的合約到本季季末就結(jié)束了。CBS和華納兄弟工作室自然是想讓這部當前最熱美劇繼續(xù)咽下去,但是實際問題是這部劇制作費貴的驚人,而且制作費只會繼續(xù)上漲。對于演員們來說,10年來只演一部劇可能會有些枯燥和無聊,雖然這部劇讓他們賺了不少錢。對他們來說這部劇結(jié)束也許會給他們帶來自由的喜悅感。那么《生活大爆炸》到底可以播多久呢?[/cn] [en]The good news for fans: Season 10 probably won't be the end.[/en][cn]好消息是:第十季應該不會是這部劇的最后一季。[/cn] [en]"We are very confident
[en]“The Big Bang Theory” spinoff?is making movement, setting its core cast, including the young star?who will play the childhood version of Sheldon has been cast.[/en][cn]《生活大爆炸》衍生劇有了新進展,確定了主演,包括飾演謝耳朵兒時的演員也確定了。[/cn] [en]Iain Armitage is being eyed for the?coveted lead role in the hot comedy
make it one of TV’s longest-running sitcoms. The deal is expected to encompass a full 24 episodes per season. Deadline reported that the five stars were closing in on deals that would pay them about $1 million per episode.[/en][cn]這兩季的續(xù)訂,那么《生活大爆炸》便成為一部至少12季的電視劇,使得本劇成為最長的情景喜劇之一。每一季都將包含24集。Deadline報道五位主演每集的片酬都在1百萬美元左右。[/cn] 聲明:本雙語文章的中文翻譯系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內(nèi)容,轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處。中文翻譯僅代表譯者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。
[en]The last hurdle to Warner Bros. TV and CBS clinching a two-season renewal of “The Big Bang Theory” is setting a new contract with actresses Mayim Bialik and Melissa Rauch.[/en][cn]《生活大爆炸》續(xù)訂兩季的最后一個困難當屬Warner Bros. TV 和CBS與兩位女主演Mayim Bialik 和Melissa Rauch的新合同了。[/cn] [en]Bialik and Rauch both joined “Big Bang” in season three and thus have to date earned significantly less than their co-stars. Both actresses are in the $200,000 per episode range this season, the show’s 10th, compared to $1 million per episode for the original five.[/en][cn] Bialik和Rauch都是在第三季加盟的,她倆的片酬一直低于五位核心主演。在第十季里她倆的片酬是20萬美元每集,而另外五位主演是每集100萬美元。[/cn] [en]In the renewal talks that began late last year, the original cast members agreed to take a $100,000 cut in salary for the prospective 11th and 12th seasons to free up $500,000 to fund raises for Bialik and Rauch.[/en][cn]在2016年末的一次談話中,五位卡司都愿意在第11和12季,從自己的片酬里抽10萬美元集資每集50萬美元勻給Bialik和Rauch。[/cn] 聲明:本雙語文章的中文翻譯系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內(nèi)容,轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處。中文翻譯僅代表譯者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。
看生活大爆炸學英語(2) 你們篡改了我的實驗
出演尼爾(Nell)。尼爾是一位最近才獨立出來的院校老師,和拉杰有著千絲萬縷的聯(lián)系。戈金斯飾演尼爾的丈夫奧利爾(Oliver),精神高度緊張,追蹤者拉杰,還和他正生活大爆炸面對剛。[/cn] [en]Big Bang Theory's current 11th season has found Raj as the odd-man out as all of his friends are married or engaged. New showrunner Steve Holland told?THR?at the start of this season that Raj's decision last season to give up his family's money and become his own man will bring the character more confidence. "The reason to do a journey like that is to have it affect and change the character a bit, and that change is going to affect his dating life as well," he?said.[/en][cn]《生活大爆炸》已經(jīng)拍攝了十一季,所有朋友都結(jié)婚戀愛后,拉杰顯得被孤立了。新一季的制作人斯蒂芬·莫勞瑞告訴媒體THR,上一季結(jié)束時拉杰說不會再問家里要錢,會獨立自主,在新一季開始后,他會因此自信不少。“這樣做是為了讓角色有些變化,這種變化也會影響他的婚戀狀況?!盵/cn] [en]Goggins is currently up for a Critics Choice Award for HBO's?Vice Principals. He's next onscreen in?Tomb Raider.Behrs spent six seasons on CBS and Warners'?2 Broke Girls.[/en][cn]戈金斯目前正以美國紐約有線電視網(wǎng)絡媒體公司(HBO)的《副校長》(Vice Principals)爭奪廣播影評人協(xié)會獎(Critics Choice Award)。接下來他的作品《古墓麗影》(Tomb Raider)將會上映,比厄則參演了六季哥倫比亞公司和華納兄弟的《破產(chǎn)姐妹》。[/cn] (翻譯:阿忙)
看生活大爆炸學英語第三季第一集(1) 這就像個無法醒來的噩夢
看生活大爆炸學英語第三季第一集 【劇情介紹】 三個大絡腮胡一個小胡子終于從北極回來,絡腮胡們認為北極考察如煉獄一般,而sheldon似乎很享受這個過程,而且告訴其看生活大爆炸學英語第三季第一集 【劇情介紹】 三個大絡腮胡一母親他有望獲得諾貝爾獎。Leonard想跟Penny打招呼,受到了Penny的“熱烈”歡迎。 LEONARD: Oh,thank God we're home. HOWARD: I can't believe we spent three months in that frozen hell. RAJ: It was like a snowy nightmare from which there was no awakening. SHELDON: I don't know what Arctic expedition you guys were on, but I thought it was a hoot and a half. Oh,hi,Mom. No,I told you I'd call you when I got home. I'm not home yet. All right,I'm home. The Arctic expedition was a remarkable success. I'm all but certain there's a Nobel Prize in my future. Actually,I shouldn't say that. I'm entirely certain. No,Mother,I could not feel your church group praying for my safety. The fact that I'm home safe does not prove that it worked. The logic is post hoc ergo propter hoc. No,I'm not [w]sass[/w]ing you in Eskimo talk. LEONARD: I'm gonna go let Penny know we're back. SHELDON: Mother,I have to go. Yeah,love you. Bye. Hello,old friend. Daddy's home. PENNY: Leonard,you're back. LEONARD: Yeah. I just stopped by to say-- hmph! PENNY: Yeah. So,hi.? LEONARD: Hi. HOWARD: Damn it,I should have gone over and told her we were back. RAJ: Yeah,it was first-come,first-serve. 【口語講解】 1Arctic expedition北極探險 2a hoot and a half相當有趣,hoot?毫不在乎;表示蔑視不滿的叫喊 3I'm all but certain我?guī)缀蹩梢源_定 4post hoc ergo propter hoc后此謬誤,來自拉丁語“post hoe,ergo propter hoc”,意為在某事之后發(fā)生,所以是因為某事”,“在此之后,因而必然由此造成?!比绻覀儍H僅因為一件事發(fā)生在另一件事之前,就想當然地認為前者是后者的原因,那么,我們就犯下了后此謬誤。 5first-come,first-serve先到先得 Due to the limited number of tickets available in the pre-sale, ticket purchase will be on a first-come-first-serve basis. 由于預售門票數(shù)量有限,我們采用先支付先得票的方式。
在那之后會發(fā)生些別的什么事。”[/cn] [en]Molaro told us they do talk about how the show may end, but there is no set ending in mind.[/en][cn]Molaro告訴記者他們確實談生活大爆炸》將要完結(jié)了?[/cn] [en]The Big Bang Theory won't go on forever.[/en] [cn]《生活大爆炸論過這部劇應該如何結(jié)束的問題,但是現(xiàn)在還沒有一個定數(shù)。[/cn] [en]"My concern is that we do it right and we end this show in a way that is as befitting of these characters that we respect and love," he said. [/en][cn]他說,“我認為我們應該好好想想,以一個合適這些我們都喜愛并尊敬的角色們的方式來結(jié)束這部劇?!盵/cn] [en]"As long as we can have the opportunity to end it in a way that serves them all properly, that's my concern—more than the number of seasons."[/en][cn]“我認為重要的是以一種能夠適合所有角色的方式來結(jié)束這部劇,這對我來說比一共可以拍幾季更加重要?!盵/cn] [en]CBS recently became the home of Thursday night football games, putting The Big Bang Theory, which airs at 8 p.m., in a sort of [w]limbo[/w].[/en][cn]CBS最近經(jīng)常播周四晚的足球賽,因此使晚上八點播出的《生活大爆炸》處于尷尬的境地。[/cn] [en]But CBS likely won't [w]sideline[/w] the highest-rated comedy on TV until November.[/en][cn]但是CBS應該不會在11月之前停播這部排名最靠前的喜劇。[/cn] [en]Look for The Big Bang Theory to probably premiere on a different night before moving back to its regular Thursday home.[/en][cn]所以他們想要在周四晚間時段空出來之前換一天播出《生活大爆炸》這部劇。[/cn] ?
生活大爆炸S01E03 MJE美劇筆記 失戀的Leonard之一
可能喜歡上你了。 have been there 【釋】全都知道,直接了解,曾經(jīng)經(jīng)歷過,informal used to express past experience of or overfamiliarity with something. 【例】-I used to be famous but now nobody knows me- yeah, I've been there. you'll be all right.-我以前很有名,但是現(xiàn)在沒人知道我-我了解,你會沒事的。 You are in for a treat. (1)[w]treat[/w] 【釋】an event or item that is out of the ordinary and gives great pleasure 款待,邀請 (2)You are in for a treat. 【釋】You will like it! 你會喜歡的! 【例】There are a great deal wonderful dishes at this restaurant. You are in for a treat! 這個餐館有許多好菜,你一定會飽餐一頓! 生活大爆炸S01E03 MJE美劇筆記 Sheldon是機器人嗎 作者@MJE美劇口語聯(lián)盟 Sheldon: Oh, good Lord. Leonard: God, that's a good song. Sheldon: If you're [w=compile]compiling[/w] a mix CD for a double suicide. Oh, I hope that scratching post is for you. Leonard: I know what you're thinking I've taken your [w]asthma[/w] into account.? There's a[w] feline[/w] [w]geneticist[/w] in San Diego who's developed the cutest little hypoallergenic [w=calico]calicos[/w]. scratching post 【釋】a wooden post covered in rough material that cat owners provide so their pets have an [w]acceptable[/w] place to [w]scratch[/w] 貓抓柱,用以分散貓咪注意,以防貓咪抓壞家具 【例】For the sake of your furniture and to keep your cat happy, we [w]recommend[/w] that you should buy some toys such as scratching post, ball, and old socks for your little pet. 為了家具安全和貓咪開心,你可以為你的小寵物購買貓抓柱、球、舊襪子等玩具。 Take…into account 【釋】consider something along with other factors before reaching a decision 考慮到,顧及到 【例】Price is not the only factor; you have to take the quanlity into account. 價格不是唯一因素,你也必須考慮到質(zhì)量問題。 hypoallergenic 【釋】relatively unlikely to cause an [w]allergic[/w] reaction 低變應原的,不會導致過敏反應的 【例】She has been using the [w]hypoallergenic[/w] [w]cosmetics[/w]. 她一直在使用防過敏化妝品。 【講】前綴hypo-表示a deficiency or an abnormally low level。同前綴詞語:hypoglycaemia-低血糖 hypothyroid-甲狀腺功能減退 生活大爆炸S01E03 MJE美劇筆記 Sheldon是機器人嗎 作者@MJE美劇口語聯(lián)盟