• Jay Z同天價為女兒打造奢華幼兒園

    [en]Everyone knows Jay Z is a huge basketball fan so to ensure his baby girl Blue Ivy is well taken care of while he enjoys the games with Beyonce, the couple rent a high end nursery for their daughter at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn Us Weekly reports.[/en][cn]都知道Jay Z是個超級籃球迷。據美國周刊(Us Weekly)報道,Jay Z為了確保和妻子碧昂斯(Beyonce)在看球時,他的小公主布露·艾薇(Blue Ivy)能被好好照料,夫妻倆在布魯克林的巴克萊中心租下了一座高檔幼兒園。[/cn] [en]"Jay rents a luxurious basement [w]suite[/w] for $1 million a year. It has an area for Blue filled with toys."[/en][cn]“Jay以一年一百萬美元的租金租下了這一奢華的地下套房。這地方有專門為布露·艾薇提供玩具的地方?!盵/cn] [en]High rollers! The [w]lavish[/w] space also has a playroom for adults.[/en][cn]真是一擲千金!這地方太奢侈,還有成年人的娛樂室。[/cn] [en]"It's all glass with a [w]champagne[/w] bar and TV screen," says the source. "Jay lets friends use his digs when he's not there."[/en][cn]“整個套房全是由玻璃打造,外加一處香檳酒吧和大屏幕電視,”一消息來源稱,“Jay不在的時候會讓他的朋友住在那?!盵/cn] [en]Must be nice to be little Blue Ivy![/en][cn]對小布露·艾薇來說這一定是個好地方![/cn]


    碧昂斯 Jay Z

  • 獲《人物》雜志2012年最美女性稱號!

    At 30, PEOPLE's 2012 World's Most Beautiful Woman has many [w=accomplishment]accomplishments[/w] on her [w]résumé[/w], including being a 16-time Grammy winner, an actress and a style and beauty [w]icon[/w]. But none is more important than her newest role: playing mom to daughter Blue Ivy, whom she and husband of four years, Jay-Z, welcomed in January. "I feel more beautiful than I've ever felt because I've given birth," she says. "I have never felt so connected, never felt like I had such a sense of [w]purpose[/w] on this earth." 滬江娛樂:2012年最美的女性是誰?《人物》雜志說是黑珍珠碧昂斯,你同意嗎?剛剛升級當媽媽的天后碧昂斯有很多光環(huán):樂壇天后、時尚偶像、格萊美得主……而比這些高高在上的榮譽與光環(huán)更為重要的頭銜則是媽媽,碧昂坦言自己生了娃當了媽媽后比任何時候都美!的確,每一個媽媽都是這個世界上最美的人!

  • 一家吃大餐 潮孩搶鏡左顧右盼

    [en]At two years of age, Blue Ivy Carter is one of the most well-travelled children in the world.[/en][cn]雖然只有2歲,但是布露·艾薇·卡特和全世界的其他孩子比起來,她的閱歷可謂是數一數二了。[/cn] [en]Currently in Spain as her superstar mom Beyoncé heads into the final straight of her Mrs Carter Show World Tour, the [w]tyke[/w] has also proved to be one of the most [w]stylish[/w] celebutots?in Tinseltown-always dressed in outfits to rival her fashionista parents' during outings.[/en][cn]最近布露還跟著她的超級明星媽媽去了西班牙,卡特夫人世界巡演的最后一站就在那里。而這一次布露再一次證明了自己是好萊塢最潮的小孩,總是穿著最有型的衣服搶盡明星爸媽的風頭。[/cn] [en]Following Monday night's concert in [w]Barcelona[/w], Beyoncé was back on mommy duty on Tuesday as she took her little lady out for a top-notch meal, accompanied by husband Jay Z.[/en][cn]在結束了巴塞羅那星期一晚上的演唱會之后,碧昂斯把自己世界明星的身份迅速轉換為媽媽。星期二,她和老公 JayZ 一起帶著她的寶貝女兒去吃一頓大餐。[/cn] [en]The sweet little girl once again proved her fashion chops as she arrived at the upscale Restaurant Windsor held in the arms of her doting daddy, dressed in a super-stylish leopard-print fur vest.[/en][cn]小布露被十分寵愛她的老爸一路抱著來到高檔溫莎餐廳。當天布露穿著一件超有型的豹紋裘皮背心,再次證明了她駕馭時尚的超強能力。[/cn] [en]Beyoncé was dressed to impress in black and white checked pants, a matching vertical striped short-sleeved blouse and pale green stilettos.[/en][cn]而當天碧昂斯則是穿了一條黑白相間條紋的褲子,上面搭配一件豎條紋的短袖襯衣,腳上穿著一雙淺綠色的高跟鞋。[/cn] [en]The 32-year-old held a protective hand on her only child's head as she carried her back to their car following their meal, as the [w]inquisitive[/w] youngster turned around to take in her surroundings.[/en][cn]當他們一家吃飯完出來的時候,32歲的碧昂斯一路護著布露的頭,直到把她惟一的寶貝女兒護送上車。而布露卻對外面的世界很好奇,頭轉來轉去看著周圍。[/cn] [en]While his leading ladies dressed up for their lunch, rapper Jay Z kept it casual in his signature Brooklyn street style.[/en][cn]當天碧昂斯和女兒都為外出午餐而精心打扮,相比之下老公說唱歌手 JayZ 就穿得沒這么講究了,一身他獨有的布魯克林街頭風格。[/cn]


    碧昂斯 Jay z 布露

  • 霉霉MV導演反咬抄襲《Bad Blood》

    [en]Try not to panic, but Taylor Swift's music video director Joseph Kahn (who worked with her on "Look What You Made Me Do") just accused Beyoncé of copying "Bad Blood" in her groundbreaking Lemonade visual album.[/en][cn]不要驚慌,但是泰勒·斯威夫特《Look What You Made Me Do》的MV導演喬瑟夫(Joseph Kahn)最近控訴在“開創(chuàng)性

  • 同妹妹聚餐 Jay Z與妹妹二人冰釋前嫌

    [en]Last week, Beyoncé went on an Instagram spree, flooding her feed with photos of her sister Solange to convince us that everything was cool following the mysterious elevator fight between Solange and Jay Z.[/en][cn]上周,在Instagram上傳了許多和妹妹Solange的照片,力證自妹妹Slange和丈夫Jay Z發(fā)生“電梯門”事件后已冰釋前嫌。[/cn] [en

  • 超越霉霉,登頂2017最賺錢女歌手!

    住了第三的位置。新專輯《reputation》的回歸,和即將確定巡演的日期,可能暗示了在2018年她將重返第一的寶座。[/cn] [en]The list is rounded out with appearances from Celine Dion, Rihanna, J-Lo, and Britney Spears among others. In May Forbes published its list of the richest men in hip-hop,which was topped by Diddy and his reported $820 million net worth.[/en][cn]除了榜單的前三,還有席琳迪翁,蕾哈娜,珍妮弗·洛佩茲,布蘭妮·

  • 布萊克?萊弗利也是追星族 最愛

    有著追星情結。出演了美國青春偶像劇《緋聞女孩》女主角的布萊克·萊弗利近日在紐約為推出古琦香水接受了采訪。 采訪中,當提到最近的超級碗比賽時,布萊克說道,“哦,天哪! 我想要碧昂斯做我孩子的母親。她太讓人驚訝了!我簡直都不能用言語來形容她。她僅僅只是站在臺上,站在那唱歌、跳舞,沒有太瘋狂的表演。但我認為她就是讓人感到驚訝?!?布萊克喜歡小孩幾乎是所有她的粉絲都知道的事。在去年9月接受時尚雜志《Allure》的采訪時布萊克就表示過自己想要和丈夫組建一個大家庭。由此可見,布萊克對的喜愛程度有多深了。

  • 遭控訴!前工作伙伴曝光了其惡劣行為...

    碧昂斯個人了。[/cn] [en]'This has been a complete nightmare. I've been absolutely, brutally abused by her trying to control everything I'm doing,' she claims.[/en][cn]“這完全是一場噩夢。她一直試圖控制我所做的一切,我一直遭受著殘酷的虐待,”她說道。[/cn] [en]Despite Thompson's

  • 、JayZ建議粉絲吃素?這什么清奇的腦回路

    [en]Beyoncé and Jay-Z are encouraging their fans to adopt a plant-based diet, explaining that becoming vegan is, in their opinion, a matter of importance.[/en][cn]碧昂斯和Jay-Z(肖恩·科里·卡特)鼓勵他們的粉絲采用植物性飲食的方式,并解釋道,他們認為成為素食者是一件非常重要的事情。[/cn] [en]With a combined net worth of approximately £990m and scores

  • 將分手 與Jay Z婚姻亮紅燈

    改了歌曲《Resentment(怨恨)》的歌詞后,瘋傳Jay Z出軌。[/cn] [en]Déjà vu much?[/en][cn]這些是不是覺得特別似曾相識呢?[/cn] [en]Photos of the Carters tell a different story. On Monday, July 22, Beyonce shared an adorable snapshot of her and Jay with Blue Ivy on Instagram. The couple also looked nothing but happy in a backstage pic from their Houston show posted to .[/en][cn]不