個房間就行[/cn] [en]Sometimes plain and simple can do the trick and work perfectly.[/en][cn]有時,直白和簡單能完美詮釋。[/cn] [en]That's why the blonde beauty didn't even leave her living room for her exercise.[/en][cn]這就是為何這位金發(fā)美女做動作時甚至都沒離開她的客廳。[/cn] 聲明:本雙語文章的中文翻譯系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內(nèi)容,轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處。中文翻譯僅代表譯者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。

  • 每秒8900條!懷孕消息創(chuàng)造twitter新紀錄

    [en]Beyonce's bump reveal at the end of her performance at the MTV Video Music Awards sparked a new Twitter record.[/en][cn]碧昂斯在MTV錄影帶頒獎禮表演結(jié)束時宣布了自己懷孕的消息,而這個消息創(chuàng)造了Twitter發(fā)送量的新紀錄![/cn] [en]As Beyonce finished performing Love On Top at 10:35 p.m. EDT on Sunday night, there were 8,868 tweets per second.[/en][cn]美國東部夏季時間上周日晚上10:35,當碧昂斯結(jié)束《Love On Top》表演(宣布自己懷孕的消息)后,每秒鐘有8868條twitter消息被發(fā)布。[/cn] [en]Twitter said that rate was a record for the social media service.[/en][cn]Twitter方面表示這在社會媒體服務(wù)方面創(chuàng)造了新紀錄。[/cn] [en]At the end of her performance, Beyonce [w=unbutton]unbuttoned[/w] her [w]sequinned[/w] purple [w]blazer[/w] to reveal her [w]burgeoning[/w] [w]bump[/w], cupping and rubbing her [w]tummy[/w] through her [w]maternity[/w] tuxedo trousers.[/en][cn]在表演結(jié)束后碧昂斯解開自己的紫色亮片上衣,露出自己日漸突出的腹部,并透過自己的孕婦晚禮服褲子撫摸自己的肚子。[/cn] [en]The 29-year-old singer is married to Jay-Z, 41, who was shown in the audience receiving hugs and back slaps from friend like Kanye West as his wife's belly made its debut.[/en][cn]這位29歲的歌手與說唱天王——41歲的Jay-Z結(jié)婚。在碧昂斯宣布懷孕后,Jay-Z在觀眾面前與好友Kanye West等人熱情相擁慶祝。[/cn] [en]The previous record of 7,196 tweets per second was set in July during the end of the Women’s World Cup final, when the U.S.A. lost a [w]penalty[/w] shoot out.[/en][cn]之前的最高twitter紀錄是每秒鐘7196條,那是7月份女足世界杯決賽時,當時美國女足錯失點球機會而失去奪冠機會。[/cn] [en]And Beyonce's bump didn't just break Twitter records.[/en][cn]碧昂斯創(chuàng)造的不只是twitter記錄。[/cn] [en]The VMAs drew MTV's biggest audience since the network began measuring its viewership and Sunday night's show attracted 12.4 million viewers.M[/en][cn]TV頒獎禮組織方正在統(tǒng)計自頒獎禮開始后的網(wǎng)上收視率,而周日晚上的演出吸引了一千二百四十萬觀眾。[/cn] 欣賞準媽媽的MTV頒獎禮現(xiàn)場表演吧>>

  • 《糾纏》片尾曲Smash Into You試聽下載

    關(guān)注辦公室戀情和婚外戀的《糾纏》名大于實,看過總覺得被預(yù)告片騙到了的感覺,尤其是結(jié)局的倉促令人啼笑皆非。倒是親聲獻唱的片尾曲Smash Into You比較好聽一些。 陷入《糾纏》 辦公室婚外情致命誘惑 Smash Into You by Beyoncé Knowles Head down as i watch my feet take turns hitting the ground Eyes shut, i find myself in love racing the earth And i soaked in your love And love is right

  • 爆笑視頻:1歲半嬰兒裹尿布大跳熱舞Single Ladies

    碧昂斯的Single Ladies不碧昂斯日前獲得了年度最佳MV,而這支MV的最小粉絲居然才20個月大!新西蘭的小寶貝Cory Elliott趴在電視柜前跟著碧昂斯的這支MV脖子扭扭屁股扭扭,就這么投入地跳了兩分多鐘。樂不可支的老爸忙拍下了這一令人捧腹的片段,并傳上視頻網(wǎng)站YouTube供廣大網(wǎng)友觀賞,結(jié)果就吸引了57萬多的瀏覽量! 意猶未盡?更多稀奇古怪版本的Single Ladies模仿秀 New Zealand [w]toddler[/w] Cory Elliott was so moved by the [w]infectious[/w] [w=groove]grooves[/w

  • 《歡樂合唱團》第三季第三集 女生霸氣翻唱熱門單曲

    唱了碧昂斯的熱門金曲《Run The World (Girls)》,帶頭大跳熱舞實在是太high了。[/cn] [en]In the scene, which premiere on E!, Brittany (Morris) and Santana (Naya Rivera) tell Rachel (Lea Michele) and Kurt (Chris Colfer) why there needs to be a female class president, which leads into the song.[/en] [cn]這段劇情中,Brittany和Santana在同Rachel以及Kurt說為啥要有女學生會主席,然后就帶出了這首歌。[/cn] [en]Other songs in the “Asian F” episode including Coldplay’s “Fix You,” Dreamgirls‘ “It’s All Over,” West Side Story’s “Cool,” Fame’s “Out Here On My Own,” and Jennifer Hudson’s “Spotlight.”[/en] [cn]這集中還有其他的歌曲翻唱,包括了酷玩樂隊、《夢想女孩》等等的作品。[/cn]

  • 爆笑《歡樂合唱團》橄欖球版Single Ladies

    碧昂斯的Single Ladies不日前拿了最佳年度MV,這支全黑白性感的舞曲已然成了眾人爭相模仿的對象,頗像當年“一只饅頭引發(fā)的血案”。在美國電視節(jié)目SNL上歌手賈丁率眾男露大腿穿高跟鞋的畫面已經(jīng)叫人笑噴,這回又輪到FOX臺爆笑的音樂喜劇《歡樂合唱團》讓一群橄欖球場上橫沖直撞的純爺們兒來山寨一把,引爆的喜感更是源源不絕。 意猶未盡?更多稀奇古怪版本的Single Ladies模仿秀 Single Ladies by Beyonce All the single ladies (7x) Now put your hands up Up in the club, we just

  • 獻唱韋伯《劇院魅影》Learn to be Lonely

    大師級的經(jīng)典音樂劇《劇院魅影》被搬上銀幕之時,音樂劇之父安德魯·韋伯為之創(chuàng)作了一首動人的片尾曲Learn to be Lonely,力邀唱將演繹。動人的歌詞展示了魅影不幸的一生和孤寂的悲劇。 經(jīng)典對唱《劇院魅影》All I ask of You款款深情 Learn to be lonely by Beyonce Knowles Child of the wilderness Born into emptiness Learn to be lonely Learn to find your way in darkness Who will be there for you Comfort

  • Taylor Swift和的粉絲吵起來了


  • 第52屆格萊美獎奪6獎創(chuàng)歷史

    斯臺普斯到了最佳說唱合作歌曲,最佳說唱歌曲兩個大獎。 痞子阿姆的《Relapse》拿到最佳說唱專輯外,他還憑借和Dr. Dre、50分合唱的《Crack A Bottle》拿到了最佳說唱樂隊/組合。 此外,好萊塢影帝吉米·福克與T-Pain這對臨時組合,依靠兩人合唱的一首《Blame It》被評為本屆格萊美的最佳R&B組合。 最佳鄉(xiāng)村男演唱人由凱·艾爾本(KEITH URBAN)獲得。流行鄉(xiāng)村三人組Lady Antebellum獲得了最佳鄉(xiāng)村樂隊/組合獎。安德伍德和蘭迪·特拉維《I Told You So》獲得最佳鄉(xiāng)村合唱獎。 鳳凰樂隊的《Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix》獲得了最佳另類音樂專輯。 已故流行之王邁克爾·杰克遜成為今年格萊美終身成就獎的得主。(轉(zhuǎn)自騰訊)

  • 樂聞:奧巴馬就職典禮 等一線巨星獻唱

    美國總統(tǒng)奧巴馬之歌 Yes We Can - Barack Obama >>美總統(tǒng)布什告別演說:做事憑良心 >>視頻:布什2009告別演說(附演講稿) People who want to celebrate President-elect Barack Obama's move to the White House early can start the party on Sunday, when stars of music, movies and television perform in Washington, D.C. 美國當選總統(tǒng)奧巴馬很快將入主白宮、走馬上任,想早點慶祝的人們這周日就可以開始了,屆時來自音樂、電影和電視界的明星將云集華盛頓,助陣奧巴馬就職典禮。 Bono, Bruce Springsteen and Stevie Wonder are among the stars who will sing at an [w]inauguration[/w] [w]kickoff[/w] at the Lincoln Memorial, the Presidential Inaugural Committee said on Monday. "總統(tǒng)就職委員會"于本周一稱,就職儀式啟動慶典將于本周日在林肯紀念堂舉行,屆時來自演藝界的眾多明星如波諾、布魯斯·斯布林頓和史迪威·萬德等將登臺獻唱。 "The Obama Inaugural Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial" will be shown on U.S. cable TV channel HBO, which will allow viewers across the United States with access to cable or satellite television to view it for free. "林肯紀念堂奧巴馬就職慶典"將在美國有線電視臺HBO直播,屆時全美民眾將能通過有線或衛(wèi)星電視免費觀看慶典盛況。 邀請您的好友一起聽歌享受吧,滬江用戶邀請一個朋友就可獲得10滬元的獎勵哦 Other stars performing are: Beyonce, Mary J. Blige, Garth Brooks, Sheryl Crow, Renee Fleming, Josh Groban, Herbie Hancock, Heather Headley, John Legend, Jennifer Nettles, John Mellencamp, Usher, Shakira, James Taylor and . 其他將獻唱的明星包括:碧昂絲、瑪麗·布萊姬、加思·布魯克斯、謝樂爾·克勞、雷內(nèi)·弗萊明、喬?!じ窳_班、赫比·漢考克、希思·海德利、約翰·萊珍德、珍妮弗·奈特斯·約翰·梅倫坎姆普、"亞瑟小子"、夏奇拉、詹姆斯·泰勒和。 Also, celebrities will read historical passages at the event. The readers include actors Jamie Foxx, Queen Latifah and Denzel Washington and activist Martin Luther King III, the son of the late civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. 此外,還有一些名人將在慶?;?